Chapter 2176: Dr. Apocalypse's Doomsday (91)

Chapter 2176 The Doomsday of Dr. (91)

She calmly got up and walked steady to him.

Then she was somewhat reserved and casual, putting her fingers into his palm.

Soft and warm touch.

It feels like trust.

Very strange feeling.

Zero blinked and smiled, and suddenly she hugged her sideways.

Without hesitation, he entered the violent space.

After returning, Zero did not seduce her as a demon.

Instead, she saw her exhaustion, just holding her finger and kissing her.

Then watch her eat and rest.

When I go to sleep at night, I even put away my own glamorous appearance, and gave her the air ball in her belly to read fairy tales.

I heard that this is an unborn child.

Zero read disdain and indifference, but still read.

Bai Weiwei's eyes were indifferent, slowly softened, and finally even looked at him with a touch of gentleness.

Then she slowly closed her eyes.

Just when she thought she was asleep, he just got up and planned to go for food.

One hand suddenly came out of the quilt and gently grabbed his horn.

Zero, a beautiful scorpion flashed a trace of doubt, the water was shining.

Suddenly behind, there was a dull, gentle voice.

"I have never regretted creating you."

This sentence is soft and soft.

Like feathers, it falls to the tip of zero.

Zero stayed for a while, after all, the character that always provoked her disapproval was suddenly treated as gentle.

Let this be just a personality that is good at guiding human beings and producing dark evil thoughts.

I felt strange and confused.

Zero calmed down the strange emotions in my heart and gently turned back.

But she saw that she had already leaned on the pillow, and the thick eyelashes covered the clear eyes and fell asleep.

Zero smoked the mouth and hooked him.

Another feeling of kicking open.

This is more like the slag.

Let him silently stare at her for a long time, the face that was originally gorgeous to unknown, unexpectedly mild white.

"I really want to..."

Do whatever she wants.

But he did not act, but slowly held her finger and put it back in the quilt.

Then bowed, glamorous thin lips, a kiss on her lips.

"Good night, my princess."

[Hey, the second baby has a good feeling of sixty-five. 】

Then I sorted out the clothes and turned and disappeared to find the place where the vitality was taken.

Shortly after he left, Bai Weiwei opened his eyes, sober and cold.

System: "The place he went to is the monster's nest, there are some sporadic big monsters, and most importantly, the piece is the forest and the grass."

This is the best place for the end.

It is also the place with the strongest vitality.

And as long as zero goes there, the forest and the grass will be extracted from all life and become a desert.

Bai Weiwei adjusts the sleeping position.

"If you take it, you can take it. Anyway, the last day can't be worse. Don't pay attention to people."

For Erwa, she was indifferent and disgusted.

Then occasionally give him a little warmth.

The feeling of goodness is just like this.

Bai Weiwei just closed his eyes and suddenly heard the dangerous "叮".

Sure enough, the spur task came.

[叮 - Please host to save the world...]

This task completely shocked Bai Weiwei, and it was shocking.

What is the ghost mission to save the world?

Even if the task does not come, it is forced to commit suicide.

[叮...Save the world... Check out the host level is too low, the task is wrong, the main system distributes new tasks. 】

(End of this chapter)