Yu Wan's anger returned to anger, and the company had to count on him. If he lay down, he would be even more sorry for himself, and he would simply get up from the bed.

When he went downstairs, as if he didn't see the sad eyes that greeted him at the entrance of the stairs, Rao was no longer thinking about his old feelings, and he became numb after watching too much, so he bypassed the people next to him and went directly to the restaurant.

Zhang Manli grabbed the air with her hand stretched out in midair, and withdrew it embarrassingly, squeezed out a smile and came to the table to serve Yu Wanhai soup.

Yu Weiwei was already sitting at the dining table, her eyes fixed on the soup that her mother brought to her father, her hands sweating nervously.

Yu Wanhai's eyes looked around, but he didn't see a single servant, so he couldn't help being a little annoyed by Zhang Manli's self-indulgence.

"Fairy Wood"

"Don't think that I can change anything by doing this. I will never go back on what I decide." Yu Wanhai blew the soup in the spoon. The taste was different from the usual one, and it was not made by a servant.

Zhang Manli sat quietly by the side, stared at the soup he swallowed continuously, and exchanged glances with her daughter by the way.

The soup was drunk, but the depression in his heart was even worse. Yu Wanhai put down the bowl and shouted to the outside, "Sister Zhang, bring me the half bottle of wine I opened last time."

But he didn't wait for any response. He was about to get up when he suddenly felt dizzy, and the person slid down the chair...

Yu Wanhai woke up leisurely. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was stabbed by the light above his head and closed again. The ground was damp and cold. What happened?

He opened his eyes again and found himself lying in the basement with no strength in his body.

"Come on, is there anyone!"

"Stop screaming." A familiar voice came from above his head.

Yu Wanhai looked up, facing the light, it was Zhang Manli's over-maintained face, who was sitting on a chair and painting her nails leisurely.

"Zhang Manli!" Yu Wanhai almost shouted, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Manli stopped brushing her nails without looking at him and said, "What are you doing? You are not benevolent and I am not righteous."


At this time, Yu Weiwei came over with a piece of paper, with a slightly hurt expression on her face, "Dad, don't blame Mom for being angry, Mom was forced to do this too, look..."

Zhang Manli thought her daughter was speaking too slowly, so she grabbed the piece of paper and threw it in front of Yu Wanhai: "Sign it, you can get a divorce."

Yu Wanhai glanced at it, it turned out to be a power of attorney!

"Zhang Manli! I'm not dead yet—"

If Yu Wanhai was angry before, now he can't wait to cut her into pieces!

Zhang Manli said lightly: "When a person dies, how to make a will is of course explained when he is alive."

At this time, the coolness of the concrete floor was nothing at all, the coolness in Yu Wanhai's heart was a biting heart, and he couldn't stop nodding: "Okay, okay, I, Yu Wanhai, was really blind, and I found you. Such a wolf-hearted thing."

"Who are you talking about!" The nail polish in Zhang Manli's hand slapped Yu Wanhai's face, and the bright red slid down his eyebrows like blood.

"Mom!" Yu Weiwei quickly removed a few pieces of paper to help her father wipe off the nail polish, and persuaded: "Dad, why are we all a family, you have to force Mom to divorce, she is not angry, you listen to her Yes, let her calm down, okay?"

Yu Wanhai felt that the woman was crazy. At this moment, he only asked this daughter to have a conscience: "Weiwei, please help Dad up."

Yu Weiwei just lifted her hand and let Zhang Manli carry it aside: "Yu Wanhai, if you don't sign this today, don't expect me to let you go!"

"Don't you dare to kill someone?" Yu Wanhai expected that Zhang Manli would not have such courage.