"Of course, this is a test with no return. You will either pass or die in it."

"Scare me, I don't know if there are any other supervisors besides you here?"

"What do you mean by saying that I don't think I will treat you justly?"

"No, I mean, if I kill you, will I still be eligible for selection..."

The overseer was stunned, and then laughed: "You, kill me? Hahaha... What do you think, I haven't killed you now because the team hasn't expanded the talents for a long time. If I want to kill you, then you There is no chance for the rest of the test."

460 "Really, why are you so sure that I can't kill you? Have you seen my strength?"

"Your strength will naturally be reported by the team leader. Of course I have seen it. It is indeed possible, but it is still impossible to kill me."

"Then no nonsense, if there are other supervisors, I will challenge you first."

At this time, a processed and majestic voice came: "Ding Ding contestant, you really want to challenge him?"

"You are the backstage supervisor, can I challenge him."

"Why do you want to challenge him? After the challenge, the test you should do is still to be done. That is the five-man team we selected for you. Don't worry, the strength will not be too strong. Although they are crowded, we estimate that you are still There is a chance."

"No, I only care. If I kill this person, you will not let me test."

"This... of course it's okay. This test is meant to make you kill."

Then Qin Feng was relieved, meaning that he would kill as he pleased, and he could continue to test and be selected for the special team.

This supervisor has been displeased for a long time, but the real intention is that he wants to test the experience of killing in death mode. He must have this experience before he can continue the following test.

Qin Feng had never killed anyone before, and he had to go through this test himself.

But the purpose of killing is very important. Killing an innocent person is really boring, and this supervisor, don't need to guess, he must be a heinous person. He passed the test and must have killed innocent people.

Then Qin Feng would kill him without any psychological burden, he would kill him if he wanted to.

As for the strength, Qin Feng doesn’t have to guess, it’s definitely not the best in the world, but if he is in death mode, he may play better and play the game well, he must have never killed anyone. If you let them know that the game will really die. ...

In that case, even the top players will be scared, and they will not be able to show their strength.

"Okay, are you ready?" Qin Feng asked, staring at the supervisor.

"Hehe, you really plan to kill me, why?"

"Nothing, just can't understand you. I find it very annoying. I also want to use you as a test to try my skills."

"Then you can think about it, fighter players all over the world, I am in the top ten."

The guy is very confident, holding a big sword in his hand, and first poses, "At this distance, you, a mage, may not be able to stop my attack. Do you want to prepare and change to a farther position?"

Qin Feng shook his head: "No, in fact, I have not only trained as a mage."

"Oh, what else do you have?"

"I can also be an assassin, and my movement speed is still very fast. If you operate well when you are close, the warrior can't beat the assassin. The source of this article is [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program"

When the assassin is close, the outbreak is higher, but the fault tolerance rate is low. The outcome depends on the operation.

If a set of undead fighters breaks out, then the assassin will be very difficult next, and the fighters can stick to death.

Because the soldier's blood is high and the defense is thick, and the output is not low, the assassin's blood volume can be completely second.

"Really, my output has been strengthened, and it is not weaker than the assassin. You really don't need to change positions to prepare?"

"No need, you go first, let me see your strength."

The overseer was obviously very confident, but this sentence was a little bit exaggerated, and he actually gave up the first attack.

This is too arrogant, it sounds like a curse in the opposite ear, of course it is impossible to attack Qin Feng first.

Just kidding, at this time, anyone who changes will let Qin Feng take the lead.

Imagine that you are bullying the lower grades by your seniors. If you still take the initiative in full view, it will be ugly.

Any individual wouldn't take the first shot at this time, and then Qin Feng's goal was achieved.

The supervisor sneered: "Don't talk nonsense, it should be to let me see your strength. When I passed your test, you didn't have such a mess."

"Then I will do it first, do you have any wishes?" Qin Feng asked suddenly.

"what do you mean."

"After I killed you, if you have any unfulfilled wishes, I will help you realize them."

"Hehe, ranting, you have not seen the strength that can beat me up to now, except for the big talk."

"Since there is no wish, then I will take action."

It was amazing that Qin Feng also drew a sword at this time, it was an assassin's sword.

In the background of the entire test, of course, there are many people watching. It is not a trivial matter for the special forces to absorb talents. Not only must there be big bosses to watch, but also many people in the analysis group to analyze Qin Feng's strength and personality.

"This man is very interesting, he is an assassin, but his mage's standard is also very high."

"Analysis team, what do you think?"

"The analysis team believes that this is a mentally flawed person, but he is very proud. Regarding the strength of his mage, we judge that he can reach the top ten level of the server."

"What, the top ten level of the server, this is not his strongest career?"

"At the same time, the analysis team believes that this person's mental state is very special. In reality, he may become a perverted killer. He is also a perfectionist because he likes to ask the wishes of the slain before killing someone..."

"It's very interesting, we need such talents, haha!"

From the very beginning, Qin Feng acted in the form of a perverted killer, killing people without delay.

Asking the other party’s wishes, this performance makes people feel very perverted, extremely arrogant, killing seems to be no longer a test, but a kind of fun, a kind of sustenance...

The analysis team of the terrorist organization believes that this kind of talent is the most suitable to join them.

"Since you gave up the last chance in your life to make a wish, then I feel sorry for you."

Qin Feng smiled, stabbing him with a sword, at an astonishing speed!

"Dimensional Slash!".

=== Chapter 545 Who Is Not Ruthless ===

Qin Feng's speed was beyond everyone's imagination, as if a ray of light passed by directly.