Chapter 294: Mechanical Master (4000)

Name:Planet Builder Author:Fire Hole
Chapter 294 Mechanical Master (4000)

He Xingzhou has arranged super-powered gamma-ray generators in the interstellar test field of the M45 star cluster, and through precise calculations, they are divided into various parts of the star system.

"Start a gamma-ray burst!"

Dozens of gamma rays are activated, and they carry countless high-energy photons to converge at one point. The collision of these high-energy photons produces super-strong collisions on the microscopic scale.

In a flash, several black holes the size of protons formed on the microscopic scale.

These black holes produced a huge gravitational force in a very short time, but because of Hawking radiation, these miniature black holes disappeared in a very short time scale.

The so-called Hawking radiation is also called black hole radiation.

When the space tends to absolute vacuum, a pair of virtual particles will be produced, and the two particles will disappear after colliding, so that neither quantum mechanics nor conservation of matter will be violated.

When this quantum phenomenon occurs at the edge of the black hole's horizon, the virtual particles outside the horizon can be observed because they are outside the horizon, and thus become real particles, while the virtual particles within the horizon are within the horizon, so Will be swallowed by black holes and will not be observed.

Because the particles outside the horizon are real particles with mass, according to the law of conservation of mass and energy, the particles swallowed by the black hole within the horizon have negative mass, so the mass of the black hole will be reduced due to this effect.

From outside observation, the mass of the black hole is evaporating.

Because the mass of these tiny black holes evaporates is greater than their own mass, they disappear in an instant and cannot exist for a long time.

"The miniature black hole has been produced. I need to maintain it and give it enough mass so that it will not evaporate quickly." He Xingzhou started the experiment again. He will continue to "feed" the miniature black hole, feeding the mass and energy of the particles. Give it and let it exist longer.

He adjusted the experimental equipment and started research again.


One hundred and fifty years later.

The star cluster   M23, Mingyue Hou has already occupied more than 1,800 star systems, occupying almost two-thirds of the territory here.

"Offensive!" Qingfenghou's fleet launched an offensive battle at a stronghold of the Blue Star civilization.

Countless warships are attacking at the same time. Gravitational weapons are about to hit the opponent’s defense facilities. A huge gravitonic superfluid shield is generated to shield these gravitational forces.

"They also have the Graviton Superfluid Shield?" Qingfeng Hou frowned slightly. If this technique is mastered by the opponent, the difficulty of attack will increase a lot.

Sure enough, with the gravitational shielding technology, Qingfenghou’s fleet launched three assaults, all of which were blocked.

"The battle star is dispatched!" A white dwarf battle star jumped to the battlefield and rushed into the stronghold of the Blue Star civilization.

Inside   , a gravitational vortex has been generated, restricting the movement of the battle star.

Immediately afterwards, a battle star of the Blue Star Civilization appeared. It was the rebuilt battle star of the earth. The former battle star of the earth was crushed by Yunxiaohou. The blue star civilization collected its fragments and recast it, and now it is restored. Combat effectiveness.

The two battle stars collided and damaged each other, but because of the other weapons in the Blue Star civilization stronghold, the battle star of Qingfenghou was more severely damaged.

"Starburst!" Several starbursts are activated at the same time, shattering this battle star!

"The attack failed! Retreat!" Qingfeng's fleet had to retreat.

A similar situation is still happening in the star cluster M46.

After the previous defeat, Blue Star Civilization has become more and more experienced in dealing with their attacks.

And as they also took control of the gravitational shielding technology, their battle damage was getting smaller and smaller. Now the offensive of Qingfenghou and Mingyuehou have encountered great resistance.

"At this rate, we may not be able to win the Blue Star Alliance within 500 years." Qingfeng Hou was communicating at Mingyuehou.

"They have grown up in the war, are cracking our technology, and are creating new battle stars!" Mingyuehou said solemnly, "If this cannot continue, there will always be risks."

"Qing breeze, don't both of us hide and touch, we will solve the Blue Star Alliance first, and then we will compete with each other."

"It seems that you have completed its manufacture." There is something in Mingyue Hou's words.

"You are not the same!" Qing Fenghou knew that it was time to show their hole cards!


Thirty years later, Qingfenghou once again attacked the stronghold of the M23 star cluster.

"They are here again." In the stronghold, M23 star cluster, Qiu Hong is ready, "Last time we repelled their attack, this time we strengthened the defense, the gravitational vortex is stronger, and the gravitational shielding range is larger. , With one more battle star, it will definitely be able to defend it."

He knew that as long as the Blue Star Alliance defended and given He Xingzhou time, sooner or later they would find a solution to their opponents.

