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The real-life studio covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters is divided into several areas. Some trees stand like tropical rainforests, and some are yellow sand everywhere like Gobi deserts. The various scenes of grasslands and river valleys are extremely realistic, and the towering walls of the studio are huge. The green screen, here is the film and television shooting base specially created by the Trailblazer Headquarters for "The Legend of the Beast".

In the rocky mountain area, Yaya, who is nearly six meters tall, stands uneasy among the rocks. Around it, dozens of staff members are busy making final preparations before shooting.

Its amber vertical pupil turned, and his heart relaxed when he saw the familiar figure.

Shao Zifeng wears a slim black leather armor, with carefully designed long hair draped randomly behind him, with a leather rope tied to his forehead, and an asymmetrically designed black cloak fixed on his right shoulder. The temperament is more outstanding.

Kiki, who was squatting on his shoulders, wore some trinkets. The little guy's blue eyes teased together, staring straight at the blue gems inlaid on his forehead.

It raised its little paw to touch it, but it was afraid that it would be erased. It looked very cute.

A female assistant stood beside Shao Zifeng, holding a document and saying something.

The green-faced female assistant has a faint blush on her face, and she doesn't seem to dare to look at Shao Zifeng’s eyes: "Your Excellency, in the first stage, you need to take a group photo of you and your pet. It’s best to let the pet be. The beast uses some skills to cooperate."

Shao Zifeng nodded: "Okay, is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

"Hmm..." The female assistant turned a few pages of documents: "According to this update plan, you are the spokesperson, and your game model and your pet animal model will be optimized. Let me see... the list that needs optimization Your Fire Dragon King, Storm Rock Dragon, Starlight Queen..." (The name of Shao Zifeng's pet beast is unknown to the outside world.)

"Wait." Shao Zifeng frowned and looked at the file in the female assistant's hand and said: "I have some pets that are temporarily inconvenient to participate in the shooting."

When the female assistant heard the words, she raised her head and looked at Shao Zifeng. When her gaze met Shao Zifeng’s gaze, her breathing gradually became short: " give me the list of people who cannot participate in the filming, I Report it for you and ask."

After Shao Zifeng said Lingling's name, the little girl scratched the file and ran away quickly.

"Xiaofeng, why can't you shoot ducks~" After the little girl left, Qiqi's puzzled voice came from Shao Zifeng's ear: "Isn't it very happy to be on TV?"

Shao Zifeng held Qiqi in his arms and gently stroked her smooth hair: "Because Lingling is evolving."

"Oh." Qiqi's expression suddenly realized: "Then when it evolves and sees us on TV, she will definitely be unhappy."

Shao Zifeng smiled and nodded its little nose: "You think everyone else is just like you."


Kiki writhed in Shao Zifeng's arms, making a meow.

Not long after, Shao Zifeng saw that female assistant ran back, and Li Changfeng was panting beside her.

He ran to Shao Zifeng and gasped, "Duke... Your Excellency, I heard Xiao Ai say that your Star Queen is not convenient to participate in the filming?"

Shao Zifeng nodded: "Yeah."

"How can it be inconvenient?" Li Changfeng's expression was a little anxious: "We have put so much effort into this update, and this time is the task explained above, you..."

Seeing Li Changfeng's failure to speak, Xiao Ai quickly reached out to pull his sleeve.

Shao Zifeng looked at him condescendingly, with a hint of impatience in his tone: "Are you threatening me?"

"I..." Li Changfeng gritted his teeth and whispered: "Sorry, I've been so busy recently, I don't mean that."

At this time, a middle-aged uncle wearing a lot of pocket vests in the distance, like a director, shouted to them: "Director Li, we are ready here and we can start."

Shao Zifeng snorted and walked towards the shooting location in his arms.

Xiao Ai glanced at Li Changfeng helplessly, and ran away.

Looking at Shao Zifeng's back, Li Changfeng clenched his fists tightly. He took a long sigh of relief and changed his smiled expression again: "All departments are in place, ready to shoot."



Yaya's amber eyes shone with luster, and the overbearing roar echoed in the studio.

The director stared at the wild teeth in the screen, and shouted with a loud speaker with excitement: "Yes, yes, in this state, let's have another rock fall!"


As soon as his voice fell, the ground of the entire studio was shaken, and a collapsed pit was formed with the teeth as the center. The dense cobweb cracks quickly extended outwards, and the rubble squeezed and collapsed, causing a strong visual impact.

When the gravel fell to the ground, the tremor of the ground also disappeared. Everyone looked at the director, especially the props landscapers. If the director said no, they would have to work for a long time.

"Okay! Great!" The director patted his thigh excitedly: "This one is over, everyone has worked hard, ready to shoot the next one."

After hearing what he said, the staff let out a cheer, and hurriedly packed their things to prepare for the next venue.

Li Changfeng looked at Shao Zifeng not far away, ready to fight again: "Your Excellency Duke..."

"Sorry." Shao Zifeng glanced at Li Changfeng and turned to leave. He had no affection for this person, but his impression is even worse now.

I can't tell what it feels like, but I don't want to have too much contact with him subconsciously.

After many field rotations, the photos of Qiuqiu, Xiaolu, and Jingjing have been taken one after another, and now Beibei is shooting.

In the smoky lotus pond with fish and lotus, Qiqi stood on the bridge, looking at the small fish in the pond with a naive expression of innocence.

The director stared at the screen: "Yes, right Kitty, you go one step further and pretend to fall into the water... well, it's now."


Kiki fell into the pool in a panic, and the white smoke suddenly rose to the sky, supporting Kiki's body.

As the white smoke rose, the images of fish, birds, deer, and dragon appeared in mid-air one after another, and finally turned into a white kitten like Kiki.

Two kittens face each other on the bridge. Behind one is ink-like smoke. In the smoke, various creatures change and look like an ink painting.

The director jumped up from his chair excitedly: "Okay! Great! This one is over."

The staff who had been busy all afternoon showed a tired smile on their faces, while Qiqi ran towards Shao Zifeng with joy. The white cat Beibei blinked and followed behind her.

Shao Zifeng knelt down and hugged the two little guys in his arms: "Thanks."

Kiki squinted her eyes and rubbed it in his palm: "It's not hard, I'm so happy~"

Beibei also tried to learn something like: "Bahhh~"

Just when Shao Zifeng kicked the cat, Li Changfeng came over again.

"Your Excellency, there is another battle video to be shot next. Would you like to prepare a little?"

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