But how to prove it? How to prove the relationship between Bai Mo and Shen He?

After kissing, he has no soul mark. Even he himself is so jealous of Shen He's existence.

Can he really be Shen He?

What if he's not?

But what if he is?

These two questions were rolling back and forth in her mind, which made her suffer a lot.

Xi Ying looked through the book of health and found no trace of information related to white ink.

Also, Bai Mo was born in the palace of the underworld. How could there be records about him in the book of birth?

But it is precisely because of this that Xi Ying thought of one thing.

In addition to living books, there are death books!

The name of death book has clearly described its contents. It must record when and how the person died.

If we say that Bai Mo was born in the palace of Hades, it proves that there is no concept of "death" in his life.

But if there is a record of his death in the death book, does it prove that he was once Shen He of this plane and came to the underworld after he died?

With this idea, Xi Ying's heart began to move.

She wanted to take a look at the death book, and wanted to use the only chance to verify Bai Mo's identity.

If white ink is really just white ink, then she is dead.

How many children will she have, but will she grow up.

Her love will only be given to her and Shen He's children.

If white ink is Shen He, Xi Ying is willing to use all the time left in this plane to compensate white ink.

No matter how Bai Mo punishes her and takes her out of anger, she will not have any complaints and will be very happy.

Because her lover has been with her all the time.

Anyway, Xi Ying must see the death book!

But the book of death is on Hades. How can she see it?

It's better to

Xi Ying's eyes are firm.

She had already thought about it and went straight to the Hades.


today is the day when Hades visited the world.

Shangguan Hao early to come and white ink agreed place to wait.

Before long, the white ink with stubble on his face came over.

Shangguan Hao stared at him for a long time before he was sure that he was white ink.

"How did you fall into this virtue?" Shangguan Hao ridiculed.

"Where is the dead book?" White ink asked.

"That's what I'm sending you." Shangguan Hao took out a key from his pocket, "brother, it took a lot of effort to get it. You should cherish it."

"This is The key? " White ink a little can't believe to look up to the officer Hao.

Shangguan Hao was uncomfortable with his eyes: "don't look at me like this. I'm not helping you. I just don't want such a small child without a father. I'll tell you, you'll watch it right there and come out as soon as you've finished. I'm only responsible for getting you the key, and you'll take care of the rest. There are a lot of shady guards over there. You can find a way to get in. "

Shangguan Hao put the key into white ink's hand.

"Shangguanhao..." White ink simply did not know what to say.

He always thought Shangguan Hao hated him, but he didn't expect to come to this critical moment, Shangguan Hao helped him so much!

"I'll tell you again, don't be grateful to me, just be grateful to your baby daughter! She's really cute. She looks so much like a Ying. I don't want her to lose her father since she was a child. "

"Thank you, shangguanhao!" However, Bai Mo didn't listen to him and gave him a big hug.

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