Chapter 168

Announcing the way to deal with tchaca and Zuli, Eric kermungo turned and looked down at the weak, half kneeling, complex looking tchara, and asked in a deep voice.

"Do you admit defeat?"

According to the rules of the pool throne challenge handed down since ancient times, the challenge will be over only when one side dies or concedes defeat. If tchara refuses to concede defeat, Eric kermango can only kill him.

Eric has given him the chance to admit defeat. If he refuses, even if Eric kills him, no one else will think Eric cruel.

He had let terchaka and Zuli go before, and handed them over to the Presbyterian Church for trial. It has proved that he not only has a strong and incomparable strength, but also has an honest and wise heart under the fierce and violent appearance. He is a king who is generous and fraternal, and rewards and punishes severely.

Seeing that tachara was obviously not Erik kermango's opponent, the queen and Princess Surrey both shouted to tachara in a hurry.

"Tchara, give up!"

The former king techaka and the high priest Zuli also looked up at techala with heavy and concerned eyes.

"Give up, tchara. He's more qualified than I am to be the guardian of wakanda."

"We should pay the price for what we have done wrong. The Presbyterian Council will give us a fair trial. Let's make atonement for our mistakes, techara."

The eyes of techala swept through the faces of the crowd one by one, and the will to fight gradually disintegrated. Finally, the strong body couldn't support it, and fell forward. It was all supported by the strength of both hands, so it didn't fall into the pool.

Under the eyes of all the people, he raised his head and watched Eric kermango standing proudly in front of him with a solemn and dignified look.

In the end, he lowered his head.

"I, give up!"

Until this time, the people watching the battle at the edge of the pool and on the cliff were relieved. They really didn't want to see the end of the two brothers' fratricity.

"Help me get him to the lab!"

Seeing that the duel is finally over, the anxious Princess Su Rui rushes into the pool and shouts at the same time.

But her orders were not answered.

Armed with steel spears, the vigorous women's Royal Guard, the women soldiers of Dora's guard still stood upright at the bottom of the cliff as before, and did not come forward to help, but from their eyes, they could see the concern for her.

But the most elite female warriors from all tribes, when they joined Dora's guard, made a vow of allegiance to the king of wakanda. Now, the king of wakanda is Eric kermango. Without his order, they can't act without permission, even if they want to help.

Fortunately, Eric kermango didn't mean to embarrass Tracha and Suri. Seeing that Dora's guard didn't immediately respond to Princess Suri's order, he gave the captain of the royal guard a look and nodded slightly. The equally anxious OAKER ordered two female soldiers to come forward to help.

These things happened very quickly. When Princess Suri ran to her side, two female soldiers arrived almost at the same time. Princess Suri, who was all focused on her seriously injured body, didn't find anything wrong,

hurriedly beckoned the two men to help her together and prepare to send him to her laboratory for treatment.

Princess Surrey is a gifted girl who is even smarter than Tony Stark. Although she is young, she is in charge of the most important science and Technology Department of wakanda. A large part of wakanda's strong science and technology strength is her credit, and her laboratory also contains the most top science and technology strength of wakanda.

In the battle just now, tchara was hit continuously by the huge power of Eric kermango. The injury was not light, many parts of her bones were broken, and her internal organs were damaged to varying degrees. Although there was no life danger for the time being under the strong constitution of the Panther strengthened by heart-shaped herbs, it was hard to say if she dragged on.

Two female soldiers of the guard picked up the nearly incapacitated techara, followed the worried Princess Su Rui, and walked towards an opening under the mountain wall. They were ready to leave the pool and go to Princess Su Rui's laboratory.

Just as they were approaching the edge of the pool and walking towards the entrance of the cave, there was a deep and loud roar with a special rhythm suddenly coming from the cave, and they were getting closer and closer.

Some people can't help but stop, look or doubt, or look at the deep hole, accompanied by a low roar, it seems that there are some powerful creatures slowly approaching.

Eric kermango in the pool and Chen Mo standing on the side of the mountain wall were also shocked by the sudden strange roar and turned to look at the past.

Soon, the creatures in the cave finally came out of the darkness, but a group of more than a dozen soldiers were very tall and strong, just like apes. They were dressed in simple animal skins, with simple wooden spears in their hands, as if they were from primitive tribes in ancient times, wild and fierce.

As they slowly walked out of the cave, they uttered a low voice in their mouth. Although they looked very primitive, their tall and majestic bodies, and the wild and forceful force they exuded, were not to be underestimated.When all the people came out of the cave, the leader, a strong soldier with a ferocious chimpanzee mask, the biggest figure, more than two meters tall, took off the mask on his head and showed a rough face, full of fierce spirit.

"Mbaku! How did you get here? "

An elder recognized the tall man when he saw his face.

It turns out that this is the Jabari tribe, which has been isolated from the five major tribes of wakanda and never participated in Kingdom affairs. The big man wearing mask is the leader of Jabari tribe, mbaku!

They have been living in the mountains, refusing to accept the change of life caused by the progress of science and technology. For many years, they have been in the most primitive state, fighting and hunting like the primitive people. They are also the most powerful fighters in the five tribes. Each adult male of the Jabari tribe is nearly two meters tall, with a very strong and strong body and superior strength People are the best fighters.

In the hall of the Royal Palace, a group of elders regarded Erik kermango, who was more than two meters tall and extremely strong, as the exile of the Jabari tribe. After all, his tall and strong body was very similar to them.

Looking at these suddenly appeared, one by one is bigger and stronger than the stone Johnson. Chen Mo, standing under the cliff, could not help but flash a ray of interest in his eyes.