Chapter 197: The actions of the parties

The battle between Ron and BIGMOM shakes the world.

The world is horrified by the fact that even if the four emperors lose their power, the navy still has no choice but to shock the strength revealed by Ron, the seven martial artists.

Not only can you retreat with BIGMOM, but you can even fight against BIGMOM and break an island!


Naval headquarters.

The Marshal Warring States looked at the documents on the table, and his face looked very depressed and gloomy.

"BIGMOM ..."

The task of destroying the BIGMOM Pirates this time and let Captain Charlotte Lingling escape is the biggest mistake.

The four emperors who lost their power and wandered in the sea are undoubtedly terrible.

Although it is only Ron ’s base that is suffering now, there is no guarantee that BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling will not cause any damage to other islands. If the four emperors wantonly destroy it, the damage will be too great.

"It's terrible ... a wandering emperor ..."

Yellow Ape sat on the sofa not far away, drinking tea and talking in a long tone.

In the previous operation, he was only responsible for monitoring the actions of the other four emperors, and he did not have much credit for it. Now it is not his responsibility to have problems. He is naturally a little leisurely about this.

"If you don't arrest the four emperors as soon as possible and enter the city of advancement, I'm afraid that soon the country will suffer."


The green pheasant was also nearby, and his face looked a little gloomy, saying: "The top priority is to confirm the location of BIGMOM."

It is impossible for a general to catch the four emperors, and two people must act, but if the two generals run after the four emperors, the impact will be very bad.

At this time, the green pheasant even wanted to ask the government why it had to shoot the four emperors without being fully prepared.

Moreover, the previous CP0 was actually no one to help, all went to track the ancient weapons obtained by the BIGMOM Pirates.

"Ron's base was destroyed after he left there, and he can't determine Charlotte's location now."

The Warring States Shen Sheng spoke.

This is also something that cannot be done. After all, Ron ’s strength is limited. After being destroyed by the four emperors, the base can only escape.

"I have to go by myself."

The green pheasant said in a deep voice, "No one can stop a four emperor if we don't move out."

The Warring States nodded and said, "Then you are now solely responsible for tracking BIGMOM, and other matters will be temporarily handed over to the lieutenant generals and me ..."

Tracking a four emperors is not easy to achieve in ten days and a half.

If the green pheasant personally dispatches, it will be a long-term tug-of-war. Until a chance is found and a number of generals are called in, BIGMOM will be destroyed.


Somewhere in the island.

Ron sat in a chair with a phone bug in his hand, and on the other side of the phone bug was the Navy Admiral Pheasant.

"... I only have so much information about BIGMOM Pirates."

"I know, BIGMOM should still be targeting you, try to be careful."

The green pheasant responded with a deep voice on the other side of the phone bug.

Ron spread his hands and said, "If I meet BIGMOM, I can escape, but the pirate hunters under my command will be in trouble."

"You can seek refuge from the navy when necessary, and I will always chase BIGMOM."

The green pheasant said with a deep voice.

For the general Qi Wuhai, the navy cannot naturally shelter the opposing forces, but Ron is different.

The forces under Ron's command are not pirates, but pirate hunters who are gathered up. Although they are for money, they are still hunting pirates in essence.

And with the unified management of Ron, these pirate hunters are also more orderly than before, and the former pirate hunters themselves are prone to create chaos.

In this case, the existence of Ron and the existence of Ron forces are meaningful.

"Understood, then please."

Ron nodded gently and hung up on the phone bug.

The phone bug hung up here, and Robin walked in.

"How about the base, how much has Hailou Shi recovered."

"Most of them are recovered. The BIGMOM Pirates did not take the sea floor stone, only a part of it was broken."

Robin held a document and spoke to Ron.

In the battle between Ron and BIGMOM, although it was concluded that there are enough magic towers to resist the four emperors, but it also paid some price for it, that is, the magic tower on the island he could not take away.

The only thing left in advance is the historical stone stele.

Fortunately, BIGMOM doesn't care about Hailou Stone. If it is a historical stone stele, she might take it away, but Hailou Stone was left on the island.

"That's good."

Ron nodded, took a cup of tea, and said: "The strength of the Four Emperors is indeed extraordinary. Even the sea floor stone can be easily broken. The loss this time is not small."

"Yes, I can't go back to that base in a short time."

Robin nodded.

Ron said with a smile: "It's okay, it won't take long for us to have a new base ... that should be given to BIGMOM, after all, it is the four emperors, or they have to give face."

Robin heard the words, and his eyes flickered: "Are you going to start with Dolomites?"

"Wait, it's almost the same."

Ron leaned forward, crossed his fingers on the table, and said: "Wait until Don Quixote is more familiar with my existence ~ ~ Robin tilted his head and said:" For Duo Flamenco The plan has been revised several times, this time with the threat of BIGMOM, the danger is still very high, maybe it will be sold to BIGMOM at any time by Doflamingo. "

"No, BIGMOM will not easily deal with me."

Ron shook his head and said: "Although my battle with her was defeated, but she also let her know that it is impossible for her to kill, at least it can't be done in chaos. Ambush. "

"With the tracing of the green pheasant, she won't do it again in a short time. This adventure has a fight with her. It is precisely to achieve this situation and tell her that I am not so easy to deal with."

Hearing Ron's words, Robin turned his head slightly, looked at Ron, and said leisurely: "I didn't expect to be so fast, even in the face of the Four Emperors, I already have this confidence."

"Morning and evening."

Ron chuckled and said, "The Four Emperors are not a mountain that cannot be overturned, but she is still very threatening to you. I am more worried about your safety."

"BIGMOM will not shoot you, but others are not necessarily. After all, even if the BIGMOM Pirates are destroyed, there are still a small number of people who have escaped. They will not be able to deal with me and may take some actions against you. . "

Speaking of which, Ron paused and said, "So during this time, you will stay together as much as possible, not acting alone."

Robin nodded.

Ron leaned back, leaned back on his chair, relaxed his body, and said, "When Dofermingo is settled, and with the new base, even if the Navy has not won BIGMOM, nothing will happen. It's too threatening. "

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