Chapter 274 Lock the first scene

In March, in Liancheng's farmland, there were still some frosts, some shady places that didn't get the sun, and white snow remained.

A group of people started from the gate of Qiao Shanhe's villa and walked all the way on the ridge.

"Team Chen, if Qiao Shouhe went home along here, he would most likely be walking on the ridge."

Wang Gang led the team at the front, and Chen Yan followed behind.

Chen Yan agreed with Wang Gang's judgment.

Five years ago, Qiao Shouhe disappeared in the early morning of May 4th.

In Liancheng in May, the crops have grown very high.

It is unlikely that Qiao Shouhe will directly cross the crop fields, but should follow the ridges at the edge of the plot.

In this way, the resistance of walking will be much smaller, and it is not easy to leave traces.

Seven minutes later, the group walked to several greenhouses.

"Officer Wang, Captain Chen..."

Zhang Songlin just came out of the greenhouse, and Chen Yan, Wang Gang and others were at the back of the greenhouse.

Across a wall, Zhang Songlin said hello: "The village chief Qiao is also..."

"Runsheng," Zhang Songlin hurriedly roared into the greenhouse, "Pick some cucumbers out."

"It's old Zhang..."

Qiao Shanhe waved his hand: "Don't be busy, I have something to do with the two police officers."

"You are busy with your work."

Wang Gang also waved his hand: "It's alright, we just come here for a walk."

Chen Yan looked at Zhang Songlin, then at the wall, but did not speak.

The crowd moved on.

"Chief Qiao," after a while, Chen Yan looked at Qiao Shanhe: "Does this piece of greenhouse belong to the old Zhang family?"

Qiao Shanhe shook his head: "There are several, but the old Zhang family has more greenhouses, there are three."


Chen Yan nodded and moved on.

Walking through the greenhouse planting area, the goal is a low forest.

"When were these trees planted?"

"It was planted ten years ago," Qiao Shanhe pointed to the grove with some feeling: "This dwarf forest was planted by the people in the village ten years ago."

"At that time, the land was a mud depression, and no one planted crops or built a greenhouse, so trees were planted."

ten years…

Chen Yan muttered to himself: "Does anyone usually take care of this forest?"

Qiao Shanhe shook his head: "After planting, it depends on the sky to eat, and no one needs to take care of it at all."

"And because it is a mud depression, there is plenty of rain, and there is no need for watering."

"Anyone fertilizing?"


Qiao Shanhe was stunned: "Planting trees... There is no need to fertilize them, they usually grow naturally."

"Natural growth..."

Chen Yan looked at the dwarf forest again.

This forest is quite large.

The reason why the dwarf trees were planted back then was that, according to Qiao Shanhe, this low-lying area was prone to water accumulation after it rained in summer.

Therefore, tree species that are generally not tolerant to waterlogging are not easy to survive.

Only these dwarf forests are water-loving and waterlogging-tolerant, and they are easy to survive when planted.

Of course, there is also a disadvantage, that is, the tree does not grow tall.

Visually, the tallest is more than one meter.

And there are only a bunch of them, a few trees seem taller.

As for the other trees, they are all less than a meter tall.

Everyone continued to set off, passing through the dwarf forest, and it was another field ridge.

After walking for three minutes, Qiao Shanhe pointed to the opposite road: "On that road, the opposite is Shouhe's house."

Although Qiao Shouhe's house is not as good as Qiao Shanhe's villa, it is also very stylish.

There are also two large stone lions at the door.

The scarlet door was closed and locked.

When he came to the gate, Chen Yan looked at Zhao Dongfeng: "Zhao Dongfeng, you were hiding behind the stone lion, waiting for Qiao Shouhe to come back?"

Zhao Dongfeng nodded and pointed to the stone lion on the right side of the gate: "It's this stone lion."

"I waited all night and didn't see Qiao Shouhe come back."

Along the way, all the terrain was presented in Chen Yan's mind.

Suppose, Zhao Dongfeng didn't lie, and Qiao Shanhe didn't lie either.

Then, the last place Qiao Shouhe disappeared should be near this ridge.

In other words, on the road that Chen Yan and others have traveled.

