Xi Ying's heart was in severe pain. She felt that she could not breathe air, and her whole body was convulsing and about to suffocate.

Her eyes were black, she could not see anything, like a boat rolling in the sea of suffering.

"She doesn't seem to be in very good shape."

"Or would you like to suspend the ceremony today?"

"I've been waiting for 400 years anyway, and another 100 years will be fine! Don't make her so miserable

"What do you think, your highness?"

Some inauthentic sounds came from Xi Ying's ears.

But she heard a word completely.


Did she really go to hell?

"In that case, the ceremony will be held in 100 years." A majestic voice fell, and Xi Ying immediately felt that suffocation pain disappeared.

She gradually opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was the man in black, who was on the high hall.

His whole body is with invisible murderous spirit and coldness, his eyebrows and eyes are dignified.

He's Hades.

"Meng Po a Ying, how do you feel now?" The king of the nether asked in a tone of concern.

"I think Not good. " Xi Ying weak voice, drooping eyes.

This time, she has become a Meng Po.

"In this case, you will retire to rest and wait for the auspicious day in a hundred years. A Ying, the reason why you are so miserable this time is that you have not chosen which one to hand over. Now give you another hundred years to think about it. You have to figure out what part of your body you want to give up to integrate with the previous Mencius. "

Xi Ying didn't understand what was going on. She could only answer for the time being: "yes."

Yin difference sent Xi Ying back to Jiuqu huangquan.

"Ah Ying, you have a good rest. We will see you again tomorrow." The Yin difference said.

In the prefecture, the food has no taste, but the Mengpo soup brewed by Mengpo is very delicious.

But Mengpo soup is specially for those who are about to turn into reincarnation, and the amount left after drinking it is limited.

In order to be able to drink the delicious Mengpo soup, the Yin devils all want to have a good relationship with Xi Ying and have a very good attitude towards Xi Ying.

"Well, thank you." Xi Ying replied.

"Thank you, as long as you can leave us two more bowls of Mengpo soup to drink!" The shady men walked out of the house laughing.

After the Yin errands left, Xi Ying pressed his hand on his temple to observe the Jiuqu huangquan.

The place where she is now is a small room, which should be the rest place of Meng Po.

Or a two-story small building, the upper is the bedroom, the lower is similar to the living room as empty place.

According to the direction where Xi Ying stands, the gate is in front of him, and when he turns around, he is

A bridge.

On the other side of the bridge, it was dark and foggy, and it was impossible to see where it was.

Xi Ying saw three big characters engraved at the end of the bridge: Naihe bridge.

Ah, what's the matter.

He went to the cane chair and sat down.

Since coming to the dark space, the style of each plane has changed.

When will she be able to see a billion dollars and go back from the dark space?

Just as Xi Ying was thinking about something, the door was suddenly knocked.

"Come in." Xi Ying returned to his senses and said a word.

The wooden door was pushed open and a beautiful looking man came in.

Behind him was a lovely woman with big eyes like a deer.

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