Chapter 1190: New milk tea shop opens, selling milk capped tea

Chapter 1190 A new milk tea shop opens, selling milk tea

Seeing Jiang Luyou's aggrieved look, Su Yiyou had no choice but to look outside and no one came in, so he kissed him on the face.

After kissing him, Jiang Luyou was happy, "Don't mess with these things in the future, some of them will be misunderstood and affect the relationship, I am not a cat that steals fish."

Su Yiyou was quite embarrassed by what was said, but he now knows that her sister was secretly destroying the relationship between the two of them. She didn't know why her sister did this, but she definitely didn't have such good intentions.

But it's not difficult for Su Yiyou to understand after a while, probably because of the reaction between the women, she knew it all at once.

Her sister likes Jiang Luyou, and she couldn't be with him before, that's why she is like this now.

She was a little depressed.

She is already married to Jiang Luyou, and her sister has not given up yet, and now she wants to destroy the two of them. Could it be that after destroying the two of them, she took advantage of it?

Gu Yuehuan has been busy with seasonal limited editions recently. To improve her store business, she can’t keep selling the old ones. She suddenly remembered that she had seen some kind of milk tea sold in an online celebrity shop before. It became popular all of a sudden, and many people liked to drink it. And the way it's done looks pretty good.

Although she hasn't drunk it, it doesn't seem difficult to make it.

Before she saw some of those steps, she thought it was troublesome and she didn’t need to do it, but now if she makes some milk tea, maybe it can be done.

She went to the store to buy some eggs today. First, she made whipped cream, separated the egg yolk from the egg white, beat the egg white, beat it into a whipped cream state, and then added milk to stir.

Originally, I just wanted to try it out to see if I could make it out, but I didn’t expect it to be successful. I made a layer of milk cover, and she directly put the milk cover on top of the milk tea. I bought some biscuits just now. Now crack the biscuits and make biscuit crumbs to spread on top.

This is pretty cool.

Jiang Lu and Zhaodi found it fresh, and asked, "What is this? It's milk tea and milk. Not to mention it looks pretty, but I don't know what it is."

Gu Yuehuan handed them something to drink, "Drink it, and see if the milk cap on it tastes good."

Both of them tried a sip and found that it was really delicious. It was sweet on the top and sweet on the bottom. This can also be paired with lemon black tea.

"It's quite delicious, mainly because it looks good. Yuehuan, are you going to sell these?"

"I plan to do it, because we don't have any new products in our store, and I'm afraid people will get tired of it, so I plan to make these milk teas, and make a seasonal limit to see if they are not popular. If they are popular, I will keep selling them. This is not always possible. Nothing new."

Jiang Lu thinks so too, but she always listens to the proprietress. She can sell whatever she wants.

Gu Yuehuan is going to sell this milk tea in a new shop, because to open another milk tea shop must have a signboard.

After the milk tea shop opened, everyone felt that the freshness would pass away.

Zhaodi learned quickly from the sidelines, so I also remembered it just now. Gu Yuehuan asked her to try it out, and it wasn't difficult to operate, anyone with eyes could see it, so she memorized it a few times, and after writing it down, Zhaodi did it by herself, and it was done very quickly. I have recruited Di, so I am going to make this sign in the new milk tea shop.

Gu Yuehuan has already decided to get this signboard for the new milk tea shop and started to buy a lot of materials. The new shop has hired a few employees, all of whom are young girls. They say they can't find a job and don't want to enter the factory. See if their milk tea shop sells well. , I heard that the salary is high and the benefits are good, so I applied for the job.

The little girl has fast hands and feet, and is also smart in learning things, so she got started quickly, so I directly applied for them.

(end of this chapter)