He belongs only to the outside world of DORO.

Just look at the puppets he controls.

All he cared for was lilier number nine.

And lilier No. 0, whether it's transformative power or her personal ability, accomplishments, etc., is not comparable to this lilier No. 9.

It can't be overstepped. That's the absolute difference between the clouds and the mud.

Duan Yue was so angry that he looked cold. He increased his strength and said, "it seems better to search your soul."

"No, no, no, you can't search my soul." The puppet master's eyes flashed a strong sense of fear.

"Every one of us, every doraean, has been planted with a pill to lock the gods. Once it is forcibly searched, it will lead to self explosion. At that time, not only will it be finished, but also you and the people around you will be shocked and shaken by the powerful blasting. "

When a group of servants heard the words, their faces were frightened, and subconsciously they stepped back a few steps.

Duan yuebo looked at the puppet master in front of him coolly, as if he was assessing whether he said it was true or not.

"What I have said is true. If there is one sentence that deceives your majesty, I will accept the punishment from heaven." Said the man, with a look of sincerity.

"All quit." Said the moon.

Xiaokezi was in a panic. He hurried forward a few steps and hung his head to persuade him, "Your Majesty, don't try to be dangerous."

"Your Majesty, please let me have a try to search the soul and see if what the old boy said is true." Ye walks out of a dark guard behind him and says with a straight face.

Where can break the moon be afraid of this small broken soul body self explosion?

Shaking his head, he ordered all the guards, "all of you quit."

"Your majesty!"

Duan Yue glanced at the crowd with a sharp look.

Although xiaokezi was flustered, he also knew that although his Majesty was young, what he said was always the same type.

Now that he has decided, it shows that no one can shake him.

Everyone looks ugly and looks at each other.

Duan Yue's eyes fell on the puppet master. "If you want to prove that a person's words are not concealed, you'd better check them in person."

The puppet master didn't expect that when he finished his account, the other side was still reluctant to let him go.

What's more, he has already said that once a soul searching pill is planted in his head, it will explode.

However, at present, the young emperor is still reluctant to let go of himself, not willing to leave a way for himself.

The puppet master's eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and he wanted to fight with the broken moon.

But can he?

He was kicked in the hand by Duan Yue, and with a weak chick, he was pinched by his neck. He could not even resist.

Duan Yue put his hand on his head and looked at him coldly. "If you want to blame, it's your Lord. Why do you have to provoke us?"

"Yellow spring hell, don't find the wrong avenger."

"Ah!" The puppet master uttered a terrible hoarse roar.

Then he rushed to the understanding abyss as if he had been torn apart. All the secrets were skimming through the eyes of others.

There was no movement.

The broken moon frowned slightly, and a trace of sarcasm was raised at the corners of its mouth.

In this man's head, as expected, there is no such thing as the lock God pill he said.