The magical creature test that started the next morning was the simplest test encountered by Lane Examination Week, after all, the content of this test is to let them Floppy caterpillars must be alive after an hour. It is well known that the Frob caterpillar is a magical creature with extremely strong vitality, even if it is placed, it can grow normally no matter what.

The reason why the exam questions are so simple is because Hagrid is so worried that it seems that his mind is not on the exam at all. After all, the final trial will be held against Buckbeak the day after tomorrow, and the Ministry of Magic officials with executioners have clearly demonstrated their knowledge of the final trial.

So at the end of the exam, Lane patted Hagrid's arm to show his support. Hagrid bent down and said in a low voice, "In short, thank you this time, we will know the final result the day after tomorrow."

This afternoon was a potion test, but fortunately Harry attracted most of Snape ’s firepower. This made the Gryffindor students present more relaxed.

After mastering alchemy, Ryan felt that his potion level had suddenly increased by one. Because he found out that the effect of the configured potion can be derived according to the ingredients of each raw material before the potion is configured.

So in this exam, he slightly modified the process of making a few chaotic medicines. Judging from the results, at least the finished product is at least better than the one he made in the textbook.

It is worth mentioning that in the many gatherings of the book club. Neville was unanimously praised by the members of the book club for showing his talents in herbal medicine, so his self-confidence is much stronger than in the past. At least when the attention paid in the exam room was all drawn to Harry in the past, Neville also successfully formulated a potion. Even if it comes with an inferior product, it is much better than the fryer in the past.

After finishing the potion class exam, Harry and they returned directly to the Gryffindor Tower. And Ryan Hermione went to the ancient magic text class to take the final exam of ancient magic text.

There are very few people electing this course, even fewer than those who choose to count. When Ryan entered the classroom, he found that less than ten people had taken the exam. The content of the exam is just a translation of some ancient characters and a very simple combination. But looking at the way most people in the classroom bit their pens and thinking hard, Ryan knew that this thing was not as simple as he thought.

"Did I just read the magic word wrong? It should mean heat rather than flames. God, what should I do?" Hermione asked nervously as soon as she left the exam room.

"Okay, okay, it's not that serious. Both runes can achieve the effect required by the exam questions. There really isn't a need to be so detailed." Ryan showed a headache expression. Hermione was right after the exam. The habit of the question reminded him of the bad memories of being crushed by a bunch of school bully after the exam in his last life.

Fortunately, at this time they came to the portrait of the Fat Lady, and soon Hermione was quiet to prepare to review the astronomy at night.

The astronomical examination was carried out at the astronomical tower at midnight. Ryan can only say that the night in the Scottish Highlands is even summer, and the breeze is whizzing. He had to keep his robe tight all the time during the exam. The next day's examination of the history of magic went to the other extreme, and the classrooms in the examination room were sultry. Rein reminded Ryan of the buns in the cage.

Of course, these two exams have used a little trick: the college that went to the world before the exam copied all the knowledge in the book into the brain. After all, these courses are just simple memorization, and special methods are used to remember these. Knowledge can save a lot of time in other courses. This is also a kind of resource optimization.

The herbal medicine examination Ryan performed as perfect as ever, and he had a little problem on the black magic defense exam on Thursday: he started a little too much, which made Lupin have to replace a batch of new monsters.

"Your methods are a bit too close to actual combat, especially the Grindello. You really don't need to knock it down and turn the dead branches into iron bars for its head. Fortunately, I advance I have prepared a lot of spares, otherwise the exam will not go on. ”Lu Ping said with some helplessness. "Of course your performance is also excellent, naturally it is full marks."

"Thank you professor." Ryan then stood there to watch the other people's exams. Harry naturally passed the exam smoothly. Ron overturned his car in the artificial swamp. Hermione passed the exam smoothly, but she took a little longer than everyone else, and was mainly delayed by Bogut. But no matter how Ryan asked after the exam, she refused to tell him what Bogut had become.

For Ryan and Hermione, their exams are completely over. But Harry and Ron have to take their divination lessons. So when going to dinner, Ryan and the two of them looked very energetic. But Harry and Ron still looked nervous.

They met the judges sent by the Ministry of Magic on the road, and one of them had a sharp axe in his waist, which means that Buckbeak looks less fierce and dug today.

The most exaggerated is that the leader is actually Minister Fudge, but this time he did not come to the school because of Sirius's problem, but because there were more important things to talk to Professor Dumbledore.

Ron was going to the auditorium when he was about to step forward to talk ~ ~ Because Ryan used the magical power of Zixia, Ron was pulled away without resistance.

"Don't forget that he is your father's boss." Watching Ron on the road was a little dissatisfied, and Ryan explained to him why he should be taken away.

"Maybe Buckbeak can be fine." Ha said in a very uncertain tone, after all, he also knew that the probability that Buckbeak was completely okay was too small.

Because there was no exam in the afternoon, Ryan and Hermione slipped out of the castle on the pretext of congratulations after the exam. Then he entered Lingzhi from another direction of the Forbidden Forest. When they came to the place agreed with Wolfe, they were surprised to find that there were already six unicorns waiting for them.

"Well, young unicorns are always curious. So these young little guys in the ethnic group also came out to meet with the leader this time. After all, there are not many opportunities to ensure absolute safety." Wolfe is in Explained.

"It must be safe. I heard that Professor Dumbledore will always listen to the final trial. No one will hurt you under his watch." Hermione said beside him.

After chatting for a few days, the animals in the neighborhood followed Ryan and Hermione slowly towards the direction of Hagrid's hut. Because no one usually walks here, the ground is covered with dead branches and leaves and messy roots. It took them twenty minutes to approach Hagrid's hut from the direction of the forbidden forest.

"I'll go and see what's the situation now." After that, Ryan gave himself a phantom body curse, and then touched the Hagrid lodge alone.

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