But Xi Ying still asked Xie Ruihe whether to show it.

Even from the current situation, Xie Ruihe is her most powerful opponent.

Maybe Xi Ying thinks that she can win without Xie Ruihe's concession. Maybe it's just that Jiang gongyue, the original owner, has feelings for Xie Ruihe and wants to make Xie Ruihe appear in front of the public and gain some popularity.

In any case, some people have stripped Xi Ying of his status as a top 100 pass card player, and someone will surely know the existence of Xie Ruihe.

Since sooner or later you will know, it will not pose a great threat if you let him appear at this time.

Hearing Xi Ying's question, Xie Ruihe puts down his chopsticks and looks up at her.

"Then I want to change the rules." Xie Ruihe said.

"Oh? How do you want to change it? " Xi Ying did not expect him to say so.

"If I'm more popular than you are, you'll have to drink them." Xie Ruihe pointed to a pile of beer in front of him.

Xi Ying looked at him, and then at the pile of beer

Xi Ying really wants to see it. Will Xie Ruihe be more popular than her?

"Good." Xi Ying agreed to come down.

Xie Ruihe stood up.


He went straight upstairs.

The crowd was stunned.

Didn't you just say you want to show your talent?

What's going on upstairs?

Is this the rhythm you don't want to play?

But within a minute, Xie Ruihe came down from the room upstairs.

He had a headset in his hand and he was walking with his head down and pressing something on his cell phone.

Back to the living room of the open space, it is also the scope of the camera.

Xi Ying goes to the Yellow haired boy and looks at the comments in the studio.

Now the popularity of the studio has reached 1.5 million.

The comments in the comment area also changed from "where did Jiang Zhongxing go to let him out" to "who is the handsome guy in the sleeping trough".

Xi Ying slightly took out the corner of her mouth and lifted her eyes to see Xie Ruihe, who was standing on the open space to watch his mobile phone.

After Xie Ruihe selects the right music, he puts the earphone on his head.

At this time, his eyes raised, just as Xi Ying's eyes.

"Ah! How sharp his eyes are! He's looking at me! Look at me

"I looked at him, and I felt suffocated!"

"I think I am the prey, he is the hunter, I am willing to be caught by him ah ah!"

"Yes, yes, they are all together! I just went to the official website of idol trainees to see the list and photos published, and found this handsome guy! His name is Xie Ruihe

Comments in the comments section swipe faster than when Xi Ying appeared.

Xie Ruihe put on the earphone, his world only left the music in his ear.

All of a sudden, his dance began.

At the same time, it is easy to see the comments in the comment area of the live broadcast room, because everyone only sends a few words.

Ah ah ah!

How handsome!

How can he dance so handsome!

Why do some people look so good-looking and so powerful!

Jiang Zhongxing and Xie Ruihe are really great. I want to pick them!

When Xie Ruihe started dancing, Xi Ying did not watch the live screen.

She has always been very curious about Xie Ruihe's talent. Now when she looks at it, she almost devotes herself to his dance.

Jiang gongyue himself likes Xie Ruihe in dancing. It was only when he accidentally saw Xie Ruihe's dancing video that he paid attention to him, which made him out of control.

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