Chapter 1143

Chen Mo looks at Maya Hansen standing there, his eyes shining at Dr. Abraham Erskine. He is excited to see her idol, and can't help but wake her up.

"Well, have I got the information you have prepared ready?"

When Maya Hansen heard this, she immediately nodded.


"Let's start!"

Immediately, Chen Mo, Tony Stark, Maya Hansen, Dr. Abraham Erskine and Howard, who had mixed in to make soy sauce, came to a long table beside the laboratory and sat down.

Maya Hansen sent each person a copy of the information about the extinction virus. All of us here are top scientists. We don't need Maya Hansen's detailed introduction. Everyone took the information and sat there looking down.

This document records the composition, principle and mechanism of the virus, as well as its various manifestations in plant and animal experiments. Failure to strengthen the virus will result in a sharp increase in overall temperature and a direct explosion. After success, the virus will gain the ability to self-healing, improve physical fitness, control high temperature and even spit out flame!

Through this information, several people soon have a clear understanding of the situation of the virus.

You are either the top genius, or the top biology scientist, the creator of super soldier serum. This complex and hard to understand information for ordinary people is easy for them to understand, and soon they have basically mastered the situation of extinct virus.

According to the information recorded in the data, Chen Mo has a deeper understanding of the strengthening effect of the virus.

The self-healing ability of the extinct virus is very strong, and the repair speed of the body parts is faster than Chen Mo's self-healing ability from Wolverine!

However, compared with the self-healing ability of wolverine, this self-healing ability has a huge disadvantage, that is, when the vital parts of brain and heart are destroyed, the self-healing ability will be broken!

Because the key to the self-healing ability of the extinct virus is the brain!

Although the extinct virus strengthens the whole body and endows the aggressor with super strength, the powerful self-healing ability it brings is not the same as the Wolverine's self-healing ability, which is repaired by the cells of the whole body, but the part of the brain in charge of self-healing ability is strengthened by the development of the extinct virus. When the body is injured, it is under the control of the brain Through the nervous system to control the injured area for repair.

If the cells in the whole body are compared to a group of soldiers, the self-healing ability of wolverine is like a group of powerful soldiers who have no general, no command system and fight independently. All cells rely on their own self-healing ability to repair when they are injured.

After the transformation of the extinct virus, the cell self-healing process of the body is controlled by the brain self-healing center, which is like a commander-in-chief, commanding the injured or even incomplete parts for systematic repair.

The advantage of self-healing controlled by the brain self-healing center is that the speed of repair is faster, and even bone fracture and displacement can be automatically reset under the control of the brain self-healing center. From the speed, efficiency and recovery effect of self-healing, it is more self-healing than that of wolverine, which is not controlled by the brain center Tough!

But at the same time, because of the participation of the brain self-healing center, it is equivalent to an additional commander in the army. When the commander is killed, the command system of the army will be completely paralyzed!

The body's self-healing ability can no longer play a role!

So, whether Eric sevin, Alan bright, or kirian, after Chen Mo's heart was destroyed, or his head was cut off, the original powerful self-healing ability suddenly lost its effect!

However, the self-healing ability given by serum x can still survive when it reaches the current level of Chen Mo's ability!

These two kinds of self-healing ability can not say which is better, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But if we can integrate these two self-healing abilities, we can not only retain the self-healing ability of the body cells, even if the brain and heart are damaged, the body can still automatically repair and return to normal, but also can command the whole body cells to repair more quickly by the self-healing center when the brain is not damaged.

In this way, the advantages and disadvantages of the two are complementary, and the weaknesses are made up. Just as a strong soldier meets a fierce general, the combination of the two will play a more powerful role!

And this is just the ability of self-healing. The transformation of the body by the extinct virus is not limited to this. After the strengthening of the extinct virus, the body can produce a high temperature of more than 3000 degrees Celsius, or even directly spit out flame. Moreover, the physical quality has been greatly strengthened, with a powerful force that can compete with the steel front!

Killian's fight with Tony before is the best proof!

As you know, Tony Stark's mark 42 steel battle suit is not the same as the original versions. After Tony Stark's continuous improvement and strengthening, the system, energy, power, reaction speed and other aspects have been greatly improved. In terms of power, mark 42's battle suit is much more powerful than Mark 4's To an amazing ten tons, the defense is very strong enough to withstand the attack of ordinary artillery!Although kirian was able to suppress Tony, to a large extent, because of the impact and weakening of high temperature on the electronic system and armor of iron and steel battle clothes, it was enough to show the strength of the desperate virus!

Even Chen Mo, if he doesn't use the king's sword and mind power, and only relies on his physical fitness and bare hands, it's hard to cause too much damage to mark 42!

Next, they did not start the research directly, but discussed the next research direction of the extinct virus.

Tony Stark is an all-round talent, needless to say. He helped Maya Hansen write a very important experimental formula and made a huge breakthrough in her research when he only had a partial understanding of the virus.

At this time, after a comprehensive understanding of the virus, Tony Stark's mind is full of inspiration!

All of the ideas put forward by Maya Hansen can't help but see a new direction of the study of the extinct virus!

Dr. Abraham Erskine has not been idle for 70 years.

In addition to the time of ice dormancy, he never stopped studying new technologies and super soldier serum while he was in charge of the shield Bureau.