"Koi Abandoned Woman: Novel of Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space ( Find the latest chapter!

The faces of several people, especially Shen Zhuxin, were so dark.

They hurriedly rushed, but they were unable to keep ahead of those people and save the two petals of Chiqing.

"There is only one hot spring left, let's rush over immediately." Qiye's face was not very good-looking, and he swept his companions and reminded him in a deep voice.

This time they came out, originally they had the heart of the medicinal herbs, how did they know that they would be preempted by others.


Outside another hot spring.

"Miss Jiuyue, you are really good at digging medicine, so fast!" Vice-General Sun admired An Jiuyue, sighing while digging medicine.

He dug a two-petaled red green plant, and An Jiuyue could dig ten beads. He really had to admire this speed.

"Hurry up and dig, we'll go back when it gets dark."

An Jiuyue turned around and glanced at Vice General Sun. It had been more than two days since they had been in this mountain.

The medicine village does not say that it is hard to come by, but the medicinal materials that have been dug up are also very easy to damage, either they are dried in time or they are used up in time.

Moreover, the medicinal materials here are far from enough to be used in the barracks. After the medicines are dug back, the sergeants in the barracks have to be ordered to go out to collect the medicines.

These are for emergency use only.

"Okay, I'll dig..."

"What are you doing?!"

Before Vice-General Sun responded, he heard an extremely angry voice ringing in his ears.

He turned his head, looked at the men who were rushing towards them, and unconsciously answered them in his heart, of course he was digging for medicine, otherwise what else could he do?

Hearing the voice, An Jiuyue already understood that these people also came to dig up two petals of red.

It's just a pity that the two petals of red green have been dug up almost by them. Her eyes moved, and she looked down at several people's shoes, which were still stained with light black mud.

It was the unique soil near the first hot spring that she and Vice Admiral Sun went to.

So, they have already been to the first hot spring, and they came here in a hurry when they saw that the two petals of red green were dug up, didn't they?

"You guys are also here to dig two petals of red green?"

She got up, glanced at the two petals of azure she was holding in her hand, and asked.

"What? They also came for the two petals of scarlet green?"

Hearing An Jiuyue's words, Deputy General Sun hurriedly protected the three bamboo baskets in his hand. This was the life-saving medicine for many sergeants in the army, and they could not be robbed.


Qiye was about to get angry, especially when he saw that there were so many medicinal herbs in the hands of these two people, he was even more angry.

Don't even think about it, these medicinal materials must be two petals of red green, and they have dug them up There is not a single plant left, which makes him go back, how can he be with his brother who is infected with the disease they explain ah?

"Bamboo Heart, what should I do now?"

Another man glanced at An Jiuyue and the two, then looked at Shen Zhuxin and asked.

The two petals of Chiqing were right in front of him, and he had a crazy idea in his heart, that is, to grab those two petals of Chiqing, so that the brothers in the eleven villages could temporarily save their lives.

But he is a human, not a beast, and he can't do this kind of robbing.

"There must be two red petals around here, we'll look for them too." Shen Zhuxin glanced at An Jiuyue and gritted her teeth.

The sanity in her heart prevented her from doing such despicable things. Fortunately, there were not many brothers infected with the epidemic in Shiyizhai, so I dug some two petals of red green to suppress the outbreak of the epidemic.

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