"What is No way out of town? " The scenery raises the head, looks very puzzled.

When she was puzzled, her clear eyes would be full of ignorant color. With her innocent expression, she could be lovely to people's heart. She moved her finger on the side of her body. There was a momentary impulse to touch her head. He stopped for a moment, and then said, "this way, I found that the way we came in last night is gone."

"Did they rebuild the road so late?" After finishing the scene, he touched his chin and thought seriously, "no, we just saw the troupe in the new town? We can go and ask how they came in? "

"Perhaps, it's useless to ask them about this matter," he said


"I have observed that their shoes are all stained with water and mud. However, it has not rained these days, except that they have passed by the river..." His words stopped, because she suddenly grasped his hand and was still shivering slightly. Seeing her pale face, he sighed helplessly in his heart. Finally, he said, "maybe they stepped into some mud pit on the road they passed by."

The face of scenery is much better, but the mood is still very nervous, "so what do we do now I'm afraid... "

She called his name in a trembling voice. At the moment, just like a frightened cat asking for comfort and caress, she looked sluggish, but she raised her hand uncontrollably and landed on her head. She whispered three words, "I'm here."

When a man's charm value soars, one is to buy and buy, and the other is to say that I am there no matter what the situation is.

The scenery in the eye seems to have starlight, "Si Jia, someone said you are very good-looking?"

“…… You. " This is the third time that he heard this sentence from her mouth. In fact, in the past, even if some women would praise him, they would also say that he had good temperament. But she was the first one who insisted on praising him for his good looks.

So think, Si flail heart suddenly some delicate.

"I'll always say you look good." She grabs his hand and shakes it gently. "Because you're really a wife, so charming!"

He did not see the root of his ears slightly red, "if you want to talk about good-looking, King Luo..."

"He's a good watch!" She interrupted him and looked at him with a smile, "you are much better than him. As the saying goes, vegetables and radishes have their own love..."

Hearing the word "love", Si Gu turned directly, "let's go back."

"Ah? So soon? "

"Don't you want to ask when the troupe will perform? Let's go back and ask them. "

"But..." The scenery kept up with him. "I think it's weird here."

Division flail appears calm much more, also calm much more, "before finding the way out, we can only sit still."

"Well, I'll listen to you But you must not be too far away from me

she was protected by the whole palace in the palace. Her royal highness was behoove, and the body of the daughter was so much loved. Now she was afraid of the strange environment. "I will not leave you for three days."

After today, there will be only two days left. When the time comes

"It's very kind of you, Segal." She said with a smile.

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