The speed was up to 200 mph.

The scenery in the car window receded rapidly, and for the first time in 28 years, Zhan Beiting felt a sense of panic.

In case something happens to that girl...

Zhan Beiting didn't want to think about it any longer.

When Zhan Beiting arrived at the scene of the crime, he found 120 ambulances and police cars. The traffic police had already blocked the surrounding area.

Zhan Beiting got out of the car with an umbrella, passed through the layers of people, and finally came to the scene of the crime.

At this moment, a large white truck collapsed to the ground, the body has been severely squeezed and deformed, and even the rear half of the truck was already on fire, but the flames that had just escaped were doused by the heavy rain, and the ash was bubbling up. cigarette.

A cart full of watermelons rolled to the ground and fell apart.

The comatose lorry driver lay in bed

In a pool of blood, he was dragged out of the destroyed car by a nurse wearing a Fushou Nian waterproof suit.

The place was noisy and chaotic.

Zhan Beiting searched for it, but he couldn't see the girl.

Until he saw a small brown Mori style leather shoes by the side of the highway guardrail.

There is still a piece of blood on the heel of the small leather shoe that was wet and smudged by the rain!

Zhan Beiting trembled, his handsome and sharp facial features stretched tightly!

Something happened to the little girl!

Judging from the shoes, she should have been hit by a van and fell off the highway.

Zhan Beiting was stunned for a few seconds, unable to accept this fact.

A few minutes ago, the little girl was scolding him with her teeth and claws, and now she has a car accident and fell down the hillside a few minutes later.

The umbrella in his hand slowly slipped, and Zhan Beiting seemed to be drained of energy at this moment.

The rain hit him frantically, sliding down his beautiful and deep facial features little by little, and submerged in his clothes, but he didn't care at all.

After a while, he clenched the collar of the traffic policeman's shirt tightly, his eyes sharp and nervous: "There's a little girl falling down here. You quickly send someone to look for it!"

"Young Master, such a high hillside... The person who fell down should be..."

"Find it for me!!"

Zhan Beiting's eyes were as cold as frost, and the aura around him was powerful and terrifying.

A group of people followed the climbing rope and went down a little bit.

Zhan Beiting went down to look for it regardless of his own safety.

If something happened to this little girl, he wouldn't even be able to forgive him without saying sorry to Zhanfu.

"Yu Lili!"

"Yu Lili!"

One after another voice echoed in the valley.

Bunch of strong, blinding lights searched back and forth between the valleys.

And Yu Lili, who rolled in the grass on the slope of the mountain, was in severe pain, and she seemed to have heard someone call her name while she was confused.

She wanted to answer, but she couldn't lift her heavy eyelids.

I do not know how long it has been.

A familiar male voice sounded excitedly in her ear.

"I finally found you, girl."

Then, her body was lifted up into the air, and she was held in a wet but warm and sturdy embrace.

Her body was unconsciously next to the man.

Eventually, he completely lost consciousness.



After the personal doctor checked Yu Lili's wound, he packed up the medicine box.

"How is she?"

"Is the little fairy okay?"

Zhan Beiting and Zhan Nancy spoke at the same time.

Zhan Nanxi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Zhan Beiting with a bit of anger: "If something happens to the little fairy, I will never call you big brother again!"

Zhan Beiting has no time to pay attention to her. Now he only cares about the girl's injury.

"Sister Yu, what's the problem? It's just a high fever, plus some scratches and scratches on the body. I've already had a fever-reducing needle, and the wound has been treated. I believe it won't take long."

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