"Offensive!" Qing Fenghou directly ordered, and it was still a row of hyperspace warships that attacked first, and the opponent began to defend.

This process has happened too many times, and neither side has hindered it.

"Graviton superfluid protection cover is open!"

"The gravitational vortex is on!"

"Starburst is dispatched!" Qiu Hong's methodical commander, so far, the battlefield situation is still under control.

"Dispatch the battle stars!" Qingfenghou dispatched two white dwarf battle stars. They carried huge kinetic energy, rushed into the gravitational shield, and began to attack the gravitational superfluid shield generator and the internal gravitational vortex generator.

"The battle star of earth, the battle star of fire, strike out!" Qiu Hong also prepared two battle stars to meet the enemy.

Four battle stars fight, the scene is extremely fierce.

Gravitational weapons, anti-matter weapons, battle star impacts, the aftermath of their battles, the superfluid shield of gravitons and the gravitational vortex generator have been destroyed.

Same as last time, the battle star of Qingfenghou was more severely damaged due to the attack of the defensive facilities.

"Don't retreat? Then all explode!" Qiu Hong let the ninth-level hyperspace battleship and the starburst launch, and he was about to destroy the opponent's battle star.

"The defenses are broken! It's time." Qingfenghou ordered: "All ministries prepare, Benhou will play in person!"

"My lord is going to fight!" The subordinates cheered up.

"If your lord strikes, they will lose!"

"Let the Blue Star Civilization experience the horror of the dominance of the Galaxy!"

"I really look forward to it, I have never seen an adult make a move!"

All the warships under Qingfenghou's command began to defend, including the two battle stars that also entered a defensive state, but they did not withdraw, but were waiting for something.

"What's the situation? Are they beaten like this?" Qiu Hong realized that something was wrong and ordered: "Be vigilant!"

All reconnaissance equipment is investigating the situation.

Around the    stronghold, strong hyperspace fluctuations appeared.

"Hyperspace fluctuations are found, hyperspace jammers are being launched, and the intensity of the fluctuations is suspected to be a battle star!" The intelligence department reported the situation,

"The third battle star?" Qiu Hong realized that this war was a bit difficult to fight. He hurriedly asked the headquarters for help. "The enemy is suspected of dispatching three battle stars. Ask for help!"

He Xingzhou and others were alarmed, connected to the subspace communicator, and came to the battlefield.

"Meng Hai, the battle star of Jin is ready to support the hyperspace transition!" He Xingzhou issued an instruction.

"Received, I am rushing to the M23 star cluster." Meng Hai immediately drove the Golden Battle Star to make a hyperspace transition.

However, what they didn't expect was that on the battlefield, what appeared from the hyperspace channel was not a battle star!

In the hyperspace channel, a huge mechanical arm appeared first, its volume and mass exceeded a planet, followed by a second and two mechanical legs.

Finally, a huge mechanical torso and head appeared, and a super mechanical giant with a volume of one-third the size of a star stood in the starry sky.

Its eyes are like the sun, glowing hot!

The battle star in front of it seems to be just a small marble!

"What is that?" All the commanders of the Blue Star Civilization were shocked when they saw this scene.

They have seen robots, mechanical life and even mechanical planets, but they have never seen such a big guy!

"Appeared!" At this time, the leader of the Ptolemaic civilization Geer shouted, "It is the machine rule! The weapon!"

"Dominate weapons?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this term.

Civilization level 4.0 to level 4.5 civilization, the main weapons used are probably tier six to ninth hyperspace warships, and battle stars.

The master weapon is a super weapon that can only be mastered by civilization level 4.5 and above. It is stronger than the ninth-level hyperspace battleship, and stronger than the white dwarf battle star!

Once it appears, it can dominate the entire battlefield, so it is called a dominating weapon!

There is no classification of dominating weapons, because they are different and there is no standard. They can be kinetic energy weapons, gravitational weapons, resonance weapons, energy weapons, and so on.

In the war from level 4.6 civilization to level 4.9 civilization, it is the weapon that determines the outcome of the war!

Geer’s voice said in horror: “We were thousands of years ago, when the Black Sea civilization still existed, and we and the Ye Xiao civilization were also very prosperous. It was at the peak of the Star Trade Group.”

"We once sent a fleet to fight the royal court of Orion."

"At that time, we found a huge mechanical head in Qingfenghou's territory, and that mechanical head destroyed our entire hyperspace fleet!"

"At that time, we decided that it was a master weapon created by Qing Fenghou. We call it a mechanical master!"

