
Is it a desert? Or a fight?

Playboy? It should be the latter, but the eyes -

are sealed with desert!

So soon, does he have another date?

There was a buzz in her mind. As Rino raised her eyes, she saw two young girls rubbing the bright glass door on one side. There was a mobile phone on the ground. They discussed and looked down from time to time!

Unconsciously, she went to the past, drooping eyes, but see the mobile phone screen on the ground has been black!

Some can't help but want to see, but her vision just fell up, a girl quickly picked up her mobile phone and hid it behind her, got up, and said: "Miss sang -"

here, we all know that she is the sweetheart of nine ye, and Jin Ye's guest! Therefore, no matter men and women like her or not, they are all very respectful to her!

However, she also knows that the whole nightclub has issued an order, forbidding her to contact with electronic products, and forbidding her to contact with the outside world. Therefore, cell phones are forbidden to her!

At this juncture, Li Nuo still managed to hold back: "I won't let you be embarrassed. I'm just going out for a walk. What are you just discussing? It seems to be quite lively!"

I don't know the relationship between Rino and fengyimo. It's just gossip. I don't think it matters. The two young girls don't think much. They look down and smile with embarrassment:

"it's the lace of the rich and the few stars --"

"well, we're just chatting and relieving our boredom!"

One by one, Rino seemed to be at random, saying: "what's the big news of Monday?"? In the past, I saw Liu Bing, a big star, at the reception. She was not as beautiful as on TV at all. However, with her unique temperament, I really like her movies! At that time, she seemed to attend with Feng Shao. Unfortunately, I didn't squeeze in at that time, but later I saw only one person. It's a pity that "

" are you wrong? Isn't Liu Xue with Feng Shao? "

"Yes! Although Liu Bing and Liu Xue are sisters, they are different! It's Liu Xue. Feng Shao took her to have western food. They talked happily and looked at her tenderly! "

"It's a pity that we haven't got up yet. It's not enough to seal up and make new friends! My name is sun Wuxi! This time, it's at the entrance of the coffee shop. It's the angel face, the devil figure. It's also the top student of the famous school, with both talent and appearance! I don't know if Feng Shao will be serious this time? "

"Enough! Didn't it be said that he had a fiancee before? It's hard to say if you can make it through this week! "


The more you listen to it, the more confused it becomes. Rino is dizzy: who are they talking about? Feng Yiting seems to have said that he had a blind date and fiancee!

At the moment, unconsciously, she agreed: "is that ok? Who doesn't know that Feng Yiting is a playboy? "

The next second, a thunderbolt hit him head first:

"what we are talking about is not two shaos, they are fengshao, fengyimo!"

"Yes! Everyone knows that there are so many girls to read. There are more girlfriends than clothes. What's so strange? No wonder you say Liu Bing! It turns out that we are not alone! "

"Well, Liu Bing can't be replaced by two missing ones, right? Then the sisters of the Liu family are too fierce, and they want to eat all! "


The two still argued enthusiastically, but Rino's brain was suddenly fragmented, and they couldn't remember how to get back to the room.

Liu Meng? Sun what West? New love in the desert?

How could it be him?

Not digested for half a day, Rino only felt the coolness of his heart: even when she was gone, how many days was it?

She didn't ask him to defend her for three years, but at last he fell in love with each other for three months. Couldn't he wait? She was still thinking about it. She was still struggling about the last time he was with Yin Lanxi?

The brain was dizzy, and Rino had a splitting headache. He was in a bad mood.

"Miss sang, are you ok? Isn't it uncomfortable? "

"You don't look very well. Would you like to call a doctor?"

Suddenly, Li Nuo saw Xiao Yong holding a cup of hot water in front of her. She was still in a trance. She shook her head instinctively. She took it and took a sip:

"it's OK, it's just a little boring!"

After thinking about it, she said again:

"as soon as I get back to the room, I feel a little bit uncomfortable. Xiaoyong, go out and buy some newspapers and magazines for me! Want the latest, entertainment, gossip, life economy, all kinds of buy some, I want to see! "

Don't let her access to the Internet, books and newspapers don't matter!

"OK! I'll tell them right away! "

Li Nuo, who was not used to watching TV, glanced at the remote control on one side, and suddenly seemed to come back to life. He went over and turned on the TV directly. He first dialed the station once, and then chose a local variety TV station.

On the other side, after that day, Ji Qianyu shut himself up at home. He didn't eat, drink, move or sleep. Besides taking a bath, he could stay still all day.

I don't know how long it took. When she woke up again, she felt that the whole room was shaking. At this time, she was wearing pajamas, sitting on the bed, her face was haggard, her hair was scattered, like ghosts. At hand, there was a bright fruit knife. Vaguely, she picked it up again, put it on her wrist first, and then moved it to her heart.

Her eyes were dry, red and astringent. It seemed that there were no tears left. She closed her eyes and brewed for a long time. She had just to press down her hand. Suddenly, a sharp telephone rang. Suddenly, Ji Qianyu was scared. When his hands slipped, the upper position of his heart was stabbed. Suddenly, she screamed with pain and instinctively moved the knife away Now.

After a few rings, the phone automatically answers, but turns to the voice mail. The first voice is her energetic and charming voice:

"Hello, I'm Jiqian! I'm not here now. Please call my mobile number 156 Or leave a message after "beep" and I will reply as soon as possible! "

Then came the mother's fiery voice:

"thousands, what are you busy with? Why can't I get through with my cell phone? I always dream of you recently, but I'm uneasy! Ah, a girl outside, let people remember! Take care of yourself and don't be too tired! "

“…… If you hear me, give mom a call! "

"Thousands, don't be too hard! If you are unhappy over there, come here! Know people, know faces and don't know hearts. Mom is trying to set you up for a fight. Isn't that what she's afraid of? We're all here. You're all alone. You don't even have a discussion about what happened! If I can't find you, I can't eat well or sleep well. Your father also said that I was stunned -- "

" Hey, don't say that! In fact, as long as you like and you are happy, your father and I will not force you! You are my parents' baby. If you want to open up, you must be good! If you have a good or bad, how can your parents live? So, parents won't force you, don't hide! "

"All right! Don't say, don't patronize love, pay attention to the body, something to call me! If you have made arrangements, bring someone here. Mom will make you delicious food! "

"It's really urgent! Call you later, hang up! "