And on this road, what happened to Qiao Shouhe, and what finally led to his death?

From the analysis of the broken arm, it was initially determined that Qiao Shouhe died in about ten days.

The time when the broken arm was found was on May 14.

That means that Qiao Shouhe died on May 4.

Of course, the exact time cannot be determined.

But considering the situation of Qiao Shouhe's disappearance, it is very likely that Qiao Shouhe died on this road.

So, where did his body go?

You know, Zhang Songlin and his son were in the pond, and only half of their arms were caught.

At that time, Zhang Yunhu drained the entire pond and inserted it all over the nearby ponds within ten kilometers, but found nothing.


Was Qiao Shouhe's body buried on his way home?

This possibility, at present, should be the greatest.

But, even so, where exactly are the bodies buried?

Although it only takes 15 minutes to cross the ridge from Qiao Shanhe's house to Qiao Shouhe's house.

But in this time, the distance traveled is also one kilometer.

With such a large area, it is possible for the murderer to bury him anywhere.

And five years later, the flesh and blood tissue has already decayed, and now there should only be a pile of bones in the ground.

In this case, even if Chen Yan turns on the olfactory gene lock, it will not help.

Another point made Chen Yan a little alert.

That is Zhang Songlin who just appeared.

Chen Yan really didn't know that the ridge that Qiao Shouhe crossed back then would have Zhang Songlin's greenhouse.

And Zhang Songlin was the one who reported the broken arm.

Is this a coincidence?

If so, it seems too coincidental.

if not…

Then all of interesting.

However, if it was Zhang Songlin, they killed Qiao Shouhe with their hands.

What was their motive for committing the crime?

for money?

Not too possible.

The reason why Qiao Shouhe went home that night was to pack up and get money.

Therefore, he must have no money on him at the time.

For hatred?

Also unlikely.

The conditions of Zhang Songlin's family meant that there was no possibility of grievances with Qiao Shouhe.

However, no matter what the reason, the probability of Qiao Shouhe missing on this ridge is very high.


Thinking of this, Chen Yan turned around again and walked back to the ridge: "Let's walk this road again."

On the ridge, Chen Yan was thinking, what was the state of mind of Qiao Shouhe at that time?

Qiao Shouhe, who drank half a catty of liquor, must be more excited mentally.

After a car accident, there is bound to be tension.

Especially after Fang Xiaohu told him about the video, Qiao Shouhe must be very scared.

Five years ago, Qiao Shouhe was just 25 years old. When such a thing happened, his first backbone must be Qiao Shanhe.

Therefore, Qiao Shouhe will definitely listen to Qiao Shanhe's words.

Escape into the ridge, go straight to your home, pack your things, and rush to the airport immediately!

Go out, enter the ridge, pass by the greenhouse, walk through the low forest...

However, what happened to keep Qiao Shouhe from walking out of the dwarf forest.

Standing on the ridge, Chen Yan looked around.

If I were the murderer, where would I bury Qiao Shouhe?

Under the ridge?

No, the traces are too heavy, and the ridges may be damaged when they are planted in spring and harvested in autumn...

In the greenhouse...not even.

Planted in greenhouses and replanted every year.

And damage to the greenhouse is more likely to be found.


Chen Yan's eyes finally turned to the dwarf forest.


Along the way, only here is the best burial place.

Undergrowth, with thick rotting leaves, is the best cover.

And this place is prone to water accumulation in summer and snow in winter, and these dwarf trees have little economic value.

Certainly not cut down.

Buried here, no one will find it for many years.


Such a large dwarf forest, UU reading www.uukanshu. com buried there, okay?


A picture flashed through Chen Yan's mind like lightning.

"follow me!"

Chen Yan seemed to have caught some key clues.

With the crowd, they ran towards the dwarf woods.

Wang Gang looked up and saw that the location here was probably in the northeast corner of the dwarf forest.

Whether it is the road in front of Qiao Shouhe's house or the greenhouse in the field, it is the farthest distance.

In addition, this is where the taller dwarf trees grow.

Looking at Chen Yan who was circling a few dwarf trees, Wang Gang was a little puzzled: "Team Chen, is there something wrong here?"