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Two fangs were exposed under the iron-eating panda's bronze faceplate, and he let out a low growl at Shao Zifeng who was blocking him.

"It can't go on like this anymore." Shao Zifeng looked up at the iron-eating panda that was nearly five meters high. The coercion of the high-level pet beast rushed toward his face: "Look at those monsters. All killed."

When the iron-eating panda heard this, he turned his head and looked at the screaming crowd. There were countless people crowded together. The chaotic central venue was full of infected corpses. These infected people who maintained their human shape died in terrible conditions. , A few monsters gathered next to each infected person's body.

Seeing the iron-eating panda's aura converging much here, the bronze spear flying fast above its head also slowly stopped.


It looked down at Shao Zifeng again, as if asking him what he could do.

Shao Zifeng said without hesitation: "Open the safety exit and let everyone out..."


Before he finished speaking, the iron-eating panda let out a roar, and Shao Zifeng stepped back a few steps as the huge air current blows.

Lingling saw the red glow under the black gauze, and his figure flickered in front of Shao Zifeng. The tutu on its body was swaying in the airflow, and the Tang knife in his hand chopped down the airflow, and then used the knife. He pointed straight at the iron-eating panda and said coldly: "Big guy, no more disrespect to Lord Duke, I don't mind killing you."

The iron-eating panda squinted his eyes slightly, and the atmosphere immediately froze. Its eyes flashed with angry colors. It seemed that the suffocation of the night was about to explode, and all the eyes around were focused on the large and the small silhouettes.

Shao Zifeng stepped forward and reached out and touched Lingling's little head: "Lingling, help me."

Lingling hesitated: "But Lord Duke..."

Shao Zifeng said in an unquestionable tone: "Observe."

"Well then." Lingling pouted her mouth, and the Tang knife in her hand slowly dispersed. Two black-gray vines wrapped around Shao Zifeng's waist and raised him to the height of the iron-eating panda.

Shao Zifeng looked at his head, which was much larger than his body, stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the iron panda's bronze visor, and at the same time opened up his empathy ability.

The iron-eating panda hesitated for a moment, and took the initiative to let go of joy, and the huge power instantly rushed towards Shao Zifeng.

In the vision of illusory perception, the iron-eating panda's tall figure was outlined by blue lines. It looked condescendingly at Shao Zifeng, and a deep voice sounded in his heart: "Human, tell your purpose."

Shao Zifeng looked at it and said calmly: "I know you are worried that the release of these infected people will cause harm to other citizens, but what if they have already evacuated?"

"... Evacuate?" The iron-eating panda's reaction seemed a little slow: "How to prove?"

Afterwards, Shao Zifeng shared with it what he had seen on the way to the central venue. The iron panda's huge power gradually weakened, and the blue lines were more faintly green, which proved its change in attitude towards Shao Zifeng.

The iron-eating panda sat cross-legged in the void, scratching his head in a naive manner, and slowly said in a low voice: "Human, I blamed you..."

Then it paused and continued: "You are unique, I have seen so many humans, no one can directly communicate with me... Why is that..."

Saying it seemed to be lost in thought, the small eyes under the bronze armor looked at Shao Zifeng blankly.

Shao Zifeng twitched the corners of his mouth. Isn't the time for Big Brother to care about this issue now?

"Um, are we going out?"

The iron-eating panda was taken aback, and said slowly: "Go out, where?"

Shao Zifeng's old face turned dark. Who was the eldest brother with... Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered Beibei's inexplicable hostility towards the iron-eating panda, and he was secretly vigilant: "Of course I went to let the crowd out."


The iron-eating panda patted his head with his paws, and said naively, "I have forgotten about it. I am very happy to chat with you. It would be even better if you could give me something sweet... , I will continue to hunt down infected people to buy time for you, and leave the rest to you. After all, I can’t directly communicate with you humans, although I..."

Seeing the iron-eating panda chattering, he directly cut off the link of empathy.

Shao Zifeng opened his eyes, only to feel a gentle flow of air rushing toward his face.

Well, strawberry flavor.

The iron-eating panda seemed to be still immersed in the perceptual horizon, making a yum sound from his nose.

Let Lingling put himself down, Li Yiming immediately surrounded him: "Captain, what's the matter?"

Shao Zifeng shook his head slightly: "Next we will act alone, and you will follow my command."

"Coconut!" Hu Shiwu said with excitement: "The captain is going to take us to kill indiscriminately, then it will be filmed into a video...hehehe"

Li Yiming pulled his sleeve: "Say Captain."

Shao Zifeng glanced over his companions: "Kesar, let Xueyu Owl send Teacher Xiaoyu and Yiren out, Li Yiming, Xiang Nan, Hu Shiwu, the three of you should look for walkie-talkies or something like that. An officer-level walkie-talkie."

After speaking, he swept from everyone: "This is the case now, do you have any questions?"

As soon as his voice fell, Yu Xiaoyu raised his hand weakly: "I have."

Shao Zifeng looked at her: "Well, Teacher Xiaoyu, you said."

Yu Xiaoyu glanced at Lingling who was standing next to Shao Zifeng, and moaned his lips: "If you want to die and die together, Yu Xiaoyu can't abandon my student!"

Shao Zifeng looked at her with a funny expression: "Whoever told you that he was going to die is going to run away."

"Huh?" Yu Xiaoyu blinked: "Then I'll be fine At this time, Li Yiming said: "Captain, I think it is better to go to the control room in the background to broadcast the radio instead of looking for the walkie-talkie. "

Shao Zifeng looked at Li Yiming: "Yiming has really grown a lot."

The praised Li Yiming turned his eyes subconsciously, and seemed a little shy.

"Although it is more convenient to go directly to the main control room, it will cause unnecessary trouble if you don't communicate well with the Bensi Army first. If you can't find the Bensi Army, use the radio."

After hearing Shao Zifeng's explanation, Li Yiming showed a thoughtful expression: "I see."

Shao Zifeng clapped his hands: "If there is no objection, then start acting."

"Don't worry, Captain."


Not long after, the snow-white Snow Feather Owl grabbed the two women and rose into the sky, staggering towards the dome of the venue.

Kesar Li Yiming and the others were divided into two groups. Li Yiming and Kesar went to find the leader of the Yulu Army, while Xiang Nan and Hu Shiwu used their own advantages to squeeze into the crowd. Their task was to find the Bensi Army. soldier.

After they left, Shao Zifeng looked at the chaotic venue and sighed.

I hope everything goes well.

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