Why is this unique product more serious than the regular unique product?


Originally, when you eat a piece of sugar, the dopamine secreted in the brain will make you feel satisfied and happy.

Secretly kissing a female classmate can make you secrete a lot of dopamine, which can produce a very stimulating sense of satisfaction.

However, once he smokes something like the other side flower No. 3.

The need for dopamine, which produces the same pleasure, will undoubtedly be greatly increased.

Eating a candy bar, kissing, playing a game, etc., produces dopamine that doesn't make you feel happy. At that time, if you want to be happy, you can only smoke No. 3 of the other side of the flower.

However, the happiness you get is only equivalent to the extent of eating a piece of Tang before.

In other words, if you overdose on this new and unique product like No. 3, your happiness will be greatly satisfied at the beginning.

The further back you go, the harder it is to get happiness.

In other words, your happiness is castrated.

Remember the URL m.9biquge.

This kind of information....required to report!

This is no longer a case that can be decided by the Liancheng detective team.

Once it fails, or in other words, the seriousness of the consequences, no one can bear.

Chen Yan temporarily interrupted the trial.

The news is too urgent, and Chen Yan must report it immediately.

At this moment, Liu Qingshan has rushed to Liancheng University to secretly investigate Zhang Ruiqing's affairs.

Li Hong also arranged manpower to secretly protect Li Tianhu and Yang Bing's family.

As soon as Chen Yan left the interrogation room, he called Zhang Yunhu.

"Yang Bing gave up."

Chen Yan didn't talk nonsense, and directly reported: "The other side flower No. 3 is a new type of unique product, and the harm is very huge."

"I suggest that the situation be reported immediately, and

"Deputy Captain Li Hong, we need to strengthen our manpower to ensure that nothing goes wrong!"

Zhang Yunhu, who was on the other end of the phone, realized the seriousness of the matter when he heard Chen Yan report that the No.

Since Chen Yan started working, he has been exposed to murder cases, and has never dealt with Dupin.

However, Zhang Yunhu is different.

I have been in the police for many years and have dealt with a single trafficker more than once.

How do you think he became the captain of the second detective team?

Isn't it just a heroic battle and outstanding performance in the process of arresting a lone hawker?

It was probably five years ago.

At that time, Zhang Yunhu was the deputy captain of the second detective team.

The task was to protect the family of an informant.

The other party was extremely vicious, and in order to retaliate, he really sent people to kill the informant's family.

Zhang Yunhu and the others were a 10-person team responsible for protection.

And it's gun protection.

It was in this situation that Zhang Yunhu and the others were injured.

In the end, the enemy was repelled.

Note, it was a knockback!

Zhang Yunhu and their mission is to protect, not annihilate the enemy.

So, no pursuit.

However, at that time, Zhang Yunhu and the others were only peripheral protection personnel.

The real battle core is not them.

None of these people left Liancheng in the end.

All were annihilated.

As for the cost, of course not zero.

Two detectives died heroically.

All detectives will be highly vigilant about anything related to the unique product.

Because this is a battle of life and death.

Solitary, no choice.

Getting caught is basically death.

Therefore, in the face of arrest, all of them die.

"Your suggestion is very good, I will inform Li Hong."

"As for the provincial detective brigade and the corps, you are familiar with the situation. I authorize you to make a comprehensive report."


Hanging up the phone, Chen Yan first dialed Qin Chuan's personal number.

The reason why Chen Yan called Zhang Yunhu in the first place was actually because of Zhang Yunhu's last sentence, authorization.

At any time, it is not allowed to go beyond the level to carry out work.

Because of his special status, Chen Yan has a temporary letter of appointment from the National Detective Corps, so he can report directly to the Corps.

Otherwise, a level-by-level report is still required.

Before, when Chen Yan asked for some information, it was through Wang Min's relationship, and it was a personal relationship.

It's different now.

Chen Yan is now contacting the team, even if he is still calling Wang Min, but now it is business.

Not a personal relationship.

