v2 Chapter 2125: .Your eyes tell me

The reason why the three of them came here today is that the nether mercenary group has been in the limelight recently, and news of the nether mercenary group can be heard no matter where they are.

Even the three of them did not go there. They were drinking tea in their yard, and the maids who cleaned the house were talking about the Nether Mercenary Group. Today, these three people heard that the Nether Mercenary Group was promoted to the D-Class Mercenary Group. The three were also surprised.

If they remember correctly, this is only three months, and it took only three months to advance to the D level. This is simply unscientific! Therefore, the three of them swayed over when they were free, only to find that Su Ruoxi was reading in the yard by himself, and they were both in and out of the divine sense, this Nether mercenary group only had Su Ruoxi from the inside to the outside. There is no one else.

This made the three people very puzzled. Is it true that, as rumored, all the members of the Nether Mercenary Group have gone to do the task? Just leave this girl alone?

"Little girl, what about your mercenary group members? Why are you alone?" The baby-faced old man couldn't help but look at Su Ruoxi and asked.

"All of them are practicing in the formation of the mercenary group. Our mercenary group has a small number of people. If we want to get promoted to A grade quickly, there are not enough people, so they can only improve their strength!" Su Ruoxi said casually.

"Formation? Cultivation? Is there any formation in your mercenary group?" The baby-faced old man asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's there!" Su Ruoxi nodded and pointed to the empty space on the left.

"Really?" The baby-faced old man asked with some disbelief.

"Of course, what to cheat you!" Su Ruoxi asked while looking at the other party.

The baby-faced old man stared at Su Ruoxi, and curiously walked around and said, "I went in and took a look. Why didn't I see that there was a burst here..."

People disappeared after they finished speaking. The other two old men were surprised when they saw this and looked at Su Ruoxi and asked, "Little girl, what about others?"

"Enter the formation!" Su Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Is there any danger?" the tall and thin old man frowned and asked.

"In terms of his strength, it shouldn't be dangerous, but if he is particularly stupid, it is hard to say. The formation in our regiment is a training formation, which is naturally dangerous. Otherwise, how to improve the strength?" Su Ruoxiwen I thought about it and said.

"This...no, let me see..." The tall and thin old man frowned upon hearing this and said for a while.

"It's okay, don't..." The handsome-looking old man didn't finish his words, and his friend got up and walked in, disappearing in front of Su Ruoxi's eyes.

In an instant, only Su Ruoxi and the very handsome old man sitting opposite were left!

Seeing this, the other party sighed helplessly: "These two old guys are so impulsive!"

"Senior, don't you worry? What if they die in my formation?" Su Ruoxi asked curiously, looking at the old man opposite.

"Your eyes tell me that they are okay! It's just that these two old guys have always been impulsive and curious, there is no way hahahaha..." The old man looked at Su Ruoxi and said with a helpless smile.

"In this world, good people and bad people can't be seen on the surface!" Su Ruoxi smiled and said.

"Little girl, I may have lived longer than your ancestors. If you don't have any abilities at this point, I won't be able to live now!" The old man looked at Su Ruoxi and said with a slight smile.