The two were very surprised. They didn't expect that this kid would dare to follow the black dragon.

"I was trapped in a desperate situation, and the situation at that time could only do this." Shi Qiang finished speaking and entered the gap.

The two followed closely, and were shocked to find piles of treasures inside.

Dragon has three good points, and one of his hobbies is collecting treasures.

Facing the mountain of them, the three swallowed their saliva, and finally reason defeated greed.

If there is no black dragon here, it means that the other party has a way to protect the treasures here.

However, they were still struck, just after a few glances, an illusion appeared in front of them.

In the illusion, various scenes appeared before their eyes, the scenes were mysterious and complicated, and they kept seduce them and tried every means to get them to get treasures.

Qin Feng was the first to wake up, but Mochizuki and Shi Qiang walked towards the treasure pile. Trust.

=== Chapter 301 Qin Feng vs. Little Black Dragon! ! ! ===

Qin Feng took two steps and made three steps, rewarding them each with a slap.

However, they were not awake yet, so he continued to fan.

Their faces almost swelled before they woke up from the illusion.

He told them what had just happened, and both of them broke into cold sweats in fright.

At this moment, two players suddenly broke into the gap.

After seeing Baoshan, they rushed to the treasure pile like crazy.

Pick up this and put down that, put down this and pick up that.

With the constant selection, the smiles of the two became more and more weird.

In the end, the two of them actually fought each other, and they said that the baby here is mine!

The treasure suddenly radiated light, and the three of them hurriedly covered their mouths, noses and eyes.

The eyes of the two fighting men suddenly stared strangely, as if they could fall out of their eye sockets at any time.

The fighting between the two became more and more intense, and finally their defensive equipment showed signs of damage. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

When the battle reached a fever pitch, their performances were completely like beasts, that kind of wildness, even the Oscar actor could not perform it! 320

After the light dissipated, look around again.

There are no treasures here, the piles of treasure mountains are actually ordinary stone mountains, and they are formed by a large number of stones piled together!

Sadly, the two players were still fighting tirelessly, and the three of them couldn't stay any longer and walked out of another gap that was broken. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

"Sure enough, Duobao Pagoda doesn't have too many treasures. It's like a well-known line in a spam advertisement-this pattern is for reference only." Qin Feng's belly slandered.

"Sure enough, behind the wall of this so-called treasure room is not a corridor!" Shi Qiang took the lead to walk out and looked around.

Behind the wall is still a room. There are five treasure chests in the room, but I don't know if there are any treasures in it.

There are no enemies here, which means that the treasure chest can be opened directly.

Qin Feng drank the peeping potion and did not find a black seal on them, but that didn't mean that they were not dangerous.

"Who is going to open the treasure chest?" Shi Qiang looked at the two.

"Stone scissors cloth, once the winner is determined, the one who loses opens the treasure chest." Qin Feng suggested.

So the trio began to decide the outcome, but Mochizuki and Shiqiang produced cloth, while Qin Feng produced stones.

Of the five treasure chests, maybe only one is real, or all of them are mechanisms.

Using the peeping potion, he didn't find anything wrong with these five treasure chests.

I took the courage and chose one of them.

As a result, the moment the box was opened, a cold air rushed toward his face.

Looking inside, there is no treasure at all.

Suddenly, the bottom of the treasure chest was pierced by a black paw, and the two of them watched him and were grabbed by the paw.

"Old Qin!" The two shouted in horror, and then hurriedly went to the box.

I saw that the box had no bottom, and there was an ice gully underneath.

Qin Feng lay on the ground in a large font, and remained motionless.

"Is it dead?" Mochizuki was a little worried.

"Close your crow's mouth!" Shi Qiang cursed at her furiously.

The two wanted to go down to save people, but the box was sealed by what power.

It's like there is a piece of tempered glass in the box, no matter how they beat it, it can't be broken.

"Old Qin, wake up, you guys won't die so easily, are you? Don't you want to fight Wang Ba finally, if you die here, he will laugh at you!" Shi Qiang desperately shouted NS.

He had said everything Mochizuki wanted to say, and now there was no new line, and he could only call out Qin Feng to get up quickly.

Qin Feng lay motionless on the ice, then a black dragon walked towards him and stepped on his back with a foot outstretched. Then he said unhappily, "Cut, I thought I found a new toy. I didn't expect it to be so soon. broken!"


It kicked him flying, then looked up at Shiqiang and Mochizuki outside the box.

"Catch one for fun!" As he said, it flapped its wings and rushed towards them.

However, it didn't take long for it to fly.

Looking down, he saw that Qin Feng did not know when to stand up, his left hand grabbed its ankle, and then tilted his head, looking at it murderously, and said sharply: "It hurts, bastard!"

Qin Feng's eyes seemed to burst into flames.

He made a fist with five fingers on his right hand, pulled his left hand hard, and then unceremoniously slammed his right fist on its front door.

【Seven Kills】

This skill is released close to its front door.

The two layers of ice and fire instantly spread all over the black dragon's body.