Dang Shanshan turned to ask him, "Zhang Tian, what about you, are you not afraid of your general manager Zhang?"

Zhang Tian said with a smile, "I am very free. Besides, we, Mr. Zhang, do not have such strict discipline on me now. "

Dang Shanshan nodded slightly and said, "well, this is quite right. You are about to become the leader of the company. You say it all. No one can take care of you. "

Zhang took a deep breath and said, "Shanshan, where are you going now?"

Dang Shanshan said, "Zhang Tian, I'm in a bad mood today. Can you stay with me a little longer?"

Zhang tianben wanted to take this opportunity to break up with her, but Dang Shanshan had no reason to say so, so she had to say, "well, Shanshan, I will sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman today."

Dang Shanshan said with a smile, "Zhang Tian, it's embarrassing for me to say so. I'm not a monster. I dare not kill you

Zhang Tian said with a smile, "this is not to say it's fascinating. This is to describe a beautiful woman. You see, you are such a beautiful woman. You say that you are crazy about me. Don't you want my life? "

Dang Shanshan seemed to be amused by this sentence and said, "Zhang Tian, I find you are really humorous."

Zhang Tianxin said that the humor is not humorous. In fact, it depends on what kind of woman we are with. If we are with Sister Feng, we still have the heart to make fun of her. I guess they're busy retching.

They went out for a meal together. In the fast food restaurant, Dang Shanshan seems to be very interested and ordered a lot of beer. She rolled her sleeves and drank with Zhang Tian. Actually, Zhang Tian didn't drink much. Basically, Dang Shanshan was drinking alone.

This time, Zhang Tian also saw Dang Shanshan's drinking capacity. This woman is really powerful. Four or five cans of beer went into my stomach, but nothing happened. But the eyes are slightly blurred.

Zhang Tian worried that she had drunk too much, so he helped her up in a hurry and walked outside with her.

Zhang Tianhao easily helped her to the car and was preparing to start the car. Dang Shanshan said vaguely, "Zhang Tian, I don't want to go back."

Zhang Tian said, "OK, I won't go back, but where are we going now?"

Dang Shanshan hung his neck and said with a smile, "Zhang Tian, let's go to your house."

Dang Shanshan held out a finger and scraped it gently on his face and said, "fool, how can you not understand it?"

Damn it, why don't you understand. Dang Shanshan's charming expression indicates something, but Zhang Tian knows that if he takes her home, Xue Mingli and Chu Wan'er will not take their bones apart. However, looking at such an attractive woman in front of her, to tell the truth, this heart is really a bit itchy feeling, so that the quiet blood in the body suddenly boils up.

"Shanshan, it seems that I can't go to my home. I didn't take the key. Mingli and Wan'er have the key. " Zhang Tian found a reason.

Dang Shanshan said with a smile, "come on, Zhang Tian, I think you are guilty of being a thief. You are afraid that you will take me back and be blamed by them. That's what you guys do

Zhang Tian couldn't laugh or cry. He made an explanation in a hurry.

However, Dang Shanshan didn't seem to listen to this explanation at all. She waved her hand and said, "it doesn't matter, Zhang Tian. It's a big deal. No one in my family will disturb us."

Zhang Tian said in a hurry, "Shanshan, what are you talking about? I just want to send you home. You have drunk too much wine today."

Dang Shanshan said with a smile, "OK, Zhang Tian, you don't have to explain any more. Let's go." She put her arm around him and leaned on his shoulder.

Zhang Tian looked back at her and did not speak.

I drove to her house. Zhang Tian helped her out of the car. Dang Shanshan seems to be a bit drunk, unable to walk, the whole person relies on Zhang Tian's body. Zhang Tian helped her and took her waist with one hand. He did it very carefully. But touching Dang Shanshan's plump body, I still couldn't stop excited.

Dang Shanshan didn't know what she was saying all the way. Zhang Tian didn't understand. However, he could feel the feeling of Dang Shanshan to himself from these soft words.

Zhang Tian helped her into the room and put it on the bed. Cover her with a quilt and finish all this. Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly heard Dang Shanshan shouting thirsty.

Zhang Tian rushed to pour her a glass of water. But when carrying water, she found that Dang Shanshan was sitting on the bed, looking at him affectionately. She was not drunk. Zhang Tian suddenly realized. I was cheated.

Zhang Tian put the water on the table, sighed and said, "Shanshan, since you have nothing to do, I think I'd better go first."

"Wait, Zhang Tian, don't leave." Dang Shanshan seems to be worried that Zhang naivete will go, and hurriedly comes to hold him.

"Shanshan, it's OK for you to go first. I think I should go too. It's really inappropriate for me to be here." Zhang Tian said and slowly took out his hand.

"Zhang Tian, you are so heartless. I'm afraid we won't meet again like now. Don't you really have any... " Dang Shanshan couldn't help but cry.Zhang Tian slowly turned around and looked at her. His heart softened. He couldn't help but stretch out his hand, gently wiped her tears and said, "Shanshan, it's not what I want, it's just, it's just..."

Dang Shanshan suddenly burst into his arms, hugged him tightly, and said softly, "Zhang Tian, for this night, can you stay with me?"

"This," Zhang Tianyi hesitated for a moment. In fact, he could realize what it was like to live alone in a room, and what would happen next was completely imaginable.

Dang Shanshan raised her head and looked at Zhang Tian. Her face was full of tears. She looked extremely moving and had a certain delicate manner. Zhang Tian was moved, though he realized that he was going to do something wrong. But he couldn't help it.

Zhang Tian took a deep breath and said, "OK, Shanshan, I'll accompany you. But I'll sleep out later. "

Dang Shanshan laughed and said, "you sit down and talk with me first."

"Oh, well, well." Zhang Tian was pulled by Dang Shanshan and sat down gently beside the bed.

Zhang Tian looked at the glass of water and said with a smile, "Shanshan, are you still thirsty now?"

Dang Shanshan said with a smile, "thirsty."

Zhang Tian hands the water to her, but Dang Shanshan doesn't take it. Instead, she stares at him and shakes her head, but she doesn't speak.

Zhang Tian was surprised and said, "Shanshan, why don't you go on?"

Dang Shanshan looked at him with a pair of very charming eyes, and said angrily, "you are really stupid. You don't understand. You feed me to drink. "

Zhang Tian didn't really understand, "Hello, Hello, hello." He actually knows what that means. Damn it, Dang Shanshan is really a scheming man. However, now, there is no way out. If you say you refuse this small request from a woman's family, you can't say it on your face. Zhang Tian thought about it, so he said, "OK, I'll feed you."

Then he brought the water to her mouth.

Dang Shanshan has been staring at him, although drinking water, but her attention has always stayed in Zhang Tian's body, there is no intention to leave. And that kind of vision is very strong, with a bit of provocation, hidden in the eyes of strong emotions. Zhang Tian couldn't help but turn away his eyes.

I don't know it's because I didn't pay much attention to it. As a result, the water directly spilled on Dang Shanshan's body. Dang Shanshan gave a cry of surprise.