After feeling the breath of other people, he turned around and saw the scenery in a daze. His cold eyes changed. When he approached the scenery, it was like spring rising and the earth was warming. His eyes were only tender.

"Scenery, here you are." He naturally took her hand and turned a blind eye to Qingya Zhenjun standing on the other side.

Qingya shrugs his shoulders. If people ignore him, they will ignore him. Anyway, he will not lose a piece of meat.

When Suva called out, she came back to her senses. She blinked blankly and asked, "Suva Is that how I used to ask for your marriage

"Yes Do you remember the scenery His eyes moved, and he could not tell whether he was happy or worried.

"I feel like I just remember a little bit. " No matter how much she thought about it, she could only think of that scene of dusk flowers and rain, and she cried out that suvard would marry you. Otherwise, she could not really remember.

But at least let her confirm one thing, that is, before that, she really liked this man, but because of this confirmation, she was even more entangled. She didn't understand why she chose to be with this man before. Could Did she really change her strategy?

It seems that she had this bad record before I don't remember the scenery clearly.

Seeing her in a daze again, Suva touched her head and comforted her in a warm voice, "it doesn't matter if you can't think of it. You don't have to force yourself to enjoy the scenery."


"Hello, Suva!" Beimingyu also came, just like Suva ignored Qingya Zhenjun, she also ignored the scenery thoroughly, "do you have no response to my confession?"

Not far away, the skylark came to the scenery with a food box. Seeing how it happened, she said to the scenery: "princess, don't misunderstand my uncle, but my uncle has never said anything or done anything in the whole process. It's all the wishful thinking of Princess Beiming."

"You stinky girl, shut up! Are you in charge of the affairs of Miss Ben and Suva

You are in a hurry, "Skylark! You have no face! Our princess is your cousin, and your uncle is your cousin's husband. How can you do such a shameless thing? "

"Is it wrong for me to pursue true love?"

"There's nothing wrong with that," suvard said

"Uncle?" The skylark couldn't believe it was suvard.

The scenery is also curious to see Suva.

Suva laughed and rubbed the scenery hand. He didn't look at the Beiming feather, but focused on the scenery. He said tenderly: "but the princess chased the wrong person. I have given myself to the scenery. My wife only has scenery, and only scenery is enough."

This sentence bet beimingyu even a concubine room I can't say.

But she was not willing to, "why don't you accept me? You've been with the scenery for more than 100 years, and the freshness has long gone. She was your student, and I'm also your student. It's not good to choose me! "

"Princess." Suva looked at beimingyu with a smile. Although he was smiling, his eyes were very cold. "Remember your identity. Don't do anything unnecessary."

His eyes seem to be able to see through people's hearts, and beimingyu's face is white.

"Let's go back," he whispered to the scenery


He took her by the hand and soon went away, and the skylark followed them.

When they were gone, Qing Ya Zhen Jun tut said, "where do you think of this idea? Step on the scales. "

"It's up to you!" Just also silent beimingyu, a face of the Qing Ya real Jun momentum up again.

Qing Ya Zhen Jun's eyes narrowed slightly, as if carelessly said: "princess, you want to save people in this way, sooner or later he will be killed."

Beimingyu grabs the skirt corner, and this tiny action shows that she is really afraid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!