
"Zhao Guang said that Wang Luyao had a WeChat video with him the night before yesterday, saying that she would go on a trip when he came back."

"Furthermore, according to what Zhao Guang said, Wang Luyao's job is relatively stable, and the relationship between the two of them is relatively good, and nothing special has happened recently."

"Wang Luyao had no reason to commit suicide at all."

"That's one of the reasons why we reported the case."

Suicide is generally full of disappointment in the current life, or there are some major changes, will commit suicide.

Either there is a mental illness, or a disease such as depression, which will lead to suicide.

Otherwise, how could a good-looking person choose to commit suicide?

"Did the deceased have any intimate behavior during his lifetime?"

"No, the detectives in charge of the autopsy have already checked, and the deceased had no intimate behavior during his lifetime." Chen Yan nodded and continued to observe the condition of the corpse.

The dead body has been dead for more than 10 hours, and it is now in the time of rigor formation.

The death of the human body has a sequence in medicine. Generally speaking, as long as certain organs have not suffered a special blow, the sequence of death is the brain, internal organs, and muscles.

Even the real death of the internal organs has a sequence, now the heart, spleen, liver...

The last thing to die is the muscle group, and some individuals even have a trembling reflex in the muscles for several hours after death.

The vast majority of corpses undergo very regular changes after death.

Under normal circumstances, the corpse will experience muscle relaxation about one hour after death, generally no more than two hours.

This process is relatively short, and the deceased will lose muscle tension and soften muscles shortly after death.

This process is very important in the autopsy process.

Because it is precisely because of this process that the elasticity of the surface of the corpse, especially the skin and muscles, disappears, and some heavy objects press the entity, resulting in special marks.

And the weight of the object does not need to be too heavy, even rings, necklaces, watches, will leave traces. This kind of trace could not be seen at the time, but with the appearance of rigor, the trace will become more and more clear.

This trace can be used to determine whether the body has moved after death.

The corpse on the sofa was dressed in home clothes, and a sharp knife fell to the ground, which was already infested with blood.

The multiple stab wounds on the deceased's body had already scratched the home clothes to pieces, and there were bloodstains everywhere.

The location of the knife wound has been accurately marked, and it is within reach of the deceased's right hand. In other words, if the deceased really committed suicide, he would have the ability to cause these stab wounds.

Putting on his gloves, Chen Yan opened the wound on the deceased's right arm and observed carefully.

The wound was everted, and the blood stains were obvious, but the wound was relatively shallow, and it was a relatively obvious trial wound.

According to the size of the wound, it can be determined that it was caused by a single-edged knife, which is more consistent with the shape of the knife at the deceased's feet.

The same goes for several other wounds.

"The fatal wound was the knife in the abdomen. The wound was extremely deep and pierced the spleen, which eventually led to death due to excessive blood loss."

Behind Chen Yan, Zhang Yaoming reported the investigation results of the Dan City Police Department.

Chen Yan tore away the clothes on the abdomen of the corpse, and a serious knife wound that had been turned upside down was clearly in sight.

This is exactly what Zhang Yaoming said about the fatal knife wound.

Afterwards, Chen Yan checked the 32 stab wounds of the deceased one by one, and none of them remained.

To sum up, the deceased was stabbed in 4 places in the abdomen, 2 places in the left wrist, 8 places in the forearm, and 3 places in the upper arm.

There are also 11 stab wounds on the inner and outer sides of both legs, 5 on the left leg and 6 on the right leg.

There were four stab wounds on the chest, two on the left chest and two on the right chest.

In total, there are 32 places.

The fatal injury was as Zhang Yaoming said, a puncture wound in the abdomen.

Standing up, Chen Yan didn't wrinkle tightly.


Generally speaking, it takes courage the most.

Because when people end their own lives, it is actually a confrontation between reason and instinct.

In nature, humans are the only animal that commits suicide in adults.

Among solitary animals in nature, no animal commits suicide. Among animals living in groups, only old and sick animals commit suicide unless there is a shortage of food.

But in this case, it is for the continuation of the race, and this situation only exists for certain types of animals.

Humans have the highest suicide rate of all animals.

The reason is that people have wisdom, and reason can suppress the instinct of survival.

Never think that suicide is an easy matter.

Wanting to die is not easy sometimes.

Chen Yan has seen too many examples of suicide failures.

In his previous life, Chen Yan saw someone committing suicide by drinking pesticide, but after being discovered, he recovered after washing his stomach. Some people cut their own necks with a knife in order to commit suicide, and their necks were almost broken, but they survived because they did not cut off the carotid artery.

Even the larynx and trachea were broken, and one-third of the cervical spine was broken, but the person did not die. There is also suicide by cutting the wrist, but the exact location of the radial artery cannot be found, the wrist is almost cut off, and no one dies.

