Chapter 239: intricate web of relationships

The Yinglu City Detective Team has been following up on this secret room murder case for nearly half a year.

Although the case was too bizarre, and the evidence at the crime scene was unsupportable for Huihui and Tang Muqi to commit the crime, the Yinglu City Detective Team spent a lot less energy on them later on.

However, this does not mean that the Yinglu City Detective Team's ability to investigate and collect evidence is not good.

On the contrary, in this regard, it is relatively easy for each detective team to investigate the background of some people within the jurisdiction.

The first feedback was about Yu Huihui's survey results.

"Team Leader Chen," Ma Tao, the deputy captain of the Yinglu City Detective Team, was in charge of this work.

"When we investigated the surveillance video of the hotel, we found a major clue."


Projection playback.

Fortunately, the monitoring of the hotel is originally a monthly cycle, covering monitoring.

But, as it happens, at the end of July last year, they switched computers.

The original hard drive was just preserved.

The date of the video is July 19th.

"Duan Zhongxin once went to Haojiao to eat at the restaurant on July 19."

"Because I drank a little wine, during the meal, I molested too Huihui, and almost got into a fight at that time."

In the video, Duan Zhongxin didn't know what to say when Huihui came over to serve the dishes.

Yu Huihui raised her hand and slapped him.

Immediately afterwards, Duan Zhongxin got up and was about to hit Yu Huihui, but was stopped by the waiter who rushed over.

After that, several people who were eating with him also stepped forward and pulled away.

"Team Leader Chen," Ma Tao pointed to the man in the video: "This man is the owner of the restaurant, Zhao Youqian."

In the video, after Duan Zhongxin sat down scoldingly, Zhao Youqian stepped forward and had a glass of wine with Duan Zhongxin and others.

Half an hour later, Duan Zhongxin and others left.

This situation was something that the Yinglu City Detective Team had not grasped before.

Yu Huihui had such a holiday with Duan Zhongxin.

So, does Yu Huihui have a motive for committing the crime?

Chen Yan shook his head in his heart.

In the video, Yu Huihui looks more aggressive.

Moreover, after the conflict with Duan Zhongxin, he didn't seem to care much at all.

Continue to drink with the guests at the table at the door.

Such a woman would be tempted to kill just because someone flirted with her for a few words?

What's more, at that time, it was Yu Huihui who slapped Duan Zhongxin.

"What's wrong with Zhao Rich?"

Pausing the video, Chen Yan focused on Zhao Youqian who was drinking with Duan Zhongxin.

"This person is Yu Huihui's brother-in-law. Yu Huihui came to work in the park because of her brother-in-law."

"Also," Ma Tao pointed to Yu Huihui in the video: "We just discovered a situation when we visited and investigated."

"Oh? What's the situation?"

"The waiters and chefs in the restaurant all said that Yu Huihui and Zhao Youqian had an affair."

Chen Yan was slightly surprised: "Don't Yu Huihui's sister know?"

"Yu Huihui's sister is named Yu Rongrong. She takes her children in the city and doesn't usually go to restaurants."

"So, you probably don't know."

"Check the information about Zhao's rich money, especially if he has an improper relationship with other women."

Ma Tao nodded: "Yes."

Duan Zhongxin, one month before the incident, had been to the Haorai Hotel.

This is not a coincidence.

Will Yu Huihui have the idea of ​​murder because of this?

No conclusive judgment can be made at this time.

However, at least it found something that was not found before.

An hour later, the news that was in charge of investigating Tang Muqi also came back.

"Team Leader Chen, Tang Muqi only came to the park in January this year as a security guard."

The one in charge of investigating Tang Muqi is the Changjiang Forest, the first unit of the Yinglu City Detective Team.

"He is Zhang Baoshan's hometown. At the beginning of the year, Zhang Baoshan introduced him to be a security guard."

"This person is usually more honest and often works night shifts."

"The relationship with the security guards is relatively good."

"I don't smoke or drink. I usually stay in the dormitory after get off work."

"His daughter-in-law cooks in the factory, which was also introduced by Zhang Baoshan."

"However," Jiangling paused, "the security guards we visited all said that Tang Muqi and Zhang Baoshan had a bad relationship."


"They don't have a good relationship?"


Should not be ah.

It stands to reason that the work of Tang Muqi and his daughter-in-law was introduced by Zhang Baoshan.

The couple should thank Zhang Baoshan.

How could the relationship between the two parties not be good.

"That's right," Jiang Lin handed a stack of materials to Chen Yan: "According to Tang Muqi's wife, they lent Zhang Baoshan 5,000 yuan in May this year."

"It was a good idea, but Zhang Baoshan will return it to them in June."

