Although Li Gang is stiff, he is very accurate in judging people. Doctor Qiao is not a vicious and cold person, and I have never been one who was impulsive and unafraid of death.

"I can avenge you!" I tried to make my movements as small as possible so that I wouldn't accidentally hurt myself. I didn't want to die without knowing why.

Dr. Qiao did not say anything. After a moment, she put the scalpel away. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm tired, so get out of here!"

I touched my neck and found that there was indeed blood. I was in so much pain that I frowned slightly. I looked at Doctor Qiao and said, "Don't think that no one will notice what you've done." You pretended to be crazy and wandered around here. Did you really think that no one was watching you? If so, where do you think I got your information? However, you've done your best in the past few years. At the very least, I don't have the slightest suspicion of you from Jin Chen! "

Doctor Qiao's eyes narrowed once more. After a moment, he sneered, "You're called Song Yi?"

I nodded and sat back in my chair.

"I've heard of your name!" Dr. Qiao began again, her voice hoarse and difficult, as if she was recalling a bad past, or as if she were merely accusing me of my first appearance.

"Oh?" I was slightly surprised and raised my eyebrows, indicating that he should continue.

"I heard from Li Gang that when his wife had a difficult time giving birth to a child, you contacted a doctor. His name is Xiu, right?" Dr. Joe spoke again.

I reacted instinctively. "You … you know Xiu?"

If that was the case, then wouldn't that mean that he also knew about Frost? Surprised, I opened my mouth wide. Doctor Qiao didn't look at me. Instead, his eyes drifted away and landed somewhere in the air.

"That name was given to him by Painted Frost because he felt that he looked as delicate as a girl!" "As Doctor Qiao spoke to here, he began to giggle." "How is he so refined? At that time, I was clearly more refined!"

He was laughing so hard that tears seemed to be flowing out of his eyes.

I looked at it and felt sad, a deep sadness that went through my bones. The information I got from Old Ma was about the man's past and his hatred for Jin Chen. I wanted to do something about it, but I didn't expect him to have connections with Xiu and Soo Soo.

If that was really the case, then did both Ah Xiu and Doctor Qiao have something to do with the old man Xiao? Or in other words, the so-called evil deeds of 'robbing a wife' that Old Ma knew of were not only related to his desire for beauty, but also to the rift between Jin Chen and Xiao Jin Dong?

As the mist lifted, I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine, as if you had walked many paths in life and had always thought that you could get rid of the past and unfold a new future, only to find that you had always been struggling in the whirlpool of the past and had never left it.

Not only were my back covered in goosebumps, the incident with Xiao Jin Dong and Yan Shuang, Jin Chen's help, Shen Jianning's omnipotence, and Xiao Manjun's mysterious project, all of these were no longer coincidences.

There seems to be a big hand at his back, controlling everything. And I, what exactly am I?

"At this moment, my mind is in a mess. At this time, Doctor Qiao spoke again." The three of us were the last disciples of our teacher. We were originally of similar interests, but after studying in different fields and having different goals, we started to move further and further away from each other. It's just that our friendship back then still exists and we had never felt any changes to each other's friendship because of the differences in the future. But, Song Yi, you know, sometimes people's hearts are really, really terrifying! "

"What happened that year?" I asked hoarsely.

Doctor Qiao shook his head as if he didn't want to bring it up again. I lowered my eyes to look at him, and after a moment, I asked, "Since you guys took a different path, then we should be related. Moreover, that person is your master. Do you know what he did? "

I mentioned Doctor Qiao's master, the old man who brought me into the Xiao family and caused the internal affairs of the Xiao family to change drastically. I thought that he was only Feng Shui sir.

Doctor Qiao's expression turned even more unsightly. The hand he placed on his thigh was tightly clenched, his veins bulging.

"He went to the Xiao family and brought with him some frost." He had disguised himself as Feng Shui, helping the Xiao family's old patriarch, who had the most wealth, search for the so-called path of longevity. With the blood and life of countless women as the price. You know all this, right? "

Doctor Qiao nodded stiffly. I pointed to my own chest. "You must have heard about me from Dye Frost, right? However, I don't know why your master actually stopped Old Man Xiao from touching me at that time. It was absolutely impossible for it to be from the Great Herb King that said it.

I chuckled. I had never doubted this before and I was even glad for it. But now, I feel that it's so scary.

Doctor Qiao shook his head and raised his head to look at me with a determined gaze. "I heard about you from Ah Xiu, but I don't know what you're talking about." I have no interest in your past. Teacher is already dead. There are many things that need not be investigated! "

There was no point in trying to reason with a man who had already lost his mind. I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down. "I originally wanted you to cooperate with me in dealing with Jin Chen, but now I have a better choice." Since you have an inseparable relationship with Ah Xiu and Soo Soo, you should make good use of them. Both Xiu and Painted Frost are in Jin Chen's hands now. I have no idea if he was the one who invited them. "However, I believe that Doctor Qiao has a way to get in touch with them. Please tell Xiu that I want to see him!"

There are a lot of things I can't do myself. It would be beneficial to have someone who can stand against the same enemy, and I have a premonition that Jin Chen will make a move on the person in Shen Jianning's hands again, and the identity of Doctor Qiao cannot be any less appropriate.

But now, I really want to know what the plans are. I want to see her and ask her about a lot of things, including Xiao Jin Dong's current situation.

I walked quickly to the door, but Dr. Qiao stopped me behind. "Why do you hate Jin Chen?" he asked indifferently. Is there any deep hatred between you and him? "

I looked back at Dr. Joe for a moment, with a kind of suspicion and scrutiny that I thought Dr. Joe knew something, but now he asked me something that made me confused.