Huo Li held Xi Sanmo in his arms and looked at him carefully.

In terms of appearance, she couldn't be considered beautiful. Even Luo Shan's beauty was superior to hers.

In terms of character, she was not gentle at all. She bared her fangs and brandished her claws like a little lion.

She was very "bad", but it was this "bad" her that attracted all his attention and locked his proud heart.

Could this be fate?

With a doting smile, Huo Li gently combed her sweaty hair with his slender fingers. "Mo'er, thank you for indulging me so much last night."

"I can tolerate you from now on, but in the past, you were always so angry that you cried out loudly. Also, you took care of dad for me, and grandpa for me. If it wasn't for your care, Third Brother would have definitely made a killing move against them. "Huo Li, do you know that whenever dad talks about you, he praises you endlessly. He's even more fond of you than me, my own son. I'm so jealous!" She was willing to do anything for him because she was grateful for what he had told her later.

Huo Li was content with what he had. His heart was warm. "Merle, let's get married!"

Xi Sanming chuckled, "There is a rule for marriage proposals here. Prince Xian, are you trying to break the rules or do you think that I am the only one who should accept marriage proposals like this?"

Knowing that she was just teasing him, he didn't panic. He hugged her even more tightly and asked with a smile, "If this is the way to propose, will you marry her or not?"

"Of course not!" Xi Sanmo laughed as he rejected her, his big eyes turning into slits.

"Are you going to marry or not?" Huo Li's mood skyrocketed, and his mouth curved into a smile that reached the back of his ears.

"Don't marry …" "Not marrying …" Xi Sanmo pushed him away with a smile and placed both of his hands on his chest.

Huo Li ignored her and bit her again.

Xi Sanmo cried out in pain, "Ahh!" Disgusting … If a tiger doesn't show off, you'll think I'm a sick cat... See how I mend you... Ah … Let go of my hand... "Let go …"

"Marry him or not?" Huo Li held her hand and looked at her with a smile.

As such, Xi Sanming refused to give in. She couldn't use her hands, but she still had her legs.

"Mo'er is going to cripple your husband?"

"Your wisest choice is to choose a doctor to be your wife, and your wife's most adept is to heal the third leg that was kicked off in an accident …" Xi Sanmo teased.



Huo Li retreated backwards, and at the same time, slapped Seating Sanmo's hand away, then carried her back into his embrace. He pretended to be serious as he said, "Women are not scary, but I'm afraid that women have their own culture, and I really have no way of saving you. Besides me being reluctant to marry you, who would be willing to pay the price to do so? "Don't thank me, if you thank me, then your price will drop even further!"

After laughing for a long time, he finally went close to Shi Mu's ear and asked with a sigh, "Do you want to have it again?"

Of course I want to!

He was not immune to her, and when he started eating, his stomach rumbled even more.

But it couldn't be. Her body could safely endure it all at once, but that didn't mean that she could safely endure it all the time. There was still a lot of time left in the future, so there was no need to be so anxious!

However, Xi Sanmo stubbornly insisted on it, pouting and acting like a spoiled child, "Consider this another time for me, just treat it as a gift of marriage proposal, just treat it as …"

"Mo'er, I know what you're thinking. You don't have to worry anymore. After your comforting, I'm really much better now. Although he would still be reluctant to part with you in his heart, that feeling was similar to before, but he didn't have the anxiety and panic he had during his illness. Even though I still fear that you will be hurt, I have already dared to close my eyes and let you out of my heart. "Mo'er, I'm really fine now. You really don't have to worry about me anymore. You have to take care of your body so that we can get married on New Year's Day." Huo Li's eyes were filled with happiness. He had already planned everything for the future.

"Huo Li, I love you. Regardless of whether it is my previous life, this life, or the afterlife, I am willing to marry you, be your wife, accompany you to the ends of the earth, and accompany you to the sunset."

Huo Li's heart skipped a beat and he locked her tightly, "Be good! Take good care of your body. You don't have to worry about anything else. "Mo'er, do you know that when I was a prince in the Heavenly Court, I never thought that one day, I could find a good man who could keep me together for my whole life and bring me such a happiness that is within reach?"

Xi Sanmo laughed.

