"I think the outcome is divided, you can't break my space prison."

The **** of space finished speaking and looked behind him, the main **** behind him was still silent.

After a while, the main **** said: "Sura, you have no time, the royal team is going up the mountain. The source of this article [Sheng Ying download] WeChat applet"

"You don't need to worry about this, they are dead."

"Oh, you used the Necromancer to ambush them. This is good, but the Necromancer is not a human opponent after all."

"You can't imagine my necromantic army, so this doesn't need to worry about me, and I can break your space cage."

"Can you, okay, then we will wait for you to break, if you can't break, you will be banned forever."

Imprisoned forever in an infinite space, and this space seems to be less than one meter away from the surroundings!

No matter how hard he can run, he can't run, let alone magic. Magic is controlled by his opponent at any time, and Qin Feng began to calm down.

"¨〃I killed the **** of the elements just now, it seems there is no gain."

He began to reflect. Although it was only a **** in the copy, he should be regarded as a BOSS, and he didn't actually drop any treasures?

How the game is set up, there is no reward for killing monsters, this is too unreasonable.

Because of the ten thousand times reward, Qin Feng hasn't paid attention to his picking system for a long time. Money drops all over ten thousand times. He doesn't bother to pick up a lot of things, just make simple settings.

The storage of game coins is limited, so you can't pick them up all the time. If you kill too many monsters, picking up money becomes a boring job. So Qin Feng often sets up automatic picking and doesn't watch it at all.

Because Qin Feng, who has the most experience in this game, knows where to hit something and doesn't need to check the drop.

When consciously hitting treasures, he will focus on picking things up. If it is just to clear the monsters, he will not see what he finds, because there will be no surprises. Qin Feng understands what to lose, and he is not lacking in precepts. .

And after doing this for a long time, Qin Feng naturally didn't have the habit of checking drops.

So that he just killed the **** of the elements, he didn't even see what he picked up. Now, when he saw it, a lot of it was just junk materials and gold coins. Killed a god, at least give some god-level materials, right?

Now that Qin Feng wants to fight with the gods, what he needs most is the materials of the gods, and only the gods can contend.

"What is this, the history of elemental development..."

"What is this? I know elemental skills. He doesn't have any new skills to drop, but his settings are very abnormal... Oh, [Time History]."

There is a book with a weird name. Isn’t history just the development of time? Why does time have history?

Qin Feng has read "A Brief History of Time", and it seems that this is also somewhat related. .

=== Chapter six hundred and sixty ninth, I can break it ===

"System reminder: Get a new skill [Space Collapse] and an ultimate skill [Black Hole]."

This is a skill of the same line. The collapse of space eventually leads to a black hole. This is actually space magic?

Qin Feng received this, it would be easy to handle, aren't you infinite space, I will let it collapse!

"Also, what is this, and what role does time play in it?"

After reading the book a little bit, Qin Feng suddenly understood that this design is to allow players to consider the top settings. It is completely based on space magic. You can’t beat the God of Space. If you can, then It's cheating. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

Breaking the rules of the game is cheating, so you can't follow the space magic completely.

What to do then, add a new dimension, time!

Qin Feng didn't bother to bargain with the other side, and took advantage of this gap to read the book more, but there were not many, just a few.

"Just give up like that, haha, you did win a fluke just now, but you also have your advantage."

The God of Space said, "I am in charge of space, so naturally I have the ability to keep you from getting close. You can't fight if you can't get close. You can't even hit me no matter what skill you use. This is the power of space spells. I understand. ?"

"Don't think about anything in your field, and practice space magic well. Others have no future."

He saw that Qin Feng was clearly in a predicament. The Space 533 domain was indeed the most basic domain, and in the domain of Gods, the more basic the domain, the higher the level, the more invincible. Those with actual tricks can't do this. The most fundamental rule.

Qin Feng didn't waste much time, so he replied: "Then what about you, what can you do to kill me?"

"Kill you? This is killing you, don't you understand, no one can touch you forever, you are surrounded by infinite space and infinite emptiness, and you can't get close to the original world, far away from anyone It's far away, isn't this dead?"

"Haha, God has an infinite life span, do you have it?"

"You have been unable to prove your existence in this world. That is the definition of death."

At this time, the dungeon master also spoke: "Sura, admit defeat, you can't complete this task. After all, it is impossible for people to become gods. You are fighting against things that you have no reason to win. This is the farthest distance. "

Qin Feng sneered at this time: "Everything is just a definition, right? At the top of the rules, if you define me as the sky and you as the earth, then I cannot get close to you. If the heaven and the earth are in harmony, the world will be It doesn't exist anymore."

"But death is not the definition, because I can come back!"

The God of Space was a little stunned: "Come back, how do you come back, unless you break this rule, but you can't break it yourself."

If you want to exist in the game, you can’t break this rule. The rules can’t be broken. If you break the world, you won’t exist. If anyone thinks he has the ability to break the rules, he must have read too many novels.

Just use the game analogy. The basic rules set by the game are at the top, and you can't violate it.

If you violate, no matter how old you are, the game cannot destroy you, this game will be destroyed, and you can only exist in this game, you cannot exist without the game, so you also destroy...

There is no logic for human beings to break the rules, there is no such thing.

You said how invincible you are, the game is gone, how can you exist? Can you control everything about yourself, can you control everything about the game?

Then it is only legal to modify the rules from the top, and it has never been possible from the bottom up.

To modify the rules from the top, Qin Feng can only deal with the Heisha Group first, solve his own problems first, and then go back... after all, this is an order-like thing, telling you what time to eat. Just go to bed, if you go against it, you won’t exist.

"Who said I can't break it, if you can do it, I can break it!"

"Really, who do you think you are? You want to challenge God before you become the Lord of God?"

"Maybe you are not a complete god, who knows, I am not a pure human being either."

Qin Feng smiled, using his skills, "Space collapsed!"

"What do you know about this?"

The **** of space was a little surprised, and the main **** behind also moved slightly. Qin Feng can use this, which is already similar to a normal god, but the main **** shook his head slightly: "No, the speed at which you collapse is not as fast as the infinite extension. speed……"

"Really, black hole!"

A huge ball of light appeared between Qin Feng's hands, his hands desperately pressed the ball, and then the ball of light suddenly went dark.

Immediately afterwards, the whole world seemed to darken, and the space and light completely collapsed into Qin Feng's palm.