"Thousands of years have passed, he has completed this dominating weapon!"

"Mechanical Master?" Everyone looked at the Mechanical Master in the starry sky and said that it was like a god. They were all right!

Bai Ningxiang said at this time: “We have learned in the Galaxy of Light that every master weapon is difficult to manufacture. Especially the mechanical master, which itself is composed of countless silicon-based life forms, and itself is also a super silicon-based life form!"

"For such a weapon, Qingfenghou will surely be controlled by others. Perhaps the mechanical ruler is the deity of Qingfenghou!"

"Yes!" Shiizao added, "These galaxy nobles can live for hundreds of thousands of years and have long transformed their lives into various forms. I also think that the master of machinery is the deity of Qingfenghou!"

"Unexpectedly, Qingfenghou has already dispatched the master weapon!" He Xingzhou had a bad feeling, "The golden battle star should not show up for the time being, first test the mechanical master's ability."

"Received!" Qiu Hong and Meng Hai responded at the same time.

In the battlefield, the machine master has launched an attack.

There is a pair of wing-like mechanical devices behind it. With its size and quality, it is definitely not for decoration or flashing gas.

This pair of wings split into a vacuum to form a hollow mechanical ball. The mechanical ball can also perform hyperspace transitions. It expands rapidly and encompasses the entire battlefield.

Afterwards, this place became a super gravitational field, trapping all the battleships of Blue Star Civilization!

"Its gravitational strength is stronger than our gravitational vortex!"

"It's over, the hyperspace is also blocked, and it can't jump!" The captains found that their warships could no longer move.

"Destroy, ants!" Qing Fenghou opened his hands, countless hyperspace weapons flew out, they pierced the protective shield of the battleship, and smashed all the battleships to pieces!

Blue Star Civilization has more than thirty hyperspace warships, and they were destroyed almost instantly!

"It's horrible, is this the power to dominate weapons?" The commanders of the Blue Star Alliance looked at this scene, and their hearts trembled.

"My lord is mighty!"

"Master Qingfenghou is too strong!"

"Dominate the battlefield, invincible wherever you go!"

"Those guys from Blue Star Civilization must be scared stupid, right?"

Qing Fenghou's subordinates praised and cheered.

"The battle star flee immediately!" Qiu Hong hurriedly shouted, the fleet can be destroyed, the stronghold can be lost, but the battle star must be kept.

"Gravitational wave mid-end station is activated!" He Xingzhou opens the gravitational wave mid-end station and tears the gravitational cage with gravitational waves.

The Battle Star of Earth and the Battle Star of Fire tried to escape through hyperspace, but they have been locked by Qingfenghou.

"Want to run?" Two rays shot out from the two eyes of the mechanical dominator.

"Protection shield!" Two battle stars propped up a variety of shields, including Graviton superfluid shield, tachyon shield, energy shield and so on.

However, these two rays still penetrated all the protective shields and hit the battle star.

"Are we going to die?" The commander of the battle star thought that the battle star would be blown up, but the battle star seemed completely intact.

"What's the situation, his attack intensity is so weak?" They were wondering, and suddenly the Battle Star Intelligence shouted: "Warning, Battle Star material is transforming, structure is disintegrating, unknown data intrusion into the system... Stop failure."

Internal intelligence shows that the battle star, originally composed of crystalline nuclei, is rapidly mechanizing from the surface!

Its constituent elements have changed, all elements have become metal elements, and these metal elements are still spreading rapidly, eroding the protective layer and internal structure of the battleship.

"Commander-in-chief, take revenge for us!" Bi Feng, the commander of the battle star of the earth, cut off a part of the mechanical structure and launched it back with a hyperspace launcher.

Later, he was also mechanized and turned into a robot.

The two battle stars are like this. He Xingzhou saw that their size was expanding and they became two mechanical planets in a very short time!

All structures, lives, have become part of the machine.

The two battle stars are completely out of control!

"Come on, my toy!" The mechanical master opened his hand, and two mechanical planets flew into his hand.

"The two battle stars were destroyed like this? What's the matter?" Qiu Hong didn't expect that the battle stars were defeated in this way.

Not only the battle star, the fleet and stronghold here were completely destroyed.

Qing Fenghou sent a message to the starry sky: "Blue Star Civilization, get ready for the mechanical era!"

After    finished speaking, it opened the hyperspace channel again and disappeared.

After a while, it has appeared in another stronghold and began to attack.

Within a few days, all the strongholds of the entire M23 star cluster were breached by the mechanical master!

In order to avoid losses, He Xingzhou had to give up the M23 star cluster and continue to retreat.

(End of this chapter)