Chapter 1463

Iron man is saving people. They shouldn't have attacked. Besides, the second tank they attacked was to catch iron man. What's the matter with the wire mesh that shot at the first tank full of soldiers?

They managed to escape from the tank, but they were tightly trapped in the tank by steel wire mesh. Once the leaked fuel was ignited, they would be burned alive!

Facts speak louder than words!

The accuracy of attacking iron man with wire mesh is absolutely impossible to be a misfire!

There was nothing wrong with what the soldiers said before. The military wanted them to die in it!

And their purpose is also obvious, is to frame iron man, to smear him!

Not only that, the picture of iron man launching small missiles to intercept Tomahawk missiles fired at reporters was also exposed. People knew that those missiles were not detonated by the military, but were intercepted by iron man!

Chris's many lies were thoroughly exposed, endless deception, reckless attempt to kill soldiers to frame iron man, and indifference to civilian life completely ignited the anger of the people. More people took to the streets, participated in demonstrations, asked to impeach Chris, and thoroughly investigated the whole incident!

Demonstrations have broken out in almost all cities in the whole country, and they are very powerful!

Outside the White House is surrounded by countless people. Facing the angry demonstrators, in order to prevent the crowd from rushing into the White House, President Chris even once hid in the bunker.

Facing the gradually out of control situation, President Chris was unwilling to step down. In order to solve the immediate crisis and keep his position as president, Chris began a series of actions.

First of all, Chris defines the ongoing demonstrations in various parts of the country as riots, claiming that behind these actions are some foreign forces and radical organizations that are agitating and organizing to advance to the country and must be stopped immediately.

He then ordered police everywhere to deploy explosion-proof equipment to disperse the demonstrators, and the white house directly fired tear gas at the protesters to disperse the crowd.

Finally, Chris threatened to send out troops to suppress the riots, and strongly recommended that every governor deploy the National Guard to ensure that there are enough people to control the streets.

Governors and mayors must deploy overwhelming law enforcement forces until violence is stopped, and if a city or state refuses to act, he will send federal forces directly to suppress violence.

Chris's series of actions did play a certain role, many places sent out police, fired rubber bullets and tear gas at the demonstrators to disperse, to some extent temporarily suppressed the demonstration.

But in fact, it's just drinking poison to quench thirst!

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Although the violent suppression by the police temporarily controlled the demonstration, it made people feel the oppression from power more deeply. They were originally for the iron man, for the journalists attacked by missiles, and for the soldiers abandoned by the military, but now they are for themselves!

So after a short contraction, this activity not only didn't subside, but also ushered in a huge rebound. It became more intense and huge. The peaceful demonstration gradually turned into violent protest. Facing the police who fired rubber bullets and tear gas at them, the demonstrators also began to fight back, throwing stones and bottles at them, and both sides rushed Suddenly more and more intense, gradually out of control trend.

The protesters outside the White House began to attack the White House. The White House had to close the door, lock the door, and send a large number of secret service personnel and police force to defend. Listening to the angry shouting of the protesters outside the White House, Chris once again hid in the bunker, afraid that the protesters would rush into the White House and tear him to pieces.

Moreover, not all cities and states have sent out police to suppress according to his instructions. The United States itself is a federal state. The states are relatively independent and do not need to obey the president's orders. Moreover, the two parties, including the party itself, are not totally one-sided. Many cities have not carried out too much suppression of protests, even many mayors and The governor stood up for the protesters.

As the protests intensified and the situation became out of control, many people who had been on Chris's side turned their guns and joined the ranks of those who denounced him for their future.

Mayor Watson pulled out all the police around the White House and left the mess to Chris himself.

The secret service personnel responsible for protecting the president are all elite, but the number is limited after all. In the face of more than 100000 angry protesters, the White House may fall at any time. Chris simply hid in the bunker and never dared to come out again.

Seeing the situation getting worse, he had to put his hopes on the military.

But for Chris's request that the military send out soldiers to suppress the riot, the senior military officials did not pass, but sent a team of soldiers to help guard the White House, so as to prevent their president from being really torn to pieces by angry people rushing into the White House.

In fact, the military did not want to suppress the "riot" quickly, but they dare not!A series of actions by the military have aroused the public's anger, and even the internal military has been unstable.

From ordinary soldiers, tank soldiers, missile soldiers, ship officers and pilots, they are all seriously dissatisfied with their previous actions. Although there is no major disturbance caused for the time being, if they send troops to suppress the "riot" as required by President Chris, the final result is likely to be that these soldiers directly join the "riot" and point their guns at them !

This action against iron man not only failed to frame him, but also made him very popular in the army.

First, he saved the soldiers abandoned by the military in the burning warehouse, and then he was merciful under the siege of many fighters.

The micro tracking missile launched by iron man when intercepting the air defense missile can easily destroy their fighters directly, but iron man did not do so, which is to use a more troublesome way. Although all the fighters were shot down, it did not hurt the life of a pilot.

Moreover, when the fleet ignored their safety and launched many missiles towards them, it was also iron man who stood up to help them stop and detonated the missiles.

Otherwise, many of them will be killed on the spot by the incoming missile or the subsequent explosion.