"How many names are you in now?" Xi Ying doesn't care about the process, only the result.

Now that the integral has been obtained, there is no need to worry about whether he Lin is the cause.

Anyway, He Lin has nothing to do with her.

[report hosts, I have 85.8 million! I feel the progress is very fast! 】

Xi Ying: Is it still a long way from the first place

It's a great dream and our goal!

Ah, host, why do you need to kiss twice this time to know who your ex lover is?

Also, since Yanyin is your lover, is Helin Shangyu? 】

"I don't know." Xi Ying slightly frowned, "this time you need to kiss twice to be sure. Is it three times next time?

Or do you just cancel the concept of kissing?

I don't know who's behind the trick, and I don't know what the point is. "

[anyway, I don't think it's the LORD God. If he wants to play with you, he has thousands of ways! 】

"I don't want to. I'll see what you call."

[the host, you should have a rest first. I'll call you when the time is up! 】

"what is the next plane?" Xi Ying closed her eyes again.

[harem! Oh, hey, hey, hey! Finally can see host your palace fight! Look forward to it! 】Xiaoyiyi is excited.

“……” Xi Ying turned over and fell into sleep.

Sleeping in God's space is not the same as sleeping in the presence.

The sleep in the God's space made Xi Ying feel like a washing for the soul.

The whole body is light.


When Xi Ying opened her eyes, she was all hanging in the air.


It's not in the air. There seems to be someone carrying her.


She seems to have nothing on!


Why wrap her in a quilt?

Lying trough?!

It won't be so fierce. Let her go to bed?!

Xi Ying now face up, can only see all the way over the brick and tile, completely can not see what is the situation now.

Suddenly, the eunuch holding her stopped.

A sharp voice rang out, "emperor, the gentleman who will be in bed tonight has arrived at the door."

"Come in." A deep voice came from the room.

"OK!" The eunuch answered, and then said to the little eunuchs holding Xi Ying, "quick, quick, quick, send the noble people in. Remember what you should see and what you shouldn't, or you'll be careful of the heads on your necks

When the door opened, the small eunuchs put the Xi Ying in the shape of spring rolls on the bed.

After finishing, the little eunuchs quickly left the room.

The room is filled with a faint fragrance, very good smell.

[it's ambergris! Fragrance for the emperor! 】Billion small said.

Xi Ying turned around and looked at the brightest place in the whole room.

At the desk, the young emperor was writing something in his bright yellow robe.

Judging from the pile of memorials at his hand, he is probably writing comments to ministers.

In fact, to some extent, the emperor and the teacher are quite similar.

It's hard work to change the examination papers in the night! 】

"so if I sleep later, do I have a double?" Xi Ying is still more concerned about this issue.

[yes, yes, I'm willing to go through the soup for the host as long as it needs to 】

in half, a small billion will be stuck.


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