"Yes." Xia helmet nodded and said with a heavy look, "I think you should have heard about something outside. Now the whole Fengmu forest is surrounded by the herds gathered by the eagles. "

"In our small fortification, there are about 500 practitioners available. In general, they are all spiritual state practitioners above level 10! "

"The Royal College has more than 200 people to fight." The tree said coldly, "as for the others, if you don't want to die, you should call on them, pick up your own guy and join the team."

"No one will sacrifice his precious life for the sake of others."

"No one has the obligation to protect others for free."

"The price of retreat is to back up, to die! Let them all think about it. "

The cold voice of the trees fell in the ears of all the members of the team around them. It felt like a murmur of ice water slowly passing through the heart, and there was a cool chill in the bones.

"Captain Xia! Our team is willing to obey the deployment. "

"Captain Xia, we will, too."

Xia helmet nodded quickly to the leaders of several mercenary teams around him.

Prince Mo smiled lightly. "Xia helmet, take out all the weapons that can be used in the fortification and assign them to the fighters."


"I'll give you a quarter of an hour to count the number of fighters."


"Look, what seems to be flying in the sky?" Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked up quickly.

I saw only a wind in white clothes, like the figure of chasing the stars and the moon, whizzing, falling into a small defense fortification at a very fast speed.

The originally crowded fortifications were full of people. Some of the wounded were moved to the corner. There was no place to stand.

"Saint!" The two old worshippers, who sang well, rushed forward with tears in their eyes, looking guilty, as if they could not thank the tree for their death.

Arbor: who is your saint?

An old man in green with long hair and a fairytale style quickly floated to the tree, stepped forward excitedly, and said, "Feng Heping has seen the saint."

One of the worshippers said excitedly, "saint, this is the chief elder of our family."

They all looked at the strange things and looked at a group of Phoenix people who suddenly appeared.

His eyes fell on the tree again.

The latter looks expressionless, especially in front of a group of passionate Phoenix people Funny.

It's just like shaving a burden and a hot one. The hot faces in that compartment are the cold faces on the small faces.

"Saint daughter, this place is surrounded by animals. How about we go back to the Hui nationality?"

All eyes could not help but shine.

Clan land?

These suddenly appeared cultivators look like they have achieved great accomplishments. Is their clan land nearby?

Does that mean that everyone here is saved?

"I think you are mistaken. I am not your saint." The tree said without expression, "besides, you also say that when the herds are approaching, we can't wait to die."

Hearing the sound, Huang Qishan hurriedly squeezed over, rubbed his hands and said flatteringly, "well, Prince and concubine, you can ask your people to take us to the place of the people together, and first avoid taking refuge."