A dregs

"brother Hua, now that you are developed, how can anyone flatter you?" Yu Sisi glanced at Lin Fei and said in a cold voice.

From the beginning to the end, Yu Sisi did not give Lin Fei a good look.

He and Lin Hua are young.

The young man's name is Wang Cong.

"Brother Hua, you are modest to say so! How can you be just an ordinary person if you are so successful? " A young man's face changed and he said nervously.

He put both sides in the air, pressed down, and said modestly, "everyone sit down, see me, don't be so polite, I'm just like you, are ordinary people."

At the moment, he held his chest high, with the smile of a successful man on his face.

Hearing these flattering voices, Lin Hua is very helpful.


"When you are free, brother Hua, I'm very grateful for your advice on how to speculate in stocks! You are the God of stocks in my eyes. "

"Brother Hua, you are my idol of Wang Cong."

"Brother Hua, you're amazing. You've made eight million dollars in just ten days by speculating in stocks."

One by one, they stood up from the sofa and flattered Lin Hua.

When they saw Lin Hua leave the private room.

At this time, Shengshi ktv5555 private room, there are more than a dozen people, they are chatting.

And 6666 private rooms and 8888 private rooms are the top private rooms of Shengshi KTV.

Shengshi KTV even rooms are luxury rooms.

Lin Fei is very upset in his heart, but he still follows his cousin Lin Hua and enters the 5555 private room of Shengshi KTV.

He said happily, "well, it's getting late. Let's all go in."

"Ha ha." Lin Hua laughed twice.

Anyway, Yu Sisi has decided that the purpose of Lin Fei's coming to her boyfriend's birthday party tonight is to flatter her boyfriend Lin Hua.

"If you want to flatter, please flatter, and pretend to be noble." Yu Sisi disdained to hum.

"Pay attention to your wording. I don't want to curry favor with my cousin." Lin Fei stares at Yu Si Si Si and says with righteous words.

No matter how many books Lin Fei has read, no matter how high his education background is, he has to look up to him in his life.

Compared with him, Linfei is a scum.

After that, even if Lin Fei graduated from University, how much money could he earn in a month?

Lin Fei went to university, what?

The heart is incomparably happy.

So he was very proud.

I didn't expect that recently, he waited for this opportunity. He finally became a rich man.

He has been waiting for an opportunity to turn over to be rich.

Often think of these words, Lin Hua is very angry.

Lin Fei went to university and got out of the society. He was able to find a good job one hundred percent. The future of Lin Fei is better than that of Lin Hua.

Lin Fei is different.

You haven't graduated from Linhua primary school, so you won't have much success in the future.

His relatives once said to him, "Lin Hua, Lin Hua, look at you, and then look at Lin Fei.".

Moreover, every time on New Year's day, his relatives like to take Lin to attack him.

Before he made money, he couldn't hold his head up in front of his relatives and friends, or in front of women.

The word "fawning" in Yu Sisi's mouth is very popular with Lin Hua.

But, in his eyes, there are millions of them.

Although, recently, Lin Hua, his cousin, has made millions through stock speculation.

He has no need to flatter his cousin Lin Hua!

When did he want to curry favor with his cousin Lin Hua.

Hearing this, Lin Fei was shocked.

Before, he and Lin Hua both lived in Yanghe village.

As a child, Lin Fei went to Yanghe village to play.

He and Lin Hua like to unite and bully Lin Fei.