Chapter 528

After a brief introduction of the experiment, William Stryker looked at James, who was lying on the water tank below, and whispered to Dr. Carol foster, who was beside him.

"Let's go!"

Dr. Carol foster nodded softly, then pressed a button on the console.

Under the eyes of all the people in the field, the steel platform above the water tank below slowly began to descend, and sank into the bottom of the water tank together with James lying on it.

Dr. Carol foster looked down at the monitoring data on the console. The heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, blood oxygen content were all normal, and there was no problem with the CT scan.

Next, a worker in a thermal suit opened a valve by hand. Silver liquid Edelman alloy, like mercury, flowed out of the constant temperature furnace at the end of the laboratory, and went to a device beside the water tank through a transparent pipe.

This equipment is connected with a dozen of mechanical arms installed on the steel platform that has sunk into the water tank through dozens of pipelines. With a row of button switches on the equipment being opened, the silver liquid Edelman alloy is quickly injected into the mechanical arm from this equipment. The transparent containers above the mechanical arm are filled with silver Edelman alloy.

Dr. Carol foster, in front of the console on the second floor, saw that everything was ready. Then he lowered his head and reached down to press the bit start switch on the console. With the sound of "buzzing" mechanical operation, at the front of a dozen mechanical arms, a long and thin drill bit slowly extended out of the mechanical arm, and the whole drill bit was rapidly heated, and soon became red 。

Dr. Carol foster then pressed the maximum speed button on the drill controller. The speed of the drill rotation was much faster and the "buzzing" sound became louder.

At the same time of the high-speed rotation of the bit, the mechanical arm also slowly moved down, pushing a dozen bits all to a distance of less than a centimeter from James's body, hovering over the skin, rotating at high speed.

In the real-time X-ray image of the whole body displayed in the monitor, it can be clearly seen that these drills are all accurately aligned with the bones of all parts of James's whole body.

Lying in the water tank, even with the cold water barrier, James could still feel the burning feeling from the dozens of high-temperature drills distributed all over his body.

There are two drills just on his cheek. James squints at the hot red drill that rotates at high speed in front of him. Even if he has a strong confidence in his self-healing ability, he inevitably has a little unease in his heart.

But without giving him time to think more, Dr. Carol foster looked at James's body data again, confirmed that they were all normal, and then turned to William Stryker beside him.

William Stryker nodded to her, and Dr. Carol foster pressed the last start button!

The high-speed rotating drill bit quickly stabbed down, directly penetrated James' tough skin, and quickly drilled into James' comparable steel skeleton.

These drills, though not made of precious Edelman alloy, can't be stopped by ordinary steel.

James frowned when he was stabbed into his body by these hot drills, but it was just that. It was really painful when he was stabbed to the bone, but the pain was only a little more severe for him than when he was shot by heavy machine gun, which was still within his acceptance range.

But that's it!

The idea in James's heart just rose, and the alloy of Edelman began to be injected. A strong pain, which was much more intense than before, suddenly came from all over his body, making his eyes widen suddenly.

What a pain!

James felt as if his bones had been thrown into the hot furnace to burn. In addition to the burning feeling, there was an unprecedented pain coming from the bone marrow, which was more intense and more unbearable than any pain he had felt before!

Moreover, the heat and pain spread rapidly to all parts of the body, and eventually the whole body was completely covered by the severe pain. James finally understood what Dr. Carol Foster said before, it seemed that he was too young!

Damn it! It's so painful!

But he still remembered that he was being strengthened, so he tried to control himself from struggling. Nevertheless, under the severe pain, James' body shook.

At the moment, through the real-time X-ray image, it can be clearly seen that a bright yellow light and shadow are spreading in the bone where more than a dozen drills pierce the bone, and these are exactly the source of the pain that James felt. The liquid Edelman alloy with a temperature of 1500 degrees Fahrenheit!

In the transparent container above the robot arm, the silver liquid Edelman alloy that was originally filled is slowly decreasing, while in the X-ray image, the bright yellow light and shadow on James is spreading to all the bones of the whole body.

"Why did he move? Why was he not anesthetized? "General Munson looked at James, who was shaking violently in the water tank below, frowned and went to the console. He stood behind William Stryker and asked in a deep voice.

"The transformation process was very painful, but the anesthetic was ineffective for him and he had to carry it on his own."

William Stryker answers general Munson's questions, and his eyes are always on James.

"The temperature is 42 degrees, rising continuously!"

"Heartbeat 190195!"

A report sounded in the laboratory, and the atmosphere began to get more and more dignified.

"Can he make it?"

General Munson stood on the console with his arms on his hat and asked with a stern face.

"Of course!"

William Stryker nodded without hesitation, but his clenched hands still exposed his inner tension. He did not dare to think about the possibility of failure of the experiment! He can't accept the result of failure!

"Heartbeat 200!"

The report is still ringing, and James's physical data are soaring, which has not been able to stabilize, which also shows that James's physical condition is rapidly deteriorating.

At this time, James, in the body hit by the intense pain submerged at the same time, young memories are clearly in mind.

"Son!" he shouted when he killed his father Thomas Logan himself.

"We are brothers!" said Victor, who came after him when he fled the manor

And when they were hunted and cornered, Chen Mo said to them, "get in the car!"