"However, until now, the money has not been given to them."

"It was also said that this was the agency fee for introducing the couple to work."

"We also asked Zhang Baoshan about this situation."

"It's true."

"Moreover, Zhang Baoshan said that Tang Muqi and his wife had to ask him to find a job after the New Year."

"He also sent a lot of things to find a good job."

"As a result, Tang Muqi and his wife didn't say anything at all. Zhang Baoshan made such a move."

The information Jiang Lin brought back was very important.

Zhang Baoshang and Tang Muqi not only knew each other, but also had some grudges.

This is something that has not been discovered before.

According to the current clues, the survivor Yu Huihui is related to the victim Duan Zhongxin.

The reporter Zhang Baoshan is also related to the survivor Tang Muqi.

At present, although none of these connections can be directly related to the case.

However, there is no direct relationship, it is the most relevant place.

Why are these four people?

Why not the other four?

If there is an effect, there must be a cause.

The murder in the secret room is the effect, and everything now is the cause.


When Zhao Bing returned to the detective team, it was noon the next day.

Regarding Zhang Baoshan's investigation, it was Zhao Bing who was following up.

meeting room.

Zhao Bing began to report the situation.

"Team leader, this Zhang Baoshan really has a problem!"

It turned out that on the evening of July 27, Zhang Baoshan had no patrol mission.

He just needed to be on duty that night.

However, the security guard on duty with him drank too much.

At 12 o'clock, he went to patrol instead of the security guard.

According to what the security guard under Zhang Baoshan said, since Zhang Baoshan became the security captain, he could count the number of patrols with one hand.

So, why go on patrol that night?

Or go on patrol instead of his subordinates?

"Also, the security guard Zhang Baoshan testified at the time had already drank too much that day."

"According to his recollection, Zhang Baoshan was very enthusiastic that day."

"Zhang Baoshan bought all the drinks and snacks."

Zhang Baoshan!

Chen Yan narrowed his eyes.

This Zhang Baoshan...

As a reporter, Zhang Baoshan had many doubts.

The Yinglu City Detective Team also spent a lot of energy on Zhang Baoshan.

However, the most fundamental reason to get rid of suspicion is the testimony of his subordinates.

The records on the dossier clearly show that the other party determined that Zhang Baoshan was lying on the bed and slept after returning from the patrol.

"This, our investigation this time, is also the result."

Zhao Bing handed over a photo: "This is the duty room where Zhang Baoshan and the security guard drank and slept."

There were two beds in total. The security guard who drank too much slept in a camp bed that day, and Zhang Baoshan slept outside.

"That night, the security guard woke up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and saw someone on Zhang Baoshan's bed."

"So, even though the security guard drank too much at the time, the Yinglu City Detective Team still accepted his testimony."

As a result, Chen Yan took a good look at the material.

After a while, Chen Yan looked at Zhao Bing: "This security guard... Do you think there is a problem?"


Zhao Bing knew that Chen Yan was asking if the security guard was suspected of giving false testimony.

After thinking about it, Zhao Bing shook his head: "This possibility... is not very likely."

Because, when Zhao Bing and the security guard learned about Zhang Baoshan's whereabouts that night, he clearly told the security guard about the consequences of false testimony.

"However, the security guard's expression did not evade in the slightest."

"He said that although he drank too much that day, he could not confirm whether Zhang Baoshan did something while on patrol."

"However, when he woke up at night to go to the toilet, he definitely saw someone on Zhang Baoshan's bed."

Strictly speaking!

Patrol the factory area, this time is about an hour.

If Zhang Baoshan really went to patrol, he should go out at 12:00 and return to the duty room after 1:00 in the morning.

However, the time when Tang Muqi was knocked out was about 11:00, and the time when Yu Huihui was knocked out was about 11:45.

Although the two of them didn't look at the specific time, Tang Muqi basically determined based on the length of the patrol time that when he was knocked unconscious, it was probably when he went out to patrol for half an hour.

Yu Huihui was also sure that after about ten minutes after she left the hotel, she turned around a factory building, and was suddenly wrapped around her neck by a pair of big hands, and then she didn't know anything.

Therefore, at this time, if what Zhang Baoshan's subordinates said is true.

Zhang Baoshan did not have time to commit the crime.

One is that when Tang Muqi was knocked out and Yu Huihui was knocked out, Zhang Baoshan was still drinking with the security guard.

The other is that Zhang Baoshan's patrol time is only one hour. In such a short time, it is difficult to create such a confusing scene of a secret room.

Could it be that this Zhang Baoshan is really okay?

However, why did he buy wine and food for his subordinates?

Why are you still patrolling for him?

Unreasonable! 18428/10570596