The memory still lingers in the way that she makes tomatoes, scrambled eggs and scalds her hands. I don't think it's OK. After a little thought, Feng Yiting is shocked to realize that they haven't been together for a long time. Let alone cook, they haven't even eaten together.

These days, he is busy, she is also busy, two people's time always seems to be staggered.

Occasionally meet, she is also tired, he also can't bear to toss her! Strictly speaking, after her honeymoon, she had a monthly event, but they never spent it together again.

She's hiding from him? She was angry and busy for various reasons. She didn't want him to touch her, did she?

The line of sight falls on a pair of dolls on the sofa, sudden cognition, seal a thunder a heart suddenly jumped to the throat eye: what day is this? Behind his back to find a way?

It's very clear how their marriage came from. It's also very clear that her beloved boyfriend didn't deliver herself. She must be a relatively traditional person in her heart, and she is very principled. I don't doubt that she would do anything shameful behind her back, but Feng Yizheng felt that:

she was far away from herself, totally contrary to her attitude in front -- far away from herself !

Even if the marriage is not what she wants, she didn't resist it so much. She would laugh at him, even learn to cook for him, get angry with him, have emotions for him, and have requirements for him!

But when did she begin to see him, leaving only the strange politeness and escape?

At this time, a mobile phone message rings, takes out the mobile phone, but suddenly stops.


In a flash of inspiration, his face changed a few times: Lantern Festival! When she went out to see the lantern, she was so tired of him, and she would be angry that others said she was ugly and that she was not worthy of herself!

That is, that night, she looked at the photos on his mobile phone, and then lost her temper with him!

It seems that after that, she was -

heard a slight door opening sound, sealed her eyes and saw someone come out with a little hand rubbing, with a delicate posture and hair spread in a gentle way. Obviously, she had combed it. At this time, looking at her actions, she seemed to be cleaning the nourishing products. She was in a good mood!

Looking at the beautiful way she tidied herself up, she saw only the bed in her eyes.

From head to toe, he was completely ignored. At this moment, Feng Yizheng didn't doubt his judgment at all: he would bet that if he didn't open his mouth tonight, she wouldn't give him a bird.

Walk slowly to one side of the high bar, seal a thunderbolt down a glass of ice water pressure pressure fire: "language son, you come here!"


At that end, just opened the quilt, Ji Qianyu suddenly came back to his mind. He was still in a trance, thinking of playing again.

"Come here!"

See her silly, half a day no action, and then speak, seal the voice of a thunder are obviously cold duck a few points.


that's to make sure that he didn't have hallucinations. He put down the quilt corner, and Ji Qianyu walked in the past: "what can I do for you

From the dry voice, Feng Yizheng was full of anger: you can't talk to her if you have nothing to do, can you?

As soon as the arm is extended and sealed, he pulls her over and clasps her waist. The violent kiss is rampant in an instant, tearing at her clothes and acting violently, which is like swallowing her in an instant.

He was caught unprepared and hurt. Instinctively, Ji Qianyu struggled to push and fight: "well, don't do this Seal it! "

The body is shackled, off and on, but she can't even say a complete sentence.

Shut up! Feng Ting! Can she be a little stranger?

Gas alveoli are about to explode, powerful big palm hold her back head spoon, seal a furious action but more fierce!

The twisted posture and his aggressive action made jiqianyu feel uncomfortable. He tried his best to breathe heavily and pushed him away: "don't be like this, I'm tired again, huh? Or is it uncomfortable? "

From the cold voice Cen, however, every word seems to be squeezed out of the teeth, and the voice is cut off. Ji Qianyu is stunned suddenly:

no matter how stupid she is, she can also hear that his voice is not right.

Nods is not, shakes head is not, season thousand language swallowed the saliva, contracted the neck subconsciously to extricate under.

Almost at the same time, however, a powerful force pushed back. One stumbled, and she almost ran into his arms. Before she realized it, her jaw had been pinched by someone:

"can't I even hold it?"

His wife, even to find all kinds of excuses, as hell to hide from him? He sympathizes with her, she is good, learn to cheat?

Puckering her lips, Ji Qianyu drops her eyes and adjusts them forcefully to relax her rigid body. In her private heart, she really doesn't want to fulfill her husband and wife's obligations, but it seems that she can't hide today!

She didn't particularly reject it, but at that time, the sense of intimacy and dependence that had gone without reason made her a little afraid! Every time, she has a kind of uncontrollable sinking feeling. She is afraid that she will give in to him like that! She didn't want to lose her body. At last, her heart was ruined.

Seeing her grievance and seeking perfection, Feng Yiting is not happy in fact: he doesn't want to use a strong way every time when he is in love with each other!

She was so sullen that she didn't know how to answer. Her strength increased unconsciously.

"Well, it hurts"

under the soft light, the flawless skin is like jade luster. It seems that Feng Yizheng can smell the elegant woman fragrance on her body. Seeing that her fingertips are still stained with light powder nail oil, it is obvious that every inch of her body is cherished and delicate, saying "the woman is the one who pleases herself". In this moment, Feng Yizheng looks at her everywhere and feels beautiful. He wants to be cruel Tear it up fiercely -

clasp the back of his head again and give her a deep kiss.

A tentative kiss, he can clearly feel her repulsion and conflict, and was completely different from the raw and dull.

Once again, there was a deep panic in Feng Yiting's heart - she was alienating him, and she really started to deviate from his direction!

Under his hand, Feng Yizheng pressed her into his arms: "Yuer, you are mine! I'm the only one in my life! "

Once again block her lips, seal a dozen embrace her, go to bed.

I don't know if I was stimulated or too afraid of losing, or what I wanted to prove urgently. This night, I was just as mad as I was. The intensity of the fire was even better than that of the wedding night. I was completely indefatigable again and again. At the end of the day, I couldn't even remember how the hot game ended