Dang Shanshan said blankly, "Zhang Tian, I don't know. I can't control that much. I just hope you don't refuse me. "

Zhang Tian answered. He seemed to understand and said, "Dang Shanshan, I know. Over the years, indeed, I've ignored you too much. Because of my mood... "

Dang Shanshan suddenly covered her mouth, shook her head and said, "Zhang Tian, don't say it. Let's not talk about that. I just hope that you can cherish us and not refuse our tenderness. That will be enough for us

Zhang Tian answered softly. Dang Shanshan suddenly puts her face together and kisses Zhang Tian. Zhang Tianxuan hugs her and feels her gentle and plump business. She seemed to be shaking. Zhang Tian not only felt the moist feeling on his face, but also felt the gentleness of Dang Shanshan. It's all about touching yourself. Let had been silent for a long time of passion suddenly burst out.

The two were kissing together. This time, it was a kiss.

Zhang Tian nodded, immediately picked her up, and suddenly said with a smile, "Shanshan, I should have eaten some snake whip if I had known that this would happen this night."

Dang Shanshan blushed with shame and put out a fist and beat Zhang Tian gently. "Zhang Tian, you really hate it."

Zhang Tian saw this and couldn't help laughing, "Shanshan, you are still shy."

Dang Shanshan stroked his face and said, "Zhang Tian, don't always be hip-hop. Be serious."

Zhang Tian immediately said, "well, OK."

Also do not know how long, when Zhang Tian finally vent his last bit of energy, exhausted lying on the party Shanshan body.

Dang Shanshan gently stroked his head and said, "Zhang Tian, are you very tired?"

Zhang Tian laughed and said, "no, I'm not tired."

Dang Shanshan said, "you are not tired. I see you are sweating."

Zhang Tian took a deep breath and said, "I haven't been so happy for a long time."

Dang Shanshan said with a smile, "Zhang Tian, you know, at this moment, I think time is so fixed, just the three of us. It's always like that, that's good. "

Zhang Tian took a look at Siyu who was sleeping not far away and said with a smile, "yes, this is a family."

"Unfortunately, it's just a dream," Dang said

Zhang Tian smile, then from her body down, lying beside, gently smile way, "OK, don't think about it, sleep."

Today's night is definitely a sleepless night for Lu Kun. He is very worried. After the exhibition, he specially invited Zhao Tianhua and Liu Peng to discuss countermeasures.

Three people sit down in a bar. Lu Kun said to the point, "I think you've heard about that Julie. I've probably seen them all. "

Two people nodded. Liu Peng said, "Lu Kun, don't listen to his nonsense. What is this? Julie, I think she is Xiang Yuying. Zhang Tian, this guy, is playing any more tricks with us. "

Zhao Tianhua said, "I also feel like this. Now, Julie's wife has become a ghost. What are they playing with

Lu Kun looked at Liu Peng and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Liu, have you seen something? Tell me quickly."

Liu Peng said, "I'm closer to Zhang Tianlai. So I need to know more about this Julie. You can think about it. They didn't realize it for two days, but this Julie had a hot fight with him. Nothing is said. And we went out for dinner at night. Damn it, this kind of thing is incredible. Even if his surname Zhang is very lucky in peach blossom, it will not be so fast. I doubt there is something wrong with it. "

Lu Kun looked at him and said, "you mean, this Julie has another problem."

Liu Peng said, "there is more than a problem. It is simply a problem. This woman is not easy. I can see that. They did it for me on purpose. And during this period, Zhang Tian, the stinky boy, has been looking at me. I guess I'm watching my expression closely. "

Lu Kun sighed and said, "to tell you the truth, Zhang Tian asked me to meet them tomorrow night. I firmly believe that this woman is Xiang Yuying

"What do you say?" they asked in a hurry

Lu Kun said, "Zhang Tian, this guy, doesn't agree, but he doesn't deny it. Of course, I think there is something wrong with it."

Liu Peng said, "Lu Kun, do you mean to go to see it tomorrow?"

Lu Kun said, "of course I want to see it. This is necessary. Otherwise I won't sleep well at night

Liu Peng said with a smile, "Lu Kun, what are you afraid of? Anyway, it's not your fault that Xiang Yuying died. It's her own fault. It has nothing to do with you."

With a faint smile, Lu Kun said, "this is what outsiders talk about. Don't we understand it ourselves. I'll tell you the truth. In fact, I arranged the accident. "

Liu Peng and Zhao Tianhua looked at him in amazement. It's unbelievable.Zhao Tianhua said, "you, you arranged it. This, so to say, is the death of your director Xiang Yuying. This, this is incredible. "

Lu Kun said with a smile, "I told you that if you want to achieve a career, you must be ruthless. You see, I have already obtained the supreme power of the company, and everyone is fully convinced of me. I am also the successor of the company, and no one will say three or four."

Zhao Tianhua did not say a word, but his face turned iron blue. He looked a little uneasy, trembling, took up a glass of red wine, and drank it all.

Seeing this, Lu Kun said with a smile, "Tianhua, what are you worried about?"

Zhao Tianhua gave an unnatural smile, "no, nothing. Lu Kun, you are so impressive to me. "

Lu Kun smiles, "Tianhua, you still need to grow up. We men have to be ruthless in order to achieve our career. Otherwise, you will only be hindered by others

Liu Peng found his bosom friend and said with a smile, "Tianhua, I think LV Kun is right. People, it's the way to do it. Tianhua, are you still worried about Zhang Fan's death? You can't do this. "

Zhao Tianhua gave a bitter smile and said, "Liu Peng, don't say it yourself. In fact, I didn't think about it for a long time. I'm just thinking, if this woman is really Xiang Yuying, what will Lu Kun do? "

Lu Kun said with a smile, "if it's really her, I'll take care of her. I didn't let her die last time. This time it won't be so cheap for him. However, I have to confirm whether this woman is Xiang Yuying

Zhao Tianhua said, "Lu Kun, I think you should be more careful. It may not be as simple as we think

Lu Kun laughed, "Tianhua, do you know why you still can't succeed. That's because you're too careful. Think twice about everything you do. If you go on like this, you will only have a good chance. "