Chapter 421: . Looking for a wife (1)

Chapter 421:

In front of the gate of the Weapon Refining League, dozens of disciples of the Weapon Refining League, holding weapons, stared angrily at the two men wearing red and white masks on their faces...

I really don't know what happened to their Refining Alliance today? During the day, a woman in red, with a strong guard, beheaded dozens of elders of the Refining League.

Two more men came this evening with a fierce look. They wanted to break into the refining league to find their daughter-in-law, saying that their daughter-in-law was in the refining league. Didn’t he know that they were here in the refining league, not his wife could come if they wanted to? Where...

Some people who have been watching the excitement in the afternoon did not leave. They mainly wanted to see the Fengtian Seven Monsters. After the remaining six people entered, whether they can detoxify or what, after all, everyone has the heart of gossip. Of...

But I didn’t expect that I hadn’t seen the six monsters of Fengtian, but I didn’t know where there were two. They just wanted to find a daughter-in-law, and saw that they were also wearing masks. The building of, as well as the disciples of the Refining League, are really full of sympathy, and feel that the Refining League is really lively today...

"Who are these two? Our refining league is about to close, please come back tomorrow if you have something!" An elder of the refining league also said very speechlessly.

The two of them looked hard to provoke, and they don’t know why their Refining League is so unhappy today, can they still be elders happy...

"Hand over the people, or just get out of here!" Feng Che said coldly.

"This son, we really haven't seen your wife. If you don't believe me, you can ask the people outside. They have been watching outside today. Can they lie to you?" The elder was helpless. Said.

"Hmph, I'll know if I go in or not!" Feng Che said coldly.

"This... the son, can you tell me what the lady wears or what she looks like? I'll help you ask to see if it's our refining league?" The elder was patient. Asked.

No matter how he looked at it, he felt that these two people were here to look for things, not for their daughter-in-law!

Feng Che sneered when he heard this. How did he know what clothes Xiao Xier was wearing now? I want my daughter-in-law to make trouble so much during the day, just to find where my subordinates are locked up...

Since there are so many troubles that have not entered the Refining League, if you sneak into it, you will naturally dissolve! Otherwise, what should I do if I am found? Besides, if they were caught by a powerful player in the Refining Alliance, they wouldn't admit what they said they were. Maybe these elders wouldn't know at all, would they? Therefore, today he has made a breakthrough in this refining alliance...

"My daughter-in-law is in the refining league, get out of me if you don't want to die!" Feng Che said domineeringly.

Not to mention the elders of the refining league, even people watching the excitement outside think that these two people are probably in the same group as the girl in the day. They are not looking for a wife, but they are looking for something...

"Ahem, I said this elder, my friend has a bad temper, and he is right, his wife is indeed in your refining league! Otherwise, why are you stopping us from entering? Are you here? What are you afraid of?" Bai Zhe asked, taking out his fan.

"This son's remark is bad, we really haven't seen any wife come to the refining league, everyone can testify!" The elder said immediately after hearing this.