It can be seen how tenacious human vitality is.

Some people will say, doesn't suicide hurt after death?

In fact, under a certain stress response, the human body may really not feel pain.

Even, under the stimulation of pain, people who commit suicide want to end their lives more, so they will do crazier things.

However, there was always something wrong with Chen Yan's scars on Wang Luyao's body.

Judging from Wang Luyao's death-seeking method and the final result of her death, Wang Luyao wanted to end her own life with a knife.

Wang Luyao, 36 years old, graduated from a bachelor's degree and has received a good higher education.

It is impossible for such a person not to know how to end his life with a knife. The fastest way is to cut his wrist or wipe his neck.

This is also the first method of suicide that normal people think of.

But Wang Luyao didn't have any scars near her neck.

The wound on the wrist was even stranger.

There were 2 stab wounds on the left wrist but none on the right wrist.

This is strange, she can think of cutting her own left wrist, but she can't think of cutting her right wrist? The bloodstains on the murder weapon on the ground were very obvious, and it could be seen at a glance that Wang Luyao was holding the knife in her right hand during the entire suicide process.

At first glance, there seems to be no problem, but don't forget that Wang Luyao is a weak woman, and her physical strength is not very strong after being injured.

On the basis of cutting himself 31 times, did he still have the strength to stab himself in the abdomen, causing a nearly penetrating wound, leading to his death.

Even if there is, can Wang Luyao do it with a knife in one hand?

Chen Yan walked to the other side of the sofa where Wang Luyao was reclining, and sat on the same sofa.

Holding the mobile phone in his hand, he compared the wound on Wang Luyao's body.

It's like cutting yourself with a knife.

Zhang Yaoming naturally knew what Chen Yan was doing.

Restore the process of Wang Luyao's suicide.

In fact, judging from the situation at the scene, there was indeed no trace of outsiders entering.

Because Wang Luyao had 32 stab wounds on her body, all of which were formed on the sofa in the living room, and her blood was everywhere near the sofa.

From the perspective of blood trace analysis, these blood sprays are all formed naturally.

They have already done simulations, and there is really no possibility of finding outsiders.

Because, for the same wound, the angle of the wound is different, and the direction of the blood spray will be different.

If it was really a homicide, to be honest, apart from ghosts, Zhang Yaoming really couldn't think of anything else.


For nearly half an hour, Chen Yan sat next to Wang Luyao's body, imitating the process of Wang Luyao's wound formation.

However, after half an hour of simulation, all 32 stab wounds were simulated, and no doubts were found.

Every stab wound was natural. Judging from the stab wounds on the inside and outside of the left wrist and legs, Wang Luyao should have committed suicide in a sitting posture.

Because some knife wounds are curved, they can only be done in a sitting position.

Moreover, Chen Yan's simulation also confirmed the judgment of the on-site investigators of the Dan City Criminal Police Team that all the stab wounds were within the reach of the deceased's right hand, and there was no such thing as impossible joint conversion.

In other words, each of these stab wounds was easily done by Wang Luyao in this sitting posture.

After the simulation, Chen Yan carefully observed the shape of the blood spray on the scene.

No big problem.

There are both left and right shields, and the blood spray is consistent with the shape of the wound.

There were 32 knife wounds on Wang Luyao's body, including stab wounds, scratches, and even almost penetrating wounds. The traces of blood sprayed or flowed from different wounds are actually different.

Chen Yan corresponded one by one to the traces of blood flowing or spraying from these wounds, and ruled out the possibility that other people were present at the scene.

A crime scene like this may seem messy, but this kind of scene is actually the easiest to check for traces left by the murderer.

For example, the murderer's body blocks the blood spray, leaving a blank area, for example, the murderer likes to move in the space and leaves footprints, etc.

Sometimes, if the murderer blocked the injection of blood from the deceased's wound, the height and weight of the murderer could even be determined through blood trace analysis.

But at the scene of Wang Luyao's death, nothing was found.

Except for the traces left by Chen Yan and others, there is no evidence of the existence of anyone else.

Is it really suicide?

"Well, first take the body back for an autopsy."

Zhang Yaoming nodded: "Okay, I will arrange it now."

An autopsy, in fact, is not required for all deaths.

Such as natural death, accidental death, death from illness or suicide.

None of these required an autopsy.

An autopsy will only be carried out if the detective suspects that the other party may have committed homicide.

Of course, the autopsy mentioned by Chen Yan refers to dissecting the corpse.

There are two types of autopsy, one is autopsy, which is what Chen Yan just did.

The other is autopsy.

Chen Yan wanted to judge through the autopsy that the other party was still poisoned, and there were some other things that needed to be confirmed.

