Chapter 1521

As Carmorra pulled, the wires were pulled out of the flesh, making the screams of the bald guards even more shrill.

Holding the security arm belt dripping blood in his hand, Kamila looked coldly at the bald C.O. who was holding his arm and screaming, without any pity in his eyes.

But for starlord, she would have been killed by this bastard last night, and her torture would have been more cruel with the prisoners' hatred of Ronan.

At the thought of this, camara's eyes flashed a cold light.

Step forward, Carmela grabs the bald C.O.'s head with both hands and twists it in his startled eyes!


In the sound of bone fracture, the head of the bald guard turned directly behind him. The look of horror on his face still remained, but the look in his eyes gradually disappeared.

With a cold eye at the balding C.O. who was lying on the ground, carmulla flung the blood on the security arm belt and turned directly away from here.

As the adopted daughter of mieba, she grew up under his cruel training and was known as "the most dangerous woman in the universe". Carmala is not a soft hearted person.

Although Kamila will be merciful to ordinary people or people who have no hatred for her because of the kindness left in her heart, she will let them know what heartlessness means to her enemies, especially those who want to cure themselves to death!

After killing the bald guard and getting the security arm belt, kamura immediately came to the fence, saw the rocket raccoon kill the last guard UAV around him, and immediately called out.


Then he threw the security arm belt.

The rocket raccoon immediately threw away the weapon and reached for the security arm belt thrown by Carmela. Then, the raccoon called out to the tree man grute.

"To the watchtower!"

While he stood on GRUET's shoulder, took over the KONIS battery in his hand, and flexibly operated his hands, assembling the security arm belt and KONIS battery together.

On the other side, xingjue also successfully got the mechanical prosthesis. He was in a hurry to meet the rocket raccoon, but was just found by a gun armed prison guard and stopped.

"Put your legs down!"

, the prison guard shouted at the star Lord with a gun, but he could not help but make complaints about it.

Are there idiots in this prison?

It's just that some people try to break out of prison. It's just that some people take advantage of the robbery and rob a leg!

Does he think his leg is not strong enough, so he wants to cut it off and replace it with this mechanical leg?

With a kind of look at the idiot starlord, the C.O. once again loudly warned.

"Put your legs down! Go back to your cell

Facing the muzzle of the gun, xingjue held up his hands with his mechanical legs.

Feeling the contempt in the eyes of the prison guards, xingjue was angry, but at the same time, he could not help but feel helpless.

How does he know that rocket raccoon guy, what's the use of this robotic leg?

But in order to escape, he has to finish his task and bring him this leg!

Pointed by the prison guard's gun, xingjue slowly put down the mechanical leg, but when the guard's muzzle moved slightly, he suddenly lifted the mechanical leg upward and shot the rifle out of the guard's hand.

Then the backhand is another leg, the prison guards directly dry to the ground.

He picked up the gun that the C.O. had dropped to the ground and rushed to the watchtower with his mechanical leg.

Kamura stood in the corridor on the third floor and looked at the watchtower in the middle of the square.

There was a passageway to the watchtower opposite her, but there was an iron gate blocking the passage and the corridor, which could not be passed at all.

But it won't stop her!

Without wasting time to run to the entrance of the passage, kamura directly turned over and jumped onto the guardrail. After confirming the distance, his legs suddenly exerted force. His body crossed the distance of nearly 10 meters in the air and jumped to the channel connected with the watchtower.

Kamila's body is much stronger than that of ordinary people. With her agility, it is not difficult to do it.

Grove also quickly came to the lower part of the passage, quickly stretched his arms and legs, and the vines stretched around the passage railings nearly 10 meters above, turning into a tall tree ladder connecting the ground and the passage.

At this time, starlord also ran to gerute. He did not have the strong physical quality of Carmela, so he could only throw away his rifle and climb up the tree ladder formed by grute with his mechanical legs on his shoulders.

Fortunately, Gertrude grew some branches on his legs. It was very easy to get up.

But he was just halfway up when a security drone flew over and pointed the muzzle at him.

Starlord could not help but feel a little flustered.

The rifle was still under him, and now he has only one mechanical leg in his hand, which he doesn't think he can use to knock down the guard drone.

If you can't, you can only jump down!If you jump directly from this height, you can't fall to death as long as you don't land on your head, but you can't avoid serious injury!

But it's better than being shot!

Just as xingjue was ready to kill himself, a figure suddenly jumped up from below, hugged the guard UAV and pulled it back to the ground.

Starlord quickly looked down, but it was the destroyer drakes who pulled down the guard UAV and saved him!

Holding the guard UAV in his hands, delax let the UAV's thruster burn his chest. His thick arms tore the guard UAV in two, but his body was unhurt.


Drakes looked up at starlord, and in his way, a solemn greeting.

"The man who slept with the askavalians!"

Xingjue didn't expect that in order to save Carmorra, the dark history he mentioned casually was remembered by this stupid guy, and he named himself as some kind of feat.

But compared with Kamala's title of "the most dangerous woman in the universe", this title is really too low!

I knew I wouldn't mention it last night!

"Just once!"

The star Baron said resentfully, and then he ignored drakes at random, and continued to climb up along the thick thighs of Gertrude.

Delax didn't realize that the way he said hello to starlord hurt him a little. He followed him and climbed up.

Inside the watchtower, the remaining guards also found that the situation was out of control. They were flustered. They quickly connected the internal communication and said in a hurry.

"All stand by guards, please be fully armed!"

However, as soon as his voice dropped, there was a sudden alarm of the door opening in the watchtower.