Zhang Jiaqi's mother nodded: "we are a single parent family."

After getting this answer, Xi Ying stood up and said goodbye to her: "Auntie, we should go too. We need to find some information in other places."

Wen Youyang then stands up.

Zhang Jiaqi's mother did not detain her, and sent them to the door with a sad look.

Walking out of the residential building, Wen Youyang analyzed: "Zhang Jiaqi is a single parent family. She can only tell her mother what she has to say, but her mother obviously can't get her point, and she can't say it so dead! Lu Zhu, I seem to be able to guess why Zhang Jiaqi committed suicide! "

Xi Ying's expression is indifferent: "continue to say."

Wen Youyang: "you see, why does Zhang Jiaqi, a female high school student, hate her head teacher so much? It is reasonable to say that her grades are so good, and the head teacher also told her parents that it is because of her high expectations that she will give so much pressure, but even if the great pressure of study, it is impossible for Zhang Jiaqi to hate him, right?

It is very likely that the head teacher has done something to Zhang Jiaqi, which makes her feel very disgusted. However, she has no way to say this kind of thing clearly, even in the face of her mother and her close relatives. She can only vaguely say that she hates the head teacher, that she doesn't want to learn physics, that is, she doesn't want to see the face of the head teacher!

I can only think of one thing that can form this reason... "

Wen Youyang pauses for a moment.

Xi Ying looked at him from the side of his eyes and raised his handsome eyebrows: "do I have to play a piece of music for you, and then you can tell your final guess according to the sound of the background music?"

Wen Youyang: "no, no, no, I'm just organizing the language."

"I didn't just rely on Zhang Jiaqi's mother's words to think of it. I also associated with the words of those NPC students. LV Zhu, although you don't believe the NPC's words, I think since we have all come to this world, the world will not give us useless information. The difference is that we can select and judge by ourselves. Eliminate useless information and extract useful essence.

NPC students say that Zhang Jiaqi is in love, which is obviously untrustworthy. But what is the deep meaning of this sentence? Does it mean that Zhang Jiaqi is in contact with the opposite sex? Don't care whether this contact is her initiative or forced, at least we can confirm one thing, Zhang Jiaqi has contact with the opposite sex.

OK, let's go back to the head teacher.

Through Zhang Jiaqi's mother's words, we can know that the head teacher didn't say anything bad about Zhang Jiaqi. That is to say, in the head teacher there is no hostility to Zhang Jiaqi. If we expand "no hostility" a little bit, is it "love"? But if it is a normal teacher's love for good students, will it make students hate it? Obviously not.

Then, if we expand this "love" a little bit, it will become abnormal love, and it will evolve into obscenity. "

Finally, Wen Youyang gives a conclusion.

"Lv Zhu, I think the head teacher probably molested Zhang Jiaqi more than once. Zhang Jiaqi has no way to tell this matter out, so she can only show her disgust to the head teacher, and she doesn't listen carefully in physics class and says she hates the class teacher when she comes home. "

"When did you think of these things?" Xi Ying said faintly

Wen Youyang some do not understand, but still sincerely answer: "just ah."

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