Chapter 1415: Mr. Gu’s wayward lady (80)

Chapter 1415 Mr. Gu's wayward Miss (80)

This also led to how Bai Weiwei exploited and abused Ye Yuxuan.

It is very calm, because Ye Yuxuan is hard to accident.

However, once Bai Weiwei had something wrong, it was frightened, because she had an accident when she had an accident, and it was very likely that she could not be saved.

Is it easy to **** this old father's heart?

Bai Weiwei: "Air transport?"

The system tried to explain... the explanation did not understand this stuff.

So it is simple and rude: "Even if you now take out the money from his bank card and buy nail polish, he will not be able to sell all his resources."

"Because he has no money, he may encounter super-big business opportunities and get rich overnight. If resources are gone, there will be super-great people, let him directly phoenix nirvana."

Luck is just that good.

It is also very desperate.

Who made him the head of the plane, or if he did not wake up, could he be abused by Bai Weiwei?

Bai Weiwei: "Then I expect him to become a beggar. The desire to eat rice in the trash can is impossible."

System: "You can look forward to yourself and become a squat in the trash can for a living. This desire can be achieved in minutes."

Bai Weiwei looked desperate. "How come you don't say it early."

If she knows that Gu Nanli is not tossing, she will not be so perfect. Now Gu Nanli is estimated to have a flame of revenge.

Once he returns to the peak, he will not blame her traitor.

She thought that he would be screwed up and he could only rely on her.

Didn't see her trying to make money? It is to raise Gu Nianli, who is destined to be sore and frustrated.

System: "You have to leak it."

Bai Weiwei: "You can stop me."

System: "You have to toss, you are not saying that life without toss is not perfect? ​​You can be perfect now."

Bai Weiwei: "..."

Although she is really perfect, it is a bit embarrassing to say it straightforwardly.

When Bai Weiwei and the system were engaged in daily “friendly communication”, an invitation suddenly caused both of them to shut up at the same time.

It is an invitation from the Atlanta family.

Correctly speaking, it is the invitation of Sesiatran.

It is said that this family's prominent illegitimate child just passed through the city and paraded around his own industry.

I plan to find a local big business to do business, and I am fully authorized to represent all of Atlanta's local business.

Everyone is happy.

In fact, if Gu Nanli did not go down this time, this contract will probably be Gu Nanli.

Now all the forces are glad, and Gu Nanli will be suppressed.

It is possible for everyone to get this rare opportunity.

After all, Atlanta's business is spread all over the world.

If you take this line, it is very easy for a family to take off.

Sethi is one of Atlanta's most valued successors and one of the most powerful. He is a shortcut to the upper level.

So this rare, golden party is simply a diamond trap... death trap.

Bai Weiwei: "Would you like to go?"

System: "Your people will set up."

Bai Weiwei wants to transform and whitewash, and Atlanta's family business is one of the best channels.

Therefore, in terms of people, Bai Weiwei must go.

The premise is that Bai Weiwei does not know that Gu Nanli has a relationship with Atlanta.

Does Bai Weiwei know? Even if she knows, she can only pretend not to know.

Bai Weiwei took out another cigarette, and the slender and beautiful female cigarette was in her hand. She whispered: "The Raiders have reached this point, and there is no way to change it. It can only be followed by Gu Nanli. ""

(End of this chapter)