"What's the matter? Did something happen again?" Su Ruoxi also glanced at Feng Che and asked.

"It's not a big deal, but we thought about it for a long time and decided to discuss it with your husband and wife!" Wes said.

"Brother Wei, tell me straight, what happened?" Su Ruoxi asked after hearing the words.

"This matter started when we conquered the Liuyun mercenary group and the Brahma mercenary group. That day you took Ye Liuyun, the rest of the Liuyun mercenary group and the Brahma mercenary group, we all arrested them. Get up, after all, there are two large A-level mercenary groups with a lot of people!

Therefore, we also deal with it very carefully and meticulously. People are detained separately, and they are all reviewed and compiled one by one. Even if one person's details are not clean, or those who have contracts and oaths on their bodies, they will be killed directly!

It may be cruel to do this, but we still have the Peak Mercenary Group and the Wei family, so we can't take risks!

During this time, we didn't come together very much, and it was also because we were dealing with the Liuyun Mercenary Group and the Brahma Mercenary Group!

A few days ago, everyone was finally dealt with, and almost half of the ones left behind were killed! Relatively speaking, the Brahma mercenary group has more people left, and less than half of the Liuyun mercenary group has survived!

We all killed people directly, and we didn't do anything too brutal, so the bodies were all piled up in one place. We thought that after all the personnel were checked, we would dispose of the bodies together!

However, when we tried to dispose of the corpses three days ago, we found that all the corpses were gone..."

"The corpse is gone?" Feng Che asked in surprise.

"Yes, the more than 1,000 corpses that were piled up in the backyard of our peak mercenary group were all gone, disappeared overnight, and even in the heavily guarded peak mercenary group, no one found out how those corpses disappeared. The..." Wes said.

"More than a thousand corpses disappeared?" Su Ruoxi also asked in surprise.

"Yeah, we've been searching for the past three days, but there's no clue at all!" Wei Lao also said with a sigh.

"Old Wei is right, girl Xi'er, Feng Che, we came to discuss this with your husband and wife, but we also think this is too strange, the three of us are also in the peak mercenary group, but the three of us are not aware of it at all. No, this is very strange!" Old He also said with a frown.

"The three of you didn't notice that more than a thousand corpses disappeared?" Su Ruoxi frowned when she heard the words.

"It's not difficult for the three old Wei to not notice. As long as their strength is strong enough, their soul power is strong enough, and they are all corpses that are thrown away, they can be easily taken away if they are directly placed in the space ring!" Feng Che heard said.

"It's true, but who wants to steal so many corpses!" Su Ruoxi asked in confusion.

"Brother Wei, take us both to the place where the corpses are kept and have a look!" Su Ruoxi said after thinking.

"Okay, then let's go now..." Wes said.

"Let's go at night, wasn't the body lost at night?" Su Ruoxi asked after thinking for a while.

"Yes, lost it at night!" Wes said.

"Well, then go at night!" Su Ruoxi said after thinking for a while.

"Girl Xi'er, is there any way to find it? Although all of them have been killed, if so many corpses are taken away, it is definitely not a good thing!" Wei Lao said worriedly.