Chapter 273: 0 Beast Pirates join the battle!

Kaido will come to the naval headquarters, Ron has no accidents.

The reason is very simple. Kaiduo came here, where he also participated in some guidance, using artificial demon fruits, and Kaiduo's hatred against the navy and government, plus the battlefield itself has certain appeal to Kaiduo.

So Kaido came.

of course.

Ron ’s proposal to Kaido was not to help White Beard to destroy the Navy, but to use White Beard to fight the Navy and bury all these two forces!

In that case no one on the sea can stop him.

This is in agreement with Keduo ’s ideas. If the Navy and the White Beard Pirates can be eliminated together, he will not let this opportunity go. Once it is really done, then the sea will be completely by him. Dominate!

"It's a fierce fight ..."

Kaiduo looked at the battlefield of the naval headquarters in this way, and slowly opened his mouth. His voice resounded like thunder, resounding on the sea surface, letting the white beard and other people's eyes also looked over.

"Kaido ..."

White Beard's gaze was low.

He doesn't think Kaito's presence here is a good thing for the Whitebeard Pirates.

Karp also had a dull face, temporarily stopped fighting with White Beard, and fisted to look at Kaido in the distance. The battlefield was already very chaotic. The Navy, White Beard, and Albarez were fighting.

Now the arrival of Kaiduo has turned this place into a Quartet.

The naval forces are the strongest and largest, followed by the alliance of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Albarez Guild, and finally the Kaido ’s Beast Pirates.

But the Hundred Beast Pirates has the weakest overall strength, but no matter which side they attack, it is enough to subvert the existing situation on this battlefield.

"How can I be absent in such a war ..."

Kaiduo spoke slowly, and when he said this, the huge faucet suddenly opened his mouth, revealing a feverish feeling, and then his head receded, taking a deep breath.

Buzz! !

The surrounding clouds and airflow, visible to the naked eye, flowed into Kaido's mouth, and his cheeks swelled up, a faint energy was brewing.

Seeing this scene, everyone's face changed on the battlefield.

But without waiting for any response from the crowd, Kaido opened his mouth and suddenly moved in the direction of the naval headquarters, and a breath of dragon smashed.

"... breath!"

Buzz! ! !

In a flash of air, there was a visible distortion.

The heat that was enough to destroy the island erupted out in an instant, and headed for the navy's tribe. It suddenly shrouded the entire naval headquarters in the attack range!

"Kaiduo! You **** !!!"

The Sengoku roared almost instantly.

Together with the captain of the white-bearded Pirates such as Marco and Joz, they were all frowning and scolded in their hearts.

However, they were not too worried because the white-bearded Pirates are now gathered together. Kaiduo is no longer able to threaten so many of them with this blow.

But the navy is in trouble.

The navy is now in a state of complete dispersal, and it is on the edge of the battlefield. Most of them are the bottom of the navy with ordinary strength. They are also within the range of the attack of Kaido.

"It's still so chaotic ..."

White Beard spoke slowly. He was able to withstand Kaido's blow, completely blocking it, and even knocking Kaido out of the sky, but he didn't do it.

Obviously, this blow poses a greater threat to the navy. He doesn't need to do it, but the navy must do it and can't let the blow down.


Kapu's fists squeaked and squeaked, and when he put it on, Kaiduo was messing up in his headquarters. He had already gone up, but now he had a white beard in front of him and could not move at all.


Sengoku shot, and a shock wave hit the sky, welcoming Kaido's breath.

As the marshal of the navy headquarters, the former navy general, the strength of the Warring States is undoubtedly standing at the pinnacle of the sea. Even if Diamond Joze is outrageously strong in defense and arm strength, he has been suppressed by him before.

boom! !

Shock and heat hit together.

The whole sky exploded in an instant, and the layers of dark clouds were suddenly swept away by the blow of this blow.

I don't know how thick the clouds were, and they were completely broken apart by a remote fight between Sengoku and Kaiduo. The sun burst through the gap that burst into the navy headquarters.

"Sengoku ..."

Kaido spit out a little flame, looking in the direction of the Warring States.

At the moment, the Warring States were floating in the air on the steps of the moon, bathing the golden light looking at Kai Duo, screaming angrily: "Kai Duo, do you want to join hands with Bai Huo ?!"

"I'm not interested in joining the old man with white beard ... but your navy and government ruined my deal, you should know the consequences before you start."

Kaido hovered in the sky, speaking to the Warring States.

In the confrontation between Kaiduo and the Warring States, the people of the Beast Pirates Group finally finally boarded the battlefield of the naval headquarters, and the three headed by it were the three disasters of the Beast Pirates Group.

Fire ‘ember’!

The epidemic ‘Quin’!

And drought "Jack"!

Seeing that the Three Disasters all appeared, the face of the navy's seniors was completely clouded.

Obviously, the Beast Pirates are fully dispatched from the high level, which means that the Beast Kaiduo is not interested in coming here and intends to come here to stir up, but really acts with a certain purpose!

"Navy ... kill all ..."

Drought Jack looked at the battlefield, and his eyes fell directly on the nearby navy. The **** eyes made the nearby navy tremble with horror.

"Idiot, not only the navy, but also the men with white beards should pay attention."

"You idiot exposed our purpose."

Ember and Quinn yelled at each other a few times, letting some suffocating navies relax a little, but the weapon in their hands was still unstable.

In front of us is the tribulation of the Beast Pirates!

The horror pirates of the famous new world, everyone ’s bounty is more than one billion!

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, it's time to start."

Ember is too lazy to talk to Quinn ~ ~ This time the primary goal is the Navy.

The power of the navy is too strong in this sea. In general, no one can shake the navy, even the four emperors.

Even if the two emperors of the four emperors join forces, the navy can still suppress the situation, and it will be difficult for the world government to fight against the navy if it supports it again.

But this time is different.

Not only the white-bearded Pirates joined the battle, but Albarez was also involved in the war. There were people fighting against the water in the seven martial seas, plus their beast Pirates ...

This is an opportunity that has not appeared in decades, and can really wipe out the navy!

Once the navy was eliminated, the government lost its most powerful force.

There is also hope for the government to be wiped out later!

By that time, the world has completely lost its rulers and will enter the era of hegemony among the real kings ... Kaiduo wants to see the situation, and they are the same!