After Qin Chuan heard Chen Yan's report for the first time, he understood the seriousness of the matter.

As an old detective, as a practical faction who relies on merit, no one knows better than Qin Chuan the dangers of dealing with lone traders.

The gunshot wound on his body and the Medal of Merit, didn't he get it in the fight against the lone hawker?

In fact, normally speaking, if it is an ordinary sole trader, at the level of the provincial detective brigade, it can basically advance on its own. If it is cross-regional, the detective brigade of the relevant province can solve it by meeting and coordinating.

However, this case is different.

One is that it involves the overseas criminal group Bianhua.

Qin Chuan didn't know this name before.

This time, after he became the captain of the Liao Provincial Detective Brigade, he came into contact with some confidential information.

Of course, only roughly

Not very understanding.

However, Qin Chuan is aware of the relevant regulations.

For a transnational criminal group like the other side of the flower, any trouble or clues to the case should be reported to the corps as soon as possible. "Chen Yan, you have a temporary employment letter from the team, and you will report this matter directly."


Hanging up the phone, Chen Yan called Wang Min.

At this time, Chen Yan had just left the interrogation room for 3 minutes.

"Haha, Brother Chen, if you have anything, call Brother Chen."

"The last case was resolved, right?"

In the past two days, Wang Min has just checked a person's overseas information for Chen Yan.

It is Zhao Danyang.

This kind of thing is completely trivial, but Chen Yan and the others have no resources for this.

This information can generally be found as long as there are local people.

Of course, this is not an easy thing.

The reason why it can be so fast is because in this world, the international status of China is different.

The world's No. 1 power in economic, military, cultural and other aspects.

Although there are many hostile forces that are not long-sighted, they are still fighting the idea of ​​​​China.

However, on the bright side, no country dared to provoke China.

Therefore, the Huaguo Detective Corps has its own branches all over the world.

It can be said that the Detective Corps has compiled the largest intelligence network in the world.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Yan was able to obtain basic information about Zhao Danyang abroad so quickly.

"Brother Wang, thank you for the information last time, the case has been closed... After Chen Yan finished speaking, he said in a deep voice, "Brother Wang, this time...the call is to report an important situation. !"

Important information?

"you say!"

Chen Yan did not procrastinate, time is now the most precious.

Joint Action, Heaven on Earth, Yang Bing, and Li Tianhu.

The most important thing is that the other side of the flower group and the other side of the flower No. 3.

"Brother Wang, if the information provided by Yang Bing is true."

"If Dopamine is the main ingredient of Bi'anhua No. 3, then the harm of this unique product will be ten times and a hundred times more than the existing unique product!"

Wang Min also realized the seriousness of the matter.

What unique product is dangerous.

Is the price high?

Is it cross infection after abuse?

No, neither.

The biggest harm of the unique product is two words, addiction.

Why is it so addicting.

The most fundamental reason is that the unique product stimulates the brain and makes it secrete dopamine crazily.

After the destruction of the unique product, the dopamine produced by the brain will not make people feel satisfied and happy.

What does quitting do, isn't it to use other substitutes or activities to block the addiction of the unique product step by step?

Reconstructing an efficient pathway to stimulate dopamine secretion.

And once a new unique product appears, it directly injects dopamine into the human body.

How to break this addictive habit?

At that point, quitting alone is equivalent to quitting dopamine.

This is something that the human brain produces on its own.

How to quit?

"Chen Yan

Wang Min did not directly answer but paused for a while.

Chen Yan did not urge.

Wang Min was obviously thinking.

After a long while, a voice came from Wang Min: "Chen Yan, wait a moment for me, I don't have the authority to decide this matter, I need to ask for instructions!"

Please advise?

Chen Yan's expression froze slightly.

It was the first time he heard Wang Min say that he needed to ask for instructions!

The case of the US-Japan International Hospital was not big, and Wang Min didn't ask anyone for instructions.

This shows the importance of this case.

Ten minutes later, the phone rang.

"Chen Yan, the superior has made a decision!"