Chapter 1293

The armor of the black machine armor is very strong. Although it was hit continuously by the shore defense gun, it just stumbled forward and was not damaged.

Feeling the attack behind, the black armour quickly turned around. The missile launchers on both shoulders fired two missiles at the same time, crossed two white lines in the air, and accurately hit the two shore defense guns in the distance.

"Boom! Boom! "

Two groups of intense firelights exploded almost at the same time, and two huge shore defense guns were directly damaged in the violent explosion.

However, the black armor did not stop, and the missile launchers at the shoulders continued to send out waves of missiles, destroying several coastal anti-aircraft guns around.

When the black armor destroys the anti-aircraft guns, moriko is using his tablet computer to analyze the situation of the unknown armor in the helicopter that just escaped the missile attack and flew to the side.

Just when the black armor destroyed all the shore defense guns, moriko finally analyzed its dynamic characteristics. Looking at the dynamic parameters displayed on the screen, moriko was shocked and immediately picked up the communicator and shouted a warning.

"Jack! The power parameters of unidentified mecha are the same as yours... "

In the revenge Ranger cockpit, Jack hears the voice of pockmarked Sen listening attentively, but suddenly there is a noise. Before he can hear pockmarked Sen's words, the communication is cut off.

In the helicopter, a sharp electric current suddenly sounded, making moriko and the pilot's eardrum tingle.

The pilot immediately found that the communication between the helicopter and the outside world was completely cut off. Then he looked at the black armor below, and saw that the armor on both sides of the spine behind it was all standing up, flapping like wings, and the spine position was shining bright orange yellow light, and flashing fast, as if it was emitting some kind of signal.

The helicopter pilot shouted.

"It's interfering with our communication!"

At the same time, the black armor also looked up at the helicopter in the air.

In the revenge Ranger cockpit, Jack saw the black armor staring at moriko's helicopter. His face immediately changed and he cried anxiously.


Knight looked quickly at the control panel and said aloud.

"Power is back!"

Jack's face was very solemn when he heard the words. The two men who had been squatting all the time stood up at the same time. The revenge wanderer suddenly stood up with the two men's movements and threw the apron in his hand towards the black armor in the distance.

The black armor looked up at the helicopter in the air and raised its right arm. The armor in the front of the arm quickly bounced up, revealing a muzzle with orange light.

The muzzle of the gun pointed straight at the helicopter, the light quickly became dazzling, and the hemp's face in the helicopter could not help changing.

However, just before the shell was fired, the apron thrown by revenge Rangers hit its back heavily, the reinforced concrete structure of the apron was directly split, the body shape of the black armor could not help but staggering, and the shell fired from the muzzle of the arm also deviated from the direction, flying under the helicopter.

The black mecha stands firm and turns to look behind him.

At the same time as throwing out the tarmac, vengeful Rangers rushed to the black armor at full speed, and soon came to it.

Annoyed that he almost killed moriko twice, Jack hit him hard on the head with an angry fist. It's the cockpit, so it's not good for the pilot to be attacked directly.

But the revenge Ranger's fist was just half full, and he was quickly raised by the black machine armour to hold his left hand.

They had no time to be surprised that the black mecha responded so quickly that they were hit in the head with a heavy blow.


The violent collision between steel and steel made a huge noise, and the huge steel fist pulled a spark from the armor on the head of the avenger tramp.

The two people in the cockpit felt a huge force coming, their bodies fell back involuntarily, and the whole cockpit shook violently.

The revenge ranger was hit by the black machine armour and retreated directly. He didn't stop until he hit a building in the back.

Before the two men could get back on their feet in the cockpit, the black armor rushed up and punched the revenge Ranger heavily.

The revengers fly up against the building directly. The glass and wall structure on the outer wall of the building are broken one after another. Countless pieces of glass mixed with the building pieces fall down, and the gray smoke slowly drifts towards the surrounding area.

The revenge Ranger flew up to more than 30 meters against the building, and then fell down again. As soon as he landed, he quickly punched the black machine armour, but was easily blocked by the other side's raising arms.

But the black machine armour's punch is hits heavily again on its face.

After a punch, the armor on the outside of the black mecha's arm suddenly opened, and two rows of sharp barbs popped out of it. The backhand crossed the Avenger's face, leaving deep scratches.Two successive attacks on the whole tribe in the head of revenge Rangers, even with multiple shock absorbers, Jack and knight in the cockpit are still very uncomfortable.

Black mecha didn't give them time to recover. They went straight to hold revenge Ranger and fell to a building on the other side.

The strong building was directly smashed in half by the heavy body of the revenge Ranger, while the black armor did not stop at all, pulling the completely defenseless revenge Ranger towards a nearby building.

One building was destroyed, and the viaduct on the ground was directly kicked off by the legs of two giant mecha.

Under a series of violent attacks by the black mecha, a small area around it has been completely destroyed. The original high-rise buildings are all severely damaged, and the ground is even worse.

finally, as like as two peas, the black armor took the vengeance off the building, and the armor on the chest suddenly opened up, revealing a similar turbine engine to vengeance.

A dazzling orange column of light from the turbine engine, the revenge Ranger directly flew out, flew back tens of meters, hit a building heavily before stopping.

The two men, who had been beaten wildly, stood up quickly from the destroyed building while keeping their distance.

Looking at the black machine armour on the opposite side, which is higher than their machine armour and has a very fast reaction speed, the two faces are extremely dignified.

From the beginning of the fight, they were beaten by each other under pressure. They had no power to fight back at all, which made the two men who had been the best among the mecha hunters angry.

However, as a trump card machine driver, the two remain rational.

Since unarmed combat is not the opponent of the other side, they immediately decided to change their tactics and use unique moves!