Now there are only 11 hours before the death of the deceased, and this time period belongs to the early corpse phenomenon stage of the corpse.

At this stage, many characteristics of the corpse have not yet been fully presented, so further inspections are needed.

"Team Zhang, make arrangements. I want to participate in this autopsy."

Zhang Yaoming was slightly taken aback, he didn't know that Chen Yan was proficient in this, but he still nodded. Soon, the detective in charge of on-site investigation came in carrying a stretcher.

Because the corpse was lying obliquely on the sofa, the corpse was bent at about 70 degrees due to rigor.

Several people stepped forward to lift the corpse off the sofa, but did not destroy the rigor.

In fact, rigor is very difficult to destroy.

Rigidity occurs after muscle relaxation, starting from small joints and gradually spreading to large joints. 24 hours after the death of the deceased, rigor mortis reached its strongest state.

At this time, all the joints of the corpse were locked, and the whole corpse was like a steel plate.

After that, the rigor began to gradually relax, and after another 48 hours, the rigor would gradually disappear, and the corpse would become loose again, and the whole corpse would be soft.

Of course, rigor is not indestructible.

But the process of destroying rigor in different time periods has different consequences.

Generally speaking, if the rigor rigor is forcibly destroyed within 6 hours after the death of the human body, the rigor rigor will reappear shortly thereafter.

It's just that the strength of the rigor after recovery will be weakened.

And if it is destroyed after 6 hours, the rigor will not recur.

As for the principle of rigor mortis, in fact, there is no final conclusion at present.

But from the perspective of the cause, it is because after the death of the human body, the muscle activity disappears, and the joints are stiff caused by tight contraction.

While several people were moving the corpse, Chen Yan carefully observed the layout of the room.

It was very clean, that was Chen Yan's first impression.

Except for the blood-stained living room, Wang Luyao's house was spotless. It was very clean and everything was arranged very neatly.

The kitchen utensils in the kitchen were arranged in an orderly manner. A clay pot was placed on the stove. Chen Yan opened it and found black chicken soup inside.

There is also a bowl next to it.

Seeing this, Chen Yan frowned even more tightly.

A person who is about to commit suicide still cooks black chicken soup?

The kitchen is connected to a small storage room, which houses the washing machine and some sundries. The washing machine has stopped running, but there is a flashing red warning light on the crystal panel.

Chen Yan turned on the washing machine, and sure enough there were already washed clothes in it.


Not logical!

If a person commits suicide, he must go through a very complicated inner struggle.

However, before committing suicide, Wang Luyao not only cooked black chicken soup, but also washed clothes in the washing machine?

Walking out of the kitchen, several on-site investigation detectives had just transferred the body to the stretcher. Chen Yan cast a glance and was about to turn around and go to the bedroom and bathroom to have a look.

Suddenly, the picture in Chen Yan's mind flickered again.

Something is wrong!

"and many more!"

Chen Yan turned around and walked quickly to the stretcher carried by several people.

When several detectives heard Chen Yan's voice, they immediately stopped: "Team Leader Chen, what's wrong?"

Zhang Yaoming also stepped forward: "Group Leader Chen"

Chen Yan waved his hand and went straight to the stretcher.

Because of the rigor, Wang Luyao's body was lying on the stretcher at an angle, facing Chen Yan, which happened to be the back of the body.

Chen Yan lifted the home clothes from the corpse, his pupils constricted.

On the back of the deceased, due to the pressure of his own weight, dark red scars were formed during the process of rigor.

Chen Yan didn't move the body when he checked the body just now, so he didn't find anything about the back.

And just now when several detectives carried the body, the home clothes on the back of the deceased were lifted up, and when Chen Yan turned his head, he saw it.

Zhang Yaoming also saw the back of the deceased after Chen Yan lifted his clothes, and was as surprised as Chen Yan.

Zhang Yaoming is not an idiot, he can become the captain of Dan City's detective team, and he has very rich on-site experience.

With just one glance, he discovered that the color of the marks on the corpse's back was wrong!

Chen Yan observed carefully, UU Reading completely lifted the back of the home clothes, and observed it.

Then he opened the trousers and found two darker indentations on the inner thighs of the corpse.

"This trace..."

Chen Yan looked again at the sofa where Wang Luyao had been sitting and knew how the trace came about.

"Wang Luyao sat on a person before she died."

"That's why such a corpse spot is formed!"

Sitting on a person?

Zhang Yaoming's face changed rapidly: "This...impossible!"

There was a reason for Zhang Yaoming's surprise.

They have checked the video in the corridor, and no one entered Wang Luyao's house last night.

"There is no one coming in or out in the video, could the other party be invisible?"