Chapter 1402

Chen Mo takes a look at the position in front of the captain, where the air conditioner is located.

According to what Jarvis learned from the system of the air traffic control bureau, shortly after the plane took off, he reported that there was a problem with the air conditioning system, but then lost contact with the ground.

I think the captain passed out when checking the air conditioner in the past.

But I'm afraid it won't be so simple. It's just the failure of the air conditioning system that can't make more than 100 people on the whole plane faint.

Chen Mo's abnormal opening of the cabin door and the situation of everyone in the cabin also made him have some guesses.

Chen Mo immediately connected Jarvis to the system of the plane and checked the flight log.

Outside the plane at this time, two F15 fighters were flying on both sides of the plane, one on the left and one on the right. Through the glass in the cockpit, both pilots saw Chen Mo pushing open the door and entering the cockpit. They immediately reported to the command center.

"Iron man just entered the cab! He's trying to save the plane! "

After a moment of silence, the command center immediately ordered.

"Find a way to contact him, we can guide him to eliminate the danger!"

At this time, they can't bear to investigate the problem of iron man. Now saving talents is the most important!

The two pilots immediately communicated to the airliner through a public channel.

But after their words, even they feel a little uncomfortable.

"Iron man in the airliner, we are the US air force. Please reply. We can guide you to eliminate the danger!"

Chen Mo also heard the sound in the airliner's communicator, but he didn't pay attention.

Although he can't fly a plane, he can't use other people's guidance. This problem is just a small scene for him!

It's much easier for him to deal with it by himself than by listening to a group of so-called experts.

Soon, Jarvis showed the abnormal analysis in front of Chen mo.

From the start of takeoff, the temperature and pressure in the cabin began to drop, and soon exceeded the safety value. In this process, the pressure device that should be automatically operated has never been started!

That should be why the plane became a ghost flight!

The plane itself flies at an altitude of 10000 meters. The air pressure here is only 0.3 atmospheric pressure, the oxygen content is only 30% of the ground, and the temperature is as low as minus 35 degrees. In this environment of low temperature, low pressure and lack of oxygen, human beings will have serious altitude reactions, such as dizziness, dizziness, unconsciousness, weakness of limbs, vomiting, coma, and even lead to Death.

In order to avoid the "plateau reaction" in high air, low pressure and anoxic environment, a pressurization system is installed inside the aircraft, which makes the aircraft fly under the condition of heating and pressurization all the time.

Only considering the cost, the bearing capacity of the cabin wall and the adaptability of human beings to the air pressure, there is usually no standard atmospheric pressure in the cabin, but about 0.6 atmospheric pressure.

In the process of taking off and landing, cabin pressure will drop from 1 atmospheric pressure before taking off to 0.6 atmospheric pressure during cruising, and then slowly increase to 1 atmospheric pressure during landing.

It is estimated that it is for this reason that the initial decrease of air pressure did not cause the captain's vigilance, but that the air conditioning system failed and did not heat up normally before he got up to check later.

But before he found out, with the rapid climb of the flight altitude, the pressure in the cabin decreased rapidly, the oxygen in the cabin became very thin, and the two pilots passed out in a short time.

However, many passengers in the back cabin have fallen into a coma due to lack of oxygen before the oxygen mask is popped out. Although others wear the mask, the oxygen in the oxygen mask can only last for 12 minutes, which was originally used for short-term use under the condition of high-altitude pressure loss until the aircraft descends to the high oxygen content airspace.

However, due to the coma of the copilot at that time, the plane did not descend but continued to climb. When the oxygen in the oxygen mask ran out, everyone lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen and fell into a coma state.

But not everyone passed out in a coma!

Chen Mo found out the cause of the plane accident. Before he could make any move, a disordered footstep suddenly sounded in the cabin behind him.

Chen Mo couldn't help looking around, but saw a strong figure in a male flight uniform supporting the seats on both sides of the passage, staggering towards the cockpit.

Chen Mo found that he was holding a small oxygen bottle in his hand, which should be the emergency standby oxygen bottle on the plane. He was still barely awake when all the people on the plane were unconscious, obviously thanks to this oxygen bottle.

However, Rao is also enough to surprise Chen mo. after all, many people in the cabin didn't even react, unconsciously fell into a coma, and the rest lost consciousness after the oxygen mask ran out of oxygen. However, he was able to find a spare oxygen bottle on his back, and it's not easy to persist until now.

At the same time that the male flight attendant appeared, Chen Mo also saw his information on the holographic screen in front of him. After reading it, Chen Mo could not help but understand it.The flight attendant named Gaoyuan used to be a diver, and once served in the special forces. His physical quality, especially the endurance to the anoxic environment, is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and his sensitivity and vigilance are also higher. Therefore, he can stay awake at the early stage of anoxia, and when he realizes that the oxygen in the oxygen mask is about to run out, he does not sit and wait for death, but Actively abandoned the oxygen mask and found a spare oxygen bottle in the cabin with thin oxygen.

However, Chen Mo is not optimistic about whether he can save the plane.

It's a very professional job to fly a large airliner first. Although the male flight attendant is from special forces, he obviously does not have such skills.

The two captains and co captains are now in a deep coma. Even if they wear oxygen masks now, they can only reduce their risk of anoxic death. It is almost impossible for them to wake up and even fly again.

Moreover, looking at the performance of a male flight attendant, it is obvious that the oxygen provided by the standby oxygen bottle is also very limited, which can only make him barely stay awake, and it is very difficult to move. If there is no Chen Mo, he may not even be able to open the cockpit door, and he can only fall into a coma like other people after the oxygen in the standby oxygen bottle is exhausted.

He clearly knew that, so when he struggled to come to him and found that the hatch was open, he could not help but look surprised.