In the evening, as soon as the summer smoke and rain entered the door, I smelled a smell of instant noodles.

The scenery sits on the sofa, holding a bowl of instant noodles, and does not look away from the TV screen. She directly says, "I'm ready for your instant noodles. It's in the kitchen. You can make it yourself."

"Every time I don't cook, I know to eat instant noodles, and you are not afraid of eating something wrong." Xia Yanyu put down his backpack and despised his low living ability.

The scenery closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the smell of instant noodles in the air. He said happily, "I love junk food. The smell of food additives and preservatives really intoxicates me."

Xia Yanyu simply has no power to refute. She goes into the kitchen and can only choose to have a bowl of instant noodles and then sit on the other side of the scenery.

The scenery asks carelessly: "how is the matter of your thesis?"

"It's almost finished. Although Mr. Wu's requirements for students are very strict, they are still very strong in academic aspects."

"Oh, I met Jun Yu on my way back today."

"Well What? " Xia Yanyu came back to his mind, "which devil are you talking about?"

"The devil that you fought with him."

Xia Yanyu didn't worry at all when she saw the scenery. She sat here chatting like a nobody. She asked suspiciously, "are you brainwashed by him? How can you be so insipid about seeing a demon? In the past, you were afraid of such monsters and ghosts? "

"He won't kill me. What am I afraid of?"

"Where are you confident? Don't forget what level of strength you have. You can be wiped out by the movement of other people's fingers. "

Finally, the scenery looked at Xia Yanyu with a straight eye and said without expression: "from the first time I saw him fighting with you, I knew he would not kill me, no, he would not kill us."

“…… So where do you get confidence? "

"If people really want to kill us, he can kill us all the first time we meet, but he just fought with you like a housewife, and then he left. If he really wants to kill us, how can we live till now?"

It can't be denied that what scenery said is really reasonable. Xia Yanyu sat up straight and asked, "what do you think he came to us for?"

"I think Well, that's right. It's like he's trying The scenery certainly nodded, "he said that he came to our school to look for people. If he said the truth, what he was looking for might be us, or one of us."

Xia Yanyu asked: "is this your intuition?"

"Yes, it's my intuition."

"Then he said that the matter of looking for someone should be true." Hearing that scenery is intuition, Xia Yanyu even has no reservation attitude. Growing up with the scenery, she naturally understands the scenery. The intuition of scenery is like something that has been hung up, but she has never made any mistakes. According to the past experience, the probability of making mistakes this time is very small, "then if he really comes to find someone, why would he come to us?"

After eating the instant noodles, she took a box of ice cream from the refrigerator and took a mouthful of ice cream. She said casually, "I don't know, but I think it's more likely that he is coming to see you, um He does have an extraordinary interest in you , the fastest update of the webnovel!