When Qingzhi joined Yijian Zongqing, the badge of an ancient sword appeared on Qingzhi's shoulder immediately.

Then Qing Zhi smiled and opened the guild list.

"Only four people? The president won't give me an official?"

Ye Chun smiled, and then said to Qingzhi: "Go and tell Ziyue, I will give her full authority over this guild."

A meaningful expression immediately appeared on Qing Zhi's face.

Then, with his shoulder, he bumped into Ziyue and laughed.

"Ziyue, you can do it! You have the power in your hands so quickly!"

Ziyuezhixin's face flushed with blush, and then he spat lightly.

"Damn girl, don't talk nonsense!"

Then Ziyuezhi thought about it, and then looked at Qingzhi.

"Well, let's give you a mid-level officer in charge first."

"I also want to be the deputy leader!" Qing Zhi kept coquettish towards Ziyue's heart.

But Ziyue's Heart rejected her in one go, cronyism in a guild is a taboo, and such a guild will not go far.

Under the constant persuasion of Ziyue's heart, Qing Zhi reluctantly agreed.

At this time, Qing Zhi also noticed another member of the guild - Little Strawberry!

Then he widened his eyes and said in surprise: "Isn't this little strawberry that little girl who is particularly powerful in group attacks?"

Ziyuezhixin smiled and nodded, then Qingzhi's eyes widened.

Then he said, "Wow, I found out that I am the best in our guild!"

Ye Chun, who was on the side, smiled at this time, and then looked at Qing Zhi.

"By the way, Qingzhi, haven't you opened your spree?"

Qingzhi nodded towards Ye Chun, then Ye Chun said with a smile: "You can open it now, but remember, after you open it, you must send me the attributes of the equipment immediately! Do you understand?"

Qing Zhi didn't know what Ye Chun meant, but nodded anyway.

Then Qing Zhi opened the gift bag, and Ye Chun received a message from Qing Zhi not long after.

In between, Qingzhi opened a king-level dagger, a purple-gold leather jacket, and a purple-gold leather wrist guard.

The gift package of the upper gods is indeed different from the original gods.

Little Strawberry's spree can only open two things, while Qingzhi's can open three.

Ye Chun looked at the three props in front of him, and it stands to reason that it was very good, but Ye Chun was not satisfied.

Don't see clearly that Zhizhi has the inheritance of the God of Flowers, but Qing Zhi has already sent the information of the profession of God of Flowers to Ye Chun.

This flower **** is indeed a hidden profession of SSSS level, but he is not a combat profession.

It is a hidden occupation of life occupation, so Qing Zhi at this time is still an assassin, but her secondary occupation has become a flower god.

After Ye Chunkai's two gift packages of gods, he knew that in this package, there was a certificate for a hidden career transfer.

So Ye Chun wanted to help Qing Zhi and get a hidden profession.

Then Ye Chun directly reversed the time by 30 seconds, and Qing Zhi opened the gift bag again.

This time it was three pieces of trash, so Ye Chun did not hesitate to turn back the time by 30 seconds again.

After trying countless times, Ye Chun did not see the transfer certificate of the hidden profession.

I thought that in this gift package, there would be no proof of job transfer.

Ye Chun just finished thinking, and then Qing Zhi exclaimed, and then sent the attributes of the three items to Ye Chun.

Then Ye Chun looked at the attributes of the first item.

【Blood of Moon Spirit】

Grade: Epic

Quality: Rare

Restrictions: Female players can use

Description: After use, you can change the player's race to become a member of the Moon Spirit Race.

Introduction: Moon Spirit is a special existence of the discipline inspection organization in the elves. The moon spirits have only women. They are elves in the dark night. At night, they will be blessed by the moon god. They and their affinity plants are nature's Darling, but also a natural assassin.

After Ye Chun saw the introduction of this item, he was very surprised, but he didn't expect to change the item of race.

You know, players have only one race to choose from at the beginning, and that is the human race.

For rare races, one in a million people is not bad.

Then Ye Chun immediately checked the bonus attributes of the Moon Spirit Race on the official website.

【Moon Spirit Clan】

Attack Speed ​​+15% (doubles at night!)

+15% movement speed (doubles at night!)

Agility growth becomes 1.5 times the original attribute (doubles at night!)

Strength growth becomes 1.5 times the original attribute (doubles at night!)

Introduction: Moon Spirits, born assassins, have powerful bonuses at night.

Ye Chun looked at Qing Zhi in front of him, and it seemed that they had a strong relationship with each other, and a powerful one was born at this moment.

But then when Ye Chun looked at the attributes of the second item, he once sighed at Qingzhi's good luck.

【Certificate of transfer of the darling of the night】

Grade: Epic

Quality: Rare

Restriction: Assassin class can use

Description: After use, you can replace your Assassin class with Night Darling.

This is exactly the hidden profession that Ye Chun wanted to obtain for Qing Zhi, and this darling of the night is also a hidden profession of SSSS level.

Similar to the effect of the Moon Spirit Clan, this Nether Night Beloved is also a profession that will receive great bonuses at night.

Ye Chun looked at Qing Zhi in front of her and couldn't help shaking her head. In the future, Qing Zhi will become the enemy's nightmare!

At the same time, Ye Chun also decided to build two members of his guild well at this time.

They may be their greatest help in the future!

Ye Chun looked at the third item, which was a pet egg, but after seeing his name, Ye Chun felt that it was not so simple.

【Egg of the Luna Rabbit】

Grade: Epic

Quality: Rare

Description: After use, you can hatch a pet, Luna Rabbit.

After Ye Chun queried this Luna Rabbit, the attributes of this Luna Rabbit were not very strong.

It's just a support pet, and the support ability is very poor.

But it has a skill, and that is "Dark Night Falls".

This skill can turn a range of 100*100 into a night state, which is useless for others, but for the current Qingzhi...

The three items of Qingzhi almost have a great connection, which makes Ye Chun ponder.

Sure enough, not long after, a beam of light descended from the sky, and then enveloped Qing Zhi's body.

Then a system beep appears.

"Ding Dong~ Congratulations to the player Qingzhi, who has been favored by the Moon God, and the Moon God has blessed this. (Experience gained at night × 3

Then Ye Chun asked Qing Zhi to use these three items quickly, so as to avoid extraneous branches.

After Qing Zhi used it, her body changed a lot. She saw that her ears became pointy, and her eyes also turned purple, looking very deep.

And Ye Chun felt that even her figure had gotten better!

Then Ye Chun asked Qing Zhi to go online at night and return to the event map, when Ye Chun would send her the coordinates.

Qing Zhi nodded, and then went offline happily, Ye Chun also returned to the activity map.

But what Ye Chun didn't know was the beauty she helped today.

Later, it became a nightmare for all foreign players in the dark.

They called her: Night Witch!