"Good dad, we'll clean up the house right away, and we'll make it clean and tidy. We won't lose face at all." Zhang's daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law said together.

Seeing that their daughters-in-law are so obedient, Zhang Tianhui couldn't help but sigh: "it's better for my two sons and daughters-in-law!"

On the other side

Xi Ying and Jiang came to the river. Jiang picked up these things and nagged Xi Ying: "Manqing, this is what you did wrong. Mother doesn't mean to ask you to give all the money to your father, but at least you have to give part of it, right? After all, you are still living at home. It's OK to do less for your family, but you can't let your father feel that you have two minds for this family

Xi Ying was only concerned about packing up his things and listened to Jiang in silence.

Jiang said that he didn't get Xi Ying's reaction for a long time. He looked up at her and reached out to strike her.

In fact, she can't really hit Xi Ying. She has no time to hurt her daughter. How can she really hit her?

But Jiang's hand was still in the air, and she heard a low roar.

Xi Ying quickly put down the things in her hands and rushed to Jiang to protect her under her body.

The savage arrived at the same time and threw himself into the air.

Jiang was pressed by Xi Ying, but was not blocked by Xi Ying.

She saw only a few leaves to block the lower half of the savage, exclaimed, and then suddenly covered her mouth with her hand.

"Son, this What is this? " Jiang shuddered and asked Xi Ying.

Xi Ying stood up from Jiang's body and dusted her. The fierce savage said, "she is my mother. Don't attack her."

The savage's ferocious look was stunned, and then became a little confused, and some dull.

Jiang was so confused that he did not dare to move on the ground.

Xi Ying stretched out his hand to pull up Jiang, explaining, "Niang, this is a savage I met by chance. All these prey are given to me by him."

"He gave it to you?" Jiang looked at Xi Ying, and then at savages.

She could not connect the savage with her daughter in any way.

"He can't talk, can he? How do you communicate with him? " Jiang couldn't help asking.

"Mother, you don't care about these. Anyway, he won't hurt me." Xi Ying went back to the river to deal with the prey, "Niang, we will not go back later. We will roast them here."

Jiang felt that she could not understand the girl. She not only changed her character, but also knew a savage?

The savage is very fierce at first sight. Look at his muscles. If you have to live in the jungle, you can't practice it!

Jiang was still afraid of savages, but he went to the river to help his daughter.

After a while, she would look up at the savages, for fear that the savages would come to kill them if they were in a bad mood.

But to Jiang's surprise, since her daughter finished speaking to the savage, the savage found a place to sit down quietly and do nothing.

In this way, the savage seems to be no different from ordinary people.

The little one is still pretty. Hey.

He looked at the savage a few more times. The more he saw it, the more he thought the savage was good.

Strong, powerful and handsome.

Generally speaking, savages should be very fierce, but look at this savage, just listen to the girl's words!

If the girl can be adjusted well, she and her daughter are a perfect match!

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