Chapter 781

The strong physical and mental strength also brought great mental power. The three people soon mastered blink, mindfulness and their own three special abilities.

Chen Mo smiled and nodded after seeing that the three men had been able to move heavier objects with their minds, and that old Albert could control the earth and rocks more freely.

"Very good, your forehead ability already mastered almost, next, we carry on the field training!"

The cross bone Brock longmlo's eyes brightened when he heard that he thought Chen Mo was going to train them in real combat, even though he was eager to try.

Chen Mo glanced at him, but there was an interesting smile in his eyes.

At the next moment, Chen Mo takes out the king's sword from the space, and quickly cuts four swords on the cement ground under his feet. With the four almost integrated silver swords flashing, Chen Mo cuts a square gap more than one meter wide and neat on the ground.

Then, in the eyes of the three people, Chen Mo took back his long sword, and his palm slightly moved upward. The cement ground, which was more than one meter square, was slowly raised, and the smooth and neat section was exposed.

The thickness of the cement floor is more than 20 cm, among which there are many steel bars distributed in order, but at this time, they are all cut by the king's sword, and the whole section is smooth and even, as if it had been polished.

When the cement floor is fully raised, Chen Mo holds it gently, and the thick cement board disappears instantly!

The three people looked at Chen Mo's strange behavior and were at a loss.

But old Albert took a look at the earth and rock exposed under the ground, and he quickly thought of something in his mind. He suddenly saw Chen mo.

Chen Mo saw that old Albert had guessed his purpose, and he was no longer selling, he said aloud.

"Jarvis, project the basement plan I designed."

"Yes, sir!"

Just after Jarvis's voice fell, a blue light curtain suddenly spread out in the underground laboratory, and quickly formed a 3D stereo image.

The three men looked up and found that the image was exactly the castle where they lived and the mountain where they lived.

But at this time, the castle and the mountain are just translucent outlines, and the internal structure of the castle is clearly shown. Under the castle, in the mountains, under the basement, which used to be only one floor, there is a huge building like a pyramid that goes deep into the mountains!

The building is connected with the basement of the Castle above, but the area is larger and larger, extending down to four floors, and the overall area is several times larger than the castle and basement above!

Old Albert saw it, and there was a certain expression on his face.

Chen Mo didn't let the Crossbones Brock romlow and hill guess, and directly said the answer.

"Well, next, we will start to build the underground base according to the drawings!"

Brock romlow and hill were both stunned at the words and their eyes widened.

Building an underground base?

Isn't this the work of engineers? They're agents! Not an engineer!

However, Chen Mo ignored the two people who were shocked and puzzled, and called on old Albert to take the lead.

"Eddie, first of all, show these two guys!"

Old Albert looked at the two men with a smile, and then carefully looked at the three-dimensional design drawings projected in the air beside him. After memorizing the drawings and data in his mind, he went to the ground gap, raised his hands, and used the just obtained ability to control the rock!

With the old Albert's control, the exposed rock and soil under the ground gap seemed to be alive and moved by himself.

First, the middle of the stone column rises slowly, forming a "stone column" composed of soil and rock. When the "stone column" rises more than one meter above the ground, the rising "stone column" changes its direction, crosses an arc, falls to the ground next to the "wellhead", forming a "stone column" A flowing "stone arch bridge" made of soil and stone!

As old Albert became more and more skillful, the earth and stone "flowed" faster and faster. It looked like a fountain gushing out!

Soon, a high pile of soil and stones was piled up on the ground nearby, which was about to spread to the gap.

Chen Mo saw this and waved his hand gently. The two or three cubic stones on the ground disappeared instantly and were collected into the space by him.

Old Albert didn't stop when he saw it, and he kept on controlling the earth and stone to gush out for a long time. Chen Mo collected about dozens of cubic meters of soil before and after, and old Albert stopped a little tired.

"All right, Eddie, take a break, Brock. It's your turn!"

After hearing this, Brock longmlow, even though he was reluctant by thousands of people in his heart, walked up obediently, learned from old Albert, stretched out his hands, and started to control the rising of the earth under the gap.But the process he controlled was far worse than that of old Albert.

On the one hand, because old Albert has transported a lot of earth and stone under the gap, the ground under the gap has dropped by two or three meters, and the distance has become longer, which is more laborious. On the other hand, old Albert's ability to control the rock and stone is much more labor-saving than his mind to move the earth and stone!

But at this time, the Crossbones Brock longmlo had the ability of grade six variety. As time went on, he gradually found the feeling that the speed of transporting soil was getting faster.

In this way, three people took turns to go to battle, and the remaining two people took a rest nearby. Soon, they dug up a space about the size of the above under the laboratory, and four people also moved from the ground to the underground. Under the lighting of the lamps Chen Mo took out, they started directly in the space they dug out!

They are not just digging. When they dig a certain space, Chen Mo will let old Albert control the rock to form a stone pillar to support the space and prevent the ground above from collapsing.

After the area of the underground second floor basically meets the requirements of the drawing design, Chen Mo takes out a large number of steel bars from the space. In the blank expression of three people, Chen Mo controls the steel bars to float up, quickly connect, interlace and weave into a steel mesh.

"Look, I'll show it to you first, and you'll come later."