Huo Li continued to lament, "Why can't I meet you in the imperial court, and why can I meet you here? Why is it that my heart will be lost in your body, and lose you, and then lose everything? "

Xi Sanmo's face darkened. This was a long story, and she had no idea where to start either.

Perhaps he should go meet Master Zhang and let him tell her the truth, with a beginning and an end, just like how he told her the truth that day.

Perhaps it was time for him to meet the ghosts in the secret room, and talk about her background bit by bit.

But what was her real life like?

Master Zhang had left her with memories of her first life and gave her memories of her third life. However, he had singlehandedly erased her memories of her second life. Logically, she should also be in the imperial court.

It was as if the current her was truly the Third Heavenly Layer's her, and had nothing to do with the Second Heavenly Layer's her.

"Huo Li, do you still remember Master Zhang?" Huo Li's problem, the problem of saving Luo Shan and the others, all depended on Master Zhang. Only Master Zhang could help her.

Huo Li was suddenly confused. He looked at her blinking eyes and asked, "Why are you looking for him?" You want him to choose the wedding date for us? Or do you want him to decorate our new house with feng shui? "

"Do you still remember the words I said before? The first time I said that we were together wasn't just a kind of floating happiness, but also the joy of reuniting with each other after a long time. It felt like we had known each other for a long time, fell in love, and had exchanged bodies and hearts with each other."

Huo Li nodded, "Remember, I've told you before. It's not just you who has this feeling, it's me as well. The first time I saw you, I hated you, but when I saw the tears you shed while you were sleeping on the sofa, my heart ached, as if you shouldn't be crying, as if I should always protect you. "

This feeling was something that could not be erased even by Master Zhang's curse. Xi Sumo nodded his head repeatedly and continued, "Huo Li, don't you think it's strange that we feel the same way? The first person you met after crossing over was me. Don't you want to know why? The last time I saw Master Zhang, I could still hear the things in the Heaven and Earth Mirror. Don't you have any doubts? Master Zhang had said that Jiu Zun had taken over the magpie's nest. Don't you want to ask Master Zhang another question? "

Huo Li was completely confused by Jia San Mo's words. "Mo'er, what do you want to say to me?"

"I want to meet Master Zhang and have him tell us the answers …"

"But Master Zhang said that our fates have come to an end …"

"Who are you? You have two identities, you are Prince Duan and you are Young Master Huo. The fate that he spoke of has come to an end, then who do you mean to say that it has come to an end? "Huo Li will meet with us because he is still counting on us to help him with his work."

"Mo'er, what are you talking about? I can't understand it at all!"

"Huo Li, this is a bit complicated. I can't explain it in a few words. But you don't have to be afraid. From now on, we can be together. "First go to Thailand and pick up Homo Ayn, then we can go together to find Master Zhang. Remember what I said before, I can save Luo Shan and my daughter?"

"Remember …"

"To save them is not to reincarnate, but to return to your dynasty, the Heavenly Dynasty. Master Zhang can send us back to the heavens. Once we return there, we can save Luo Shan and the others in this life. I can also become a normal woman and have a bunch of children for you. "Huo Li, do you want to go back to the Heavenly Court?"

Rumble … Huo Li could be said to have stopped his flight. He couldn't understand why Mo'er would suddenly mention these things. Could it be that he had recovered from his illness and she had gone mad again?

No way!

So embarrassing!

Huo Li carefully stared at her. His eyes were brimming with vibrant colors. He didn't look crazy, but what did those words mean?

He was already dead. Would he still be able to return to the Heavenly Court? Besides, if he could return to the heavens, could she do the same? If he went back to the heavens and became the prince again, then when she went back to the heavens, where would she live?

He couldn't understand it at all.

Seeing his reaction, Xi Sumo knew that whatever he said would be a mess. He would have to get Master Zhang to open the door to his memories, but how could he convince him to go see Master Zhang?

After some thought, Xi Sanmo turned around and asked in a serious tone, "Huo Li, tell me honestly, did you ever see a woman who looked exactly like me at court?"

"Nope." Huo Li shook his head without a second thought, "Didn't I say it earlier? Why didn't I meet you at the Heavenly Court and would I meet you here?"

That's right, how could I forget? "Xi Sanmo hissed," You were engaged in the Sky Dynasty, so even if you haven't seen that woman once, you should know her name. Tell me, what is her name? "