Chapter 1184: Don't look for these ladies again, I forgive you

Chapter 1184 Don't look for these ladies again, I forgive you

Jiang Luyou said that he would not do these things, but what he looks like now, he is not doing these things anymore, he is lying.

After Jiang Luyou got the woman away, he was speechless and wanted to explain to Su Yiyou. Su Yiyou didn't want to listen to him any more. He was so angry that he stomped his feet and said, "I saw that look just now. It turns out that That's it, I said, why do you have so much femininity on your body? It turns out that you really came out to socialize, and you wanted to find these ladies to come and accompany you to socialize with you. Don't you have a wife? It’s not okay to come to socialize with you, I’ll come to socialize with you, you just give me a bad face, others can accompany you to socialize, what’s wrong with you, the wild flowers outside are more fragrant, and it’s happier for the ladies outside to accompany you to socialize Is that why you don't want me here?"

Jiang Luyou was even more inexplicable when he heard this. He was drunk just now, and now he is a little sober. He didn't know that woman at all.

Fearing that Su Yiyou would catch this and start arguing, he sighed, sobered himself up and explained: "Don't get me wrong, I don't know what there is, and this woman doesn't know where she came from. I told her It really doesn't matter."

Su Yiyou doesn't believe him at all, it's already so obvious, and even said that the two of them don't matter, does he really regard himself as a pig?

"Do I look so stupid in your eyes? You said it doesn't matter. She hugged you just now, and that woman hugged you like this. How could it be okay? Jiang Luyou, you are too much, you lied I don't care about anything else, you're going to lie to me even about this."

Jiang Luyou was so angry and helpless when he heard this, when did he lie, why did this woman speak like this, she didn't believe him at all.

He was quite helpless.

Su Yiyou insisted on leaving, Jiang Luyou now felt that he was one head and two big, and he was already drunk after drinking the wine on his body. When he saw that she insisted on leaving, he stopped her: "I want to talk to you I will bear with you if I quarrel or something. The wine on my body is not untied now, so don’t quarrel with me now. Wait until the wine on my body is untied tomorrow, but you have to go back with me now. Go back by yourself in the middle of the night, where can I find the car for you."

Su Yiyou wanted to quarrel with him, but after hearing what he said, she felt that it made sense, so there was no way to go back rashly. There was no car outside in the middle of the night, so I lost my temper and followed him into the car.

Jiang Luyou felt too uncomfortable, and he didn't talk to her, his head hurt.

I don't know what's going on behind Jiang Luyou anymore, because he drank too much wine and passed out immediately after getting drunk. He wanted to go back and explain to her, but he fell asleep completely.

Li Shuyuan used to know that he had such a problem, and she took care of her, but now that she is married, she is no longer needed. Su Yiyou is already married, even if she quarrels with him tonight, seeing how drunk he is It seemed that he still got the wine soup for him, but he didn't drink it, so he fell asleep.

Su Yiyou waited so early in the morning to ask him what happened yesterday.

Jiang Luyou also woke up early, and when he woke up, he had a severe headache. Seeing Su Yiyou who was standing, he asked her, "Why did you stand in front of me so early in the morning and didn't sit down?"

Seeing that he had forgotten what happened yesterday, Su Yiyou asked her speechlessly: "You are ashamed to ask me, don't you know what you did yesterday? You were drunk yesterday, so I won't bother with you. But now that you are awake, do you want to explain to me what happened to that woman yesterday? Tell me honestly, when you usually go out to drink and entertain, do you bring women to the dance hall? "

"I saw it yesterday, and you don't have to lie to me. If you go to the girls in the dance hall, I will forgive you. As long as you tell me that you have nothing to do with those girls, and you haven't touched them, it's just to save face." I'll just pretend it didn't happen, and you're not allowed to look for it again in the future."

(